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New Releases - Spell Collection 2020!

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Oh, those descriptions!  Gonna have to try and get a full set of trials at the very least!  Those look extra amazing this month!


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Damn. I've never purchased a whole bottle set before, but I kinda want to with these! Not a bad sounding description amongst them. Normally there's at least one or two that sound iffy to me. 


Maybe my man will want to get them for me as a holiday gift?! I just tried to engage his attention with a "do you want to see the labels?" but he just laughed and said no. He's watching football and never wants to hear scent descriptions, so my timing on "hint dropping" is just plain wrong. 

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On 12/9/2019 at 10:38 AM, luna65 said:

LOL, just abandon subtlety and say "This is what I want!"  :cat696:

Right?! But I also hinted that I need a new snowboard and bindings (like for reals, mine prob has 150 days on it and it's from 1999) and a fancy face roller and god only knows what else he's bought me. BF is really clever with gifts. He also encourages my crazy, like I love headlamps, and he found me a beanie with the lights built in! He just got a new CC and I'm afraid of what's happening behind the scenes. I know he's already put several AirBnB ski in/ski out weekends at Kirkwood on it, and a tv for my daughter because of Disney+. Whatever he buys now means he's working more to pay it off later, so less time for me. And that's what matters most, him fawning over me with his attention. Plus, I cannot think of a FN thing to get for him and that's so embarrassing. He's a pretty basic guy in that there isn't much he wants. Shit.... 

I know what he wants.... he wants a housekeeper! Ugh. 

Thanks, @luna65, for inadvertently walking me through that. I don't want a housekeeper. I will get him a few month's worth. 

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Love the store pics!


And I bought the FB set of these with ZERO REGRETS (which I knew would be the case but I'm trying to make a point 😂). THEY ARE STUNNING and that's an understatement. I know we all have found and fell in love with LPMP for so many different reasons. My main reason for loving LPMP is the magic and the potions and the intentions behind the potions and the integrity in which they are all carefully crafted. There is so much light and love and magic. I love the spell collections! This one is incredible. I'm wearing The Moon, which immediately spoke to me. The Snake also caught my attention but probably because the Snake is one of my main spirit guides so obviously I needed that one too. Also, I love the additional stones and herbs for more magic. 


If you have made it this far and are on the fence about buying the full set, just do it! 

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2 hours ago, tink333 said:

If you have made it this far and are on the fence about buying the full set, just do it! 

So, I  read your post and decided to do just that - buy the FB set. I had the set sitting in my cart for about a week or when they came out and kept going back and forth about whether or not I should get them. I kept reading the descriptions of each one and couldn't find one that I didn't need. Besides the OCCOs, this is the first full set that I've purchased. I am looking forward to receiving and using them for both scent and intent. ❤

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27 minutes ago, Kayla said:

So, I  read your post and decided to do just that - buy the FB set. I had the set sitting in my cart for about a week or when they came out and kept going back and forth about whether or not I should get them. I kept reading the descriptions of each one and couldn't find one that I didn't need. Besides the OCCOs, this is the first full set that I've purchased. I am looking forward to receiving and using them for both scent and intent. ❤


Seriously, I learned this from the last Spell Collection, because there wasn't one in that collection that I didn't want, but I ended up buying the FB's one by one. Same with these. They are incredible! 

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30 minutes ago, tink333 said:


Seriously, I learned this from the last Spell Collection, because there wasn't one in that collection that I didn't want, but I ended up buying the FB's one by one. Same with these. They are incredible! 

I ended up doing the same thing with the exception of one or two that had ingredients I couldn't wear.  These are really intriguing, and I love the stones and herbs too. :)

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I've been reading the reviews of this months scents and I cannot wait to get our trial vials!  I'm really looking forward to sniffing the Rooster. 🐓

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Forgive me if this has been answered elsewhere. Does the inclusion of organic material, such as the juniper berries, flax seeds, or ginger root affect the shelf life of the perfume? I guess I'm worried about them degrading and breaking down over time. I mean, I know it's been said that it is best to use the perfumes within a few years to guarantee they're at their best, but some of the ones I have have aged beautifully. I was wondering if I needed to be sure to use these extra fast. Does the oil preserve the organic material? What happens when a bottle is mostly used and the inclusion is more exposed to air? Sorry for all the questions, I am just completely lacking in knowledge in this area and don't want to carelessly ruin a bottle. (Though with my Thanksgiving sale purchase, I'll probably have to wait until the new year before I can even think about this collection. 😪 )

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@greenappletart Dried plant materials don't affect the shelf life of oils. I have ritual oils (not LP) in fractionated coconut oil base with dried plant materials in them from 2014 that are still good. I'm sure DPG holds up much better. 

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I purposely did not use herbs or leaves of any kind in the bottles because I didn't want easily degraded materials in the bottles. I used heartier roots and seeds and stones. The stones were soaked in alcohol prior to inclusion. I expect these to have a good long shelf life. 

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On 12/19/2019 at 9:05 PM, Beccah said:

@greenappletart Dried plant materials don't affect the shelf life of oils. I have ritual oils (not LP) in fractionated coconut oil base with dried plant materials in them from 2014 that are still good. I'm sure DPG holds up much better. 


22 hours ago, hedgehog said:

Also I’m pretty sure propylene glycol is antibacterial, so I wouldn’t be surprised if DPG was as well!


5 hours ago, Potion Master said:

I purposely did not use herbs or leaves of any kind in the bottles because I didn't want easily degraded materials in the bottles. I used heartier roots and seeds and stones. The stones were soaked in alcohol prior to inclusion. I expect these to have a good long shelf life. 


Thank you all for the answers! Much appreciated.

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OMG...  I got my parcel today just in time for Christmas and it included the trial vials of the spell set for the month.  One of those scents must have leaked slightly because the wrapped up trial vials smelled AMAZING.  I cannot wait to give them to my bride!  Since we celebrate Christmas on Christmas eve (and spend Christmas day lying around being lazy) She will get them tomorrow.  

On a side note, I also got a second trial vial of The Rooster.  Oh baby!  Smells AMAZING.  Somehow it smells both clean AND dirty at the same time.  I put on a swipe and my bride was walking around the room saying that something smelled like soap!  I would have never in a million years made that connection but it might have been The Rooster that I was wearing.

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Loving, Loving,Loving  2020 Spell Collection!!!!!!  I was waiting for a Chrstmas present  invoice  - I didn't it in my inbox - so I called the Store to ask and he just happened to mention the spell collection just came out a few hours before i called so I needed a new invoice - But-  Funny thing was the invoice WAS in my inbox the whole time - 

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1 hour ago, raydee8_love said:

Funny thing was the invoice WAS in my inbox the whole time - 

I've done his many times, patiently waiting for an invoice to appear in my email, when there's been one in my PayPal all along. 

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5 hours ago, raydee8_love said:

did you buy extra???

Um, not sure what you mean. I do have a tendency to buy "extra" of everything, though.

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18 hours ago, Eastwood22 said:

Um, not sure what you mean. I do have a tendency to buy "extra" of everything, though.

well when it wasn't there i called the store - something i normally wouldn't do and when he mentioned the new release had been posted well........... i got some extra stuff and ...... well...... it's LPMP

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2 hours ago, halo0073 said:

Full bottle sets are going fast you guys!


AH!  Gotta hurry up!  Who wants a reading!  I need a full bottle of The Rooster!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Still Loving LOVING my 2020 Cimaruta collection- However this.....


One day I thought the Cosmos took it away from me, I had gone out to meet a girlfriend for dinner - my idea since I had not seen her in over a year - wore some Mercury and some TMI - we had a serious heart to heart - then the next my little pouch was MIA - I was horrifiied !!! - I went on an search & rescue expedition - no luck- i was just so sad.

Days went by and i tried to understand what the cosmos wanted me to know, was i not giving of myself enough???  well NO not that !!! Did i act carelessly?? maybe, was i a bad girl - NO COMMENT! - 

Resolving to be a better self for 2020, my little pouch reappeared .......in a LPMP box next to my bed. 


Plus right now I need extra help on the evil eye thing - wow got daggers at my back!!

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6 hours ago, raydee8_love said:

Still Loving LOVING my 2020 Cimaruta collection- However this.....


One day I thought the Cosmos took it away from me, I had gone out to meet a girlfriend for dinner - my idea since I had not seen her in over a year - wore some Mercury and some TMI - we had a serious heart to heart - then the next my little pouch was MIA - I was horrifiied !!! - I went on an search & rescue expedition - no luck- i was just so sad.

Days went by and i tried to understand what the cosmos wanted me to know, was i not giving of myself enough???  well NO not that !!! Did i act carelessly?? maybe, was i a bad girl - NO COMMENT! - 

Resolving to be a better self for 2020, my little pouch reappeared .......in a LPMP box next to my bed. 


Plus right now I need extra help on the evil eye thing - wow got daggers at my back!!


Oh wow!  That's crazy that it disappeared but hey, at least you found it where it belonged!  Sounds like you've got someone in Spirit messing around.  The Dagger seems to work REALLY well for protection, hopefully it works for you as well!

I've been really loving The Sun, The Moon and The Rooster scents personally.

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2 hours ago, Snoopyace said:

ounds like you've got someone in Spirit messing around. 

yes - has been happening for decades !!!  the spookiest of all was when we were cleaning out my mom's house for sale. One night a never before seen picture showed up outside on the back porch, on top of a plie - I of other papers  I thought my sister found it ... but she had no idea of where it came from. The picture was of My father's Mother, her 2 sisters and their mother - they were all young college /high school age my great grandmother did look old but it was more likely the style 

my mother often said things moved - none of us believed her - I thought she was just unorganized .......

Now I know better .... way way way better

I think there is more than one person I think I have about 5 

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16 minutes ago, raydee8_love said:

Now I know better .... way way way better

I think there is more than one person I think I have about 5 

One is company, five is a crowd! 

Edited by Snoopyace
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1 minute ago, raydee8_love said:

i once got 3 dimes at thansgiving 

Very cool!

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9 minutes ago, Snoopyace said:

Very cool!

 no one was in te house when it happened - same thing with the coin on the freshly washed counter that was sppoky but kool, the nickel on the staircase ..... somany and outside all the time

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14 minutes ago, halo0073 said:

I find coins constantly. Is this a thing? Like I will walk through the hall and there will be a coin outside the bathroom. And I’m home alone and it wasn’t there the 8 times I’ve walked through that spot that day. I am always like where did that come from and then blame myself for not noticing obvious things. I can be hyper observant and then  also have days just on auto pilot floating along so I always BlAme myself 


Yup.  It's a thing. :it-s-a-beautiful-thing:

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@halo0073 I was constantly finding coins as a kid, my grandmother called it "lucky money," she kept it for me and I had two full Crown Royal velvet bag's worth. 

I read a study about how people who consider themselves lucky to begin with are more likely to notice and find money on the street. I've found all kinds of paper money, too. I was once walking back to a parking garage and remembered that they only accepted cash and thought "I need to find five dollars." I looked down, and there was a folded up $5 bill. When I unfolded it, there was also a $20 and a $50! It was a nice reminder to not think small when asking the universe for a favor. 

I have taught my kids never to walk past coins on the ground, that they shouldn't ever tell the universe "thanks, but no thanks" when it comes to little gifts, EXCEPT for tails-up pennies. I've taught them to turn them over, so it will be heads up for the next person to see it. 

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On 1/18/2020 at 10:50 PM, halo0073 said:

I find coins constantly. Is this a thing?

   ... yes - very much a thing a really special thing - try connecting the dots , locations /people/events/thoughts can be very spooky !!  I have realized it's the cosmos telling me how much i am loved 

On 1/19/2020 at 5:52 PM, Eastwood22 said:

 I was constantly finding coins as a kid, my grandmother called it "lucky money," she kept it for me and I had two full Crown Royal velvet bag's worth. 

 oh my word!!! - i call it lucky money too !!! - but I keep it in ziplocks witha piece of ducktape on the outside so i wont spend it

and really special lucky coins get scotch tape to keep them seperate in the lucky money

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9 hours ago, raydee8_love said:

- i call it lucky money too !!! - but I keep it in ziplocks witha piece of ducktape on the outside so i wont spend it

and really special lucky coins get scotch tape to keep them seperate in the lucky money


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