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Archive: Chakra: Root


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The Root Chakra grounds us in the material world, reminding us to center ourselves in the primary force of our existence, with courage and honesty towards our fellow human beings. This Chakra Oil is a passionate fiery Red vibration, lending us energy for the enjoyment of life and appreciation of all we experience.


Thick aged patchouli and spicy ginger EO over a base of soft non-foody vanilla.


Created by: Mara Fox

Description: Julie (luna65)

Label art: Jennifer King

Chakras Collection, December 2016


Each year the wheel turns once more and we begin the quest anew for a better life, for bringing our own unique talents and energies into harmony within and without. To assist you in the fulfillment of a positive New Year we offer this set of Chakra Oils, each one crafted with ingredients that vibrate with the frequency of the seven energy nodes of the body. Imbalances or blockages of the Chakras are thought to cause physical and emotional ills, while balanced Chakras are thought to allow the free flow of energy throughout the body. Wearing colors and scents of the proper vibrational hue are believed to open and balance and create a state where health and harmony thrive.


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