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Archive: Spell 2013: Lucky Dog


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Dogs possess an unerring ability to be happy, right? You've seen them: joyfully chasing down a toy in a rousing game of fetch, running full-tilt across a wide expanse of lawn in hot pursuit, relaxing in the sun, gnawing blissfully on a bone, scarfing down their favorite chewy treats. In Chinese mythology the dog is portrayed as a playful creature, placing second in the Great Race because it stopped along the way to have fun. Possessing such a lighthearted attitude can be interpreted as lucky, and our potion – purposed for drawing luck, good fortune and happiness your way – embodies the spirit of a very lucky dog indeed. This optimistic fresh fragrance combines a fruity core of pomegranate, pear and fig with a grass-y crown of catnip, clover and straw accord atop a protective base of aloe, rosewood and redwood, finishing with a spicy snap of ginger.


POMEGRANATE ~ Divination, luck, wishes granted, wealth, fertility.
PEAR ~ Love, lust, passion, longevity and luck.
FIG ~ Wisdom, fertility, love, luck, protection, divination.
CATNIP ~ Love, beauty, happiness, affinity with animals, shape shifting.
CLOVER ~ Protection, preservation of youth, fidelity. Healing, soothing, luck.
STRAW ~ Luck, image magic.
GINGER ~ Intensifies love and success spells. Love, money, success, power
ALOE ~ Protection, luck, healing, success.
ROSEWOOD ~ Love, psychic powers, healing, divination, luck, protection.
REDWOOD ~ Protection, love, success, power.


Created by: Mara Fox

Description: Julie (luna65)

Label art: Dolly featuring Miss Midget

Spell Collection 2013


The motto of LPMP is "Add a little MAGIC to your life!" and we sincerely endeavor to do just that by offering a wide variety of fragrances which enhance the wearer by means of scent and intent. With our Spell Collection 2013 we have created an arsenal of beautiful-smelling metaphysical tools for all the ways in which our credo can be enacted. And we pay tribute to that most essential of magickal components - the familiar – by featuring the beloved animal companions of some of our customers/friends/forum members depicted on the labels for this set of scents. So please enjoy the Spell Collection as fragrances, and utilize them in ritual work with a pure heart and a focused mind…because the true magic is, ever and always, in YOU!


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