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Omg.  Ladies, I need help!  Meeting a guy for drinks.  This is all about making him want me desperately.  Totally safe situation, so no worries there.  I don’t know him at all and am worried about my Cuddle Bunny  standby if he’s not an EST dude.  

Blatant invitation?  Sexology?  Sexpionage?  Something else?


Any suggestions are appreciated!!!

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Since you don't know what he likes, I'd wear something that makes you feel confident and sexy. If you feel sexy, you'll be sexy, period. 


I personally wouldn't wear Sexpionage to a first date, but I don't know how it works with your chemistry or what you're looking for.  Also, if you're looking for more than just physical attraction from him, don't overlook the socials (i.e. OW) or sexy-socials (like Cougar, LFM) layered with an OCCO for added oomph.   If he feels good when he's with you and you really connect, he'll remember that. That combined with the effects from the OCCO may leave a deeper impression than the super sexual blends.

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This has become my date mix - and it’s crazy insane how well it works.  Every dude I’ve met has been totally enthralled with me and craving more of my attention:


Gossamer Threads w/Cuddle Bunny: lollipop that is smooshed on inner forearms + little dab on back of hands..


Compromising Positions w/Blatant Invitation:  TINY dab in throat hollow.


Unscented Cougar: Dabs on back of hands, down center of neck (oil rollerball) and a squirt in hair and on front of clothes (spray).


I’ve been layering with Virgin Unisexy or Caramel Musk.

Edited by HipGrrrl
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So you wear all of that together?  Cuddle Bunny, CP (which I think is loaded with sexpionage), and BI, with an addition of unscented Cougar?


If so, you are probably canceling out the effects of some of the blends.  This consists of a crap-ton of pheros all added together.  He is probably not getting a clear signature off of you.....just sayin'!

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Well, maybe...but Ail suggested wearing cougar and cuddle bunny together...I do it quite often and they seem to sync well together.  The Compromising Positions has Blatant Invitation - no Sexpionage.  And it’s a tiny addition to my mix.  

If there’s any cancelling going on, one would never know.  They cannot get enough, lol.



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