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Lux fiat!


Clear out the cobwebs and let the sunshine in! A great method for accessing flashes of genius can often be as easy as enjoying the invigorating and lovely scents of those simple pleasures which always grant happiness...beautifully uplifting and inspirational, we’ve gathered various types of refreshing white tea delicately infused with honey and lemon, mingling with a lush bouquet of honeysuckle, mimosa and hibiscus - all flowers which promote mindful attributes. We’ve enhanced the creative power of this light and bright fragrance with our MEGA WATT blend, an experimental pheromone formula for lending energy to the wearer. Users find this blend helpful with focus and determination, assisting in the completion of tasks.


TEA ~ Invigorating, refreshing, mentally and physically uplifting, lust. Riches, courage, strength.
HONEYSUCKLE ~ Bonds of love, generosity; attracts money, prosperity, clairvoyance, healing, creativity, protection.
HIBISCUS ~ Induces lust/lustful cravings, enhances beauty, attracts love, divination.
MIMOSA ~ Secret love, sensibility, demureness, humility, healing.
CAMELLIA ~ Wealth, riches, prosperity.
HONEY ~ Enticing, seductive; use to bewitch a straying or hesitant lover. Happiness, fulfillment.


Created by: Mara Fox

Description: Julie (luna65)

Label art: Jennifer, Mara & John

Pherotine collection, February 2017


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