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Experimenting with a new formulation today....

Potion Master

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One of my shop kids is moving in with her boyfriend, so two households are combining into one, each with their own adult cat. The fireworks began last night, and they asked if I had anything to help, and of course I think that I do just with simply mixing Teddy BB and couple drops of cops. But then I got to thinking about how I would do it from scratch, because in my experience, the commercial pet phero blends really do not work very well. So I was thinking of something that might make all of them get along comfortably...be it people with 4 legs or 2.


How does this sound to you?

Androstadienone (alpha male at peace)

Estratetraenol (nesty-ness and nurturing)

Beta Nol (bonding, familiarity and trust)

Epi-Rone (queen bee / gentle feminine alpha-ness)

Cops (animals perceive the smell as "honesty", imo)


This is the order of concentration as well. So if you are a budding phero scientist and want to weigh in on percentages, please do. I think I will have them try it this way first, and then see if adding a little DHEAS helps for camaraderie, and maybe a drop of Beta TH-Doc as well, if things need calming further.


In what other situations might a blend like this be useful? I think without the cops, it could be good for leveling the playing field  and dynamics of any new housemate or workmate situation. ?? What do you think?

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Also, was planning on adding the scent of warm vanilla milk to this, because so many EOs are highly poisonous to pets, and also because mother's milk is said to be vaguely vanilla-like and is a soothing smell to just about every living creature.

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My cats like cops and they seem to also like lavender. Other than that, I have no clue. I have had good luck with the Quiet Moments multi cat spray, though.

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I could see this as good for dealing with people who are feeling a bit unsure/insecure and may find you intimidating normally (or might react badly to other pheros because of their insecurity). It's very calming and bonding-heavy, but still alpha in a quiet way. 

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I really think you're on to something there!  My cats LOVE androstedienone, Est, and copulins.  They're also fans of beta androstenol and beta-THDOC.  In other words, my cats are big fans of Love God.  Anytime I'm wearing Phero B2.2 especially, they all get beyond snuggly with me.  More than any other blend, actually.

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37 minutes ago, halo0073 said:

Just from my personal experience testing those molecules singly and in combination I think the first list is a great starting place but I think the DHEAS May muddle things and take it in a different direction. I’d likely start with the A1, bnol and cops and go from there. Very very light on the epi. Oh and the est as well.


I would agree with you.

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I was thinking about it and yeah, I think keeping it simple and just going with a healthy dose of A1 with beta androstenol, copulins and maybe a splash of EST as a jumping off point would be a great way to start.


I like DHEAS but I also think it might pull this away from the calming vibe and in a different direction. 

Edited by Snoopyace
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Thanks for the great input, you guys!


Interesting to hear about B2.2 with the kitties, Snoops, my experience is similar.


Halo, I went very light on the epi as that's how it works best, and a tad more of Est, but the main ingredient is still A-1. Beta Nol packs a punch so should behave like it's actually equal to or more than the Est in the blend.


Thanks for the encouragement, Hedgehog, I may just wear this to our First Friday party myself tomorrow and see how it behaves with my chemistry.


@Eastwood22, Lavender is highly toxic to cats and causes liver failure. I just looked up on PetMD though, that you can give your cat dried Valerian and it works similar to catnip only it conks them out afterwards.


The pheros used in pet products are nursing mama cat or mama pooch pheros apparently, so at least my reasoning ended up being pretty right on using the more parental human pheros. We'll see how it goes. Will report back!

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Can't wait to hear how it works for you @Potion Master.


Ooh, I was not aware that Valerian worked that way on cats.  Might have to try that for our Tiny cat so that the old guys can get some rest.  She wears them out running them all over the house.

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56 minutes ago, Potion Master said:

Lavender is highly toxic to cats and causes liver failure. I just looked up on PetMD though, that you can give your cat dried Valerian and it works similar to catnip only it conks them out afterwards.

They just seem to be more snuggly when I have on snuggly blends, and so many of mine have lavender. I've never put any oils on my pets or even on their bedding after a dog had a violent allergic reaction to a blend that was supposed to repel fleas. 

I once had adopted a (previously raised) vegan 6 toed cat that had a lot of dietary confusion and digestion issues. It once stole a one oz bag of loose valerian root, spread it all over the kitchen, and licked every single little bit of it. It was one of the worst smells I'd woken up to at that time in my life.

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lol, yes the stinky feet smell! I gag every time I've tried to take a capsuled one myself and eventually gave up. I do have the loose herbs too though, will see if my kitties go for it. Loki certainly could use it.


Vegan raised cats, omg. WTF is with people!?


I think I will try to make an air aquarium - to see if fish actually need water. :rolleyes:

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6 hours ago, Potion Master said:

lol, yes the stinky feet smell! I gag every time I've tried to take a capsuled one myself and eventually gave up. I do have the loose herbs too though, will see if my kitties go for it. Loki certainly could use it.


Vegan raised cats, omg. WTF is with people!?


I think I will try to make an air aquarium - to see if fish actually need water. :rolleyes:


Ahaha! 🤣

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I tried it out last night on my own kitties, and Seven was definitely mad for it. She was glued to me all night long and doesn't usually sleep on me like that.


However, just my own gut reaction, I feel like it's not quite balanced properly yet. I feel like it needs some DHEAS to round it out. Will add a few drops and try again.

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20 hours ago, Potion Master said:

Vegan raised cats, omg. WTF is with people!?


I think I will try to make an air aquarium - to see if fish actually need water. :rolleyes:

Well, clearly something was wrong with me. I was living with a guy who went out and got me a grown "replacement cat" two days after my cat was killed. Because they were both cats.


This poor cat was so confused. I would give it real cat food but it would steal all the tomatoes and avocados out of the kitchen and eat them under the bed, and always had awful diarrhea. 


I have a friend who's an ichthyologist, that means she's a fish scientist. I once attended a panel with her where some of her peers were discussing a dam that was interfering with spawning salmon, even though there are laws protecting CA salmon and some species are considered endangered. The dams and water use in Sacramento and the Central Valley have created a situation where they work around salmon protection laws by trucking them from one place to another. This creates problems, obviously, including that these hitchhiking fish never imprint on what should be their hometown rivers. It's kind of a mess. I remember the most incredibly handsome fish scientist I've ever seen laugh as he said "I cannot believe that we live in a world where it's being debated, whether or not fish really need water." I spent most of the night fantasizing about winning the lottery and using my winnings to dispose of a dam or two.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/6/2019 at 2:35 PM, Potion Master said:

I tried it out last night on my own kitties, and Seven was definitely mad for it. She was glued to me all night long and doesn't usually sleep on me like that.


However, just my own gut reaction, I feel like it's not quite balanced properly yet. I feel like it needs some DHEAS to round it out. Will add a few drops and try again.


So how goes the testing? :Emoticons10311:

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Just now, Snoopyace said:


So how goes the testing? :Emoticons10311:


OMG, I forgot to report back! Thanks for reminding me, Snoops!

It went extremely well!!! The couple I gave it to sprayed it on the cat bedding and lightly around on carpets and in the air and they said the hissing and fighting just abruptly STOPPED and they are getting along fine now! They said it worked like MAGIC! :lol: This is with the first formula, I have not fiddled with it yet.

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5 minutes ago, Potion Master said:


OMG, I forgot to report back! Thanks for reminding me, Snoops!

It went extremely well!!! The couple I gave it to sprayed it on the cat bedding and lightly around on carpets and in the air and they said the hissing and fighting just abruptly STOPPED and they are getting along fine now! They said it worked like MAGIC! :lol: This is with the first formula, I have not fiddled with it yet.


That's GREAT!!  Sounds pretty awesome for a first attempt.  Do you feel that it really 'needs' tweaking?

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47 minutes ago, Potion Master said:

I will have to try it a few more times myself to know. I will try it on Loki tonight, he has seasonal anxiety, lol, when it starts to get darker earlier he gets very upset. Poor little chicken.


Awww...  poor thing.  My Samuel gets separation anxiety.  Even with the kitten around to distract him.

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  • 5 months later...

This is a fantastic thread to showcase the creative process from inspiration to public release. Here we are now in May 2020 and we are all getting to benefit. And at the time the inspiration first took hold, we did not have a pandemic and could not have foreseen that many of us would be locked up with our pets, or with each other.  Mara can be heard talking more about this on the LPMP Facebook entry for "Ryan's Ramblings" related to the New Releases. 

I will be following the "Savage Beast" release and experiences by the LPMP community with much excitement !!


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