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Archive: Spell 2015: Hex Deflection


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I am a mirror that deflects from me, and reflects back to the sender, that which I would return to them.


What is that old saying about rubber and glue...? No matter what the nastiness, you can banish it from your aura and return to sender! With a bounty of benefits - hex-breaker, protection, negativity deflector, luck and money attractant - this unisex potion is perfect for the workplace...and for any other travails which life never fails to provide.


Whatever storms one weathers, we can provide you that star to steer by, a way to deflect the negativity and emerge successful and serene, with a blend of positive ingredients embodying a freshly-showered clean green scent: clover, elderberry, sweetgrass, juniper and bergamot with woody and resinous underpinnings of birch, pine, and cedar, frankincense and dragon’s blood plus a dash of clove.


CLOVER ~ Protection, preservation of youth, fidelity. Healing, soothing, luck.
BIRCH ~ Symbolizes renewal and cleansing, birth, healing, Lunar energies, and protection.
PINE ~ Purification, strength, rejuvenation, calming and soothing, healing, protection, money, long life.
ELDERBERRY ~ A lure for the Fae. Long considered a highly potent magical plant. Healing, induces visions and dreams, creativity, twigs used as a charm against illness.
JUNIPER ~ Emotionally calming, physically energizing. Attracts lovers, deflects thieves. Cleansing, purifying, love charms, exorcism, health.
SWEETGRASS ~ Attracts positive energy and good spirits. Excellent for popularity uses, as it draws people toward the scent.
BERGAMOT ~ Relaxant, confidence builder. Uplifts emotions, protection, attracts riches. Mental alertness, energizing.
CEDAR ~ Confidence inducing, balancing, grounding, energizing, money, healing, protection, purification.
FRANKINCENSE ~ Purification, consecration, protection, exorcism. Associated with silver and the moon.
CLOVE ~ Money attracting, deflects negative and hostile energies


Created by: Mara Fox

Description: Julie (luna65)

Label art: Elizabeth Frazier

Spell Collection 2015


The motto of LPMP is "Add a little MAGIC to your life!" and we sincerely endeavor to do just that by offering a wide variety of fragrances which enhance the wearer by means of scent and intent. With our Spell Collection 2015 we have created an arsenal of beautiful-smelling metaphysical tools for all the ways in which our credo can be enacted. This year we go one step further by providing our beloved customers both a spell IN the bottle, and ON the bottle as well! Each label features a magickal Sigil created by the fabulous Elizabeth Frazier, a wonderfully-talented artist and musician as well as a long-time LPMP customer and forum member. Everything you need for enacting the power of these potions has been provided for your use: charge the potion with the incantation from the description, anoint yourself or any totems with the potion oil, and focus upon the Sigil on the label as you summon your Will. So please enjoy the Spell Collection as fragrances, and utilize them in ritual work with a pure heart and a focused mind…because the true magic is, ever and always, in YOU!


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