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The scent of unending travel and of cool dry nights spent under the stars...the denizens of the Carnival make their way through small towns and bustling cities alike in their colorful wagons, and upon a late hour some may spy their passing, provoking curiosity and excitement, as the ones who create the wonders sleep beneath the wide night sky and entertain adventurous dreams. An airy earthy unisex scent...dried grass and sage, dusty earth accord with ozone and the tang of ripening wild blackberries.


SAGE ~ Healing, prosperity, cleansing. Wisdom, longevity, protection, wishes granted.
DRIED GRASSES ~ Wishes granted, enhances psychic powers, protection.
BLACKBERRY ~ Healing, money attraction, protection. Considered holy by some, and a food of the Fae.
AIR/OZONE ACCORD ~ Thought, communication, ideas, awareness.
DRY EARTH ~ Grounding, centering, protection, renewal, reincarnation, life.


Created by: Mara Fox

Description: Julie (luna65)

Label art: Jennifer King

Carnival Collection, September 2016


Review Thread


Passing through these gates you will find much
to amaze and amuse.
As the sun goes down our lights come up
the music plays -
the song of thrills and chills and titillating mysteries to reveal.

We have games! And fun! And food! And unusual sights to behold!
Take a chance, dare to dream
discover your heart’s desire
or a momentary distraction from the mundane humdrum.
Whatever the reason - do come, please come
all you good people far and wide
enter and experience our unique revelry.
Let us take you away from your cares and woes
and add a little magic to your life.

For we promise such wonderment and delight
so then upon this Autumn night
of full moon and fallen leaves and shadows stretching tall...
Come one, come all!
Come to our Carnival!


A tradition much beloved by us here at LPMP is the Fall Carnival: a final farewell to the carefree joys of Summer - as the light begins to wane earlier each day and the weather turns brisk - it’s one last time for frolic and fun. Our 2016 Carnival Collection pays tribute to the sights, sounds, and smells of an old-fashioned traveling carnival...its’ colorful characters and delicious treats, all the unique delights one can only experience amidst the excitement on a September eve, with a chill in the air and the haunting music of a distant calliope...

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