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Archive: Spell 2013: BFF Friendship Potion


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Friendship is the perfect blendship!


A pretty pink-y sweet potion to encourage and attract the bonds of deep trust and affection one can only experience with a true bestie, we've blended juicy strawberry and lilikoi with rich vanilla cream and a sheer whisper of sweet pea on a soft bed of musk.


STRAWBERRY ~ Attraction, friendship, draws fortunate circumstances in all areas of your life.
SWEET PEA ~ Friendship, pleasure, blissfulness, youthful attraction, courage, strength.
LILIKOI ~ Friendship, love, passion.
VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness.
CREAM ~ Nurturing, soothing, eases troubled relationships. Goddess energy.
MUSK ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.


Created by: Mara Fox

Description: Julie (luna65)

Label art: Shivonne featuring Zoey

Spell Collection 2013


About the Familiar:

That's my Zoey girl, the unwilling Christmas elf on the BFF potion, moments before she made a leap to safety. This picture is the very definition of our relationship, I think, and so perfect for this potion! We get along great because we are both so dang hard headed. I'll never forget the week long standoff we had over the placement of her toy basket. I moved it to a new location when I got my dining room sideboard, and for a week after, every time I left the room for an extended period of time, I'd come to find that she'd dragged it all the way across the room to its original location. 


The motto of LPMP is "Add a little MAGIC to your life!" and we sincerely endeavor to do just that by offering a wide variety of fragrances which enhance the wearer by means of scent and intent. With our Spell Collection 2013 we have created an arsenal of beautiful-smelling metaphysical tools for all the ways in which our credo can be enacted. And we pay tribute to that most essential of magickal components - the familiar – by featuring the beloved animal companions of some of our customers/friends/forum members depicted on the labels for this set of scents. So please enjoy the Spell Collection as fragrances, and utilize them in ritual work with a pure heart and a focused mind…because the true magic is, ever and always, in YOU!


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