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Archive: Time Travel: 1400


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The Middle Ages were a dark time in human history, as the spread of the Black Plague decimated Europe and Eurasia quite thoroughly by the 1400s. The development of a sort of proto “hazmat” type of outfit included the iconic beaked mask forever associated with the grim legacy of the Plague Doctors, and besides potentially providing protection from person-to-person spread of the disease, the mask allowed the men to store a pomander of herbs within the beak, supposedly as protection from the miasma or "bad air". Smelling this fragrance was likely the best part of such a horrifying job!


A spicy rose scent with a festive holiday flair! Based upon historical recipes for relieving the effects of ill atmospheres - rose petals and bayberry blended with herbal accents of juniper, rosemary EO and pine with a touch of mint. An unexpectedly jolly scent for something of such dire origins! 


ROSE ~ Self-confidence, strong aphrodisiac properties, attracts affection & love, fertility, divination/clairvoyance.
BAYBERRY ~ Brings money to the pockets and blessings to the home. Protection, control.
JUNIPER ~ Emotionally calming, physically energizing. Attracts lovers, deflects thieves. Cleansing, purifying, love charms, exorcism, health.
ROSEMARY ~ Intellectual stimulation, purification, love, sensuality, wards against dark forces, invigorating.
PINE ~ Fertility, purification, strength, rejuvenation, calming and soothing, healing, protection, money, long life.
PEPPERMINT ~ Stimulates, restores and uplifts. Cleansing, purification, relaxation, sleep, healing, psychic amplifier.


Created by: Mara Fox

Description: Julie (luna65)

Label art: Mara & Jennifer

Winter Collection 2017-2018



Humans experience life, love and time for a limited span and every experience is precious. Each year offers us the chance to renew our spirit and resolve to make the best of every moment. This Winter, LPMP invites you upon an olfactory journey throughout history, because you don’t need the devices of science fiction to time-travel...all you need is perfume. Scent is the most evocative of all the senses and the fragrances in this collection are truly Time in a bottle, one whiff of each of our temporal-themed scents will place you in the exact moment we have created so that you may experience the magic of when imagination meets artistry.


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