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Pherotine 2020 Labels!!!

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All I have time for right now is to leave the labels and race away, as I still have to program them into the cart, tonight and tomorrow. We are running behind! Trying to have them up and orderable by tomorrow night when we do the FB Live Show at 5 pm. Artwork is by a local artist named Barbara A McVey. Hope you like them! ❤️


























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These ALL look AMAZING!!

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Gradients for days! :thumbup:

I love pretty swirls of colors like this, I have a friend in North Dakota who does a similar type of painting.

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Is Mahaelani meant to be a play on the Hawaiian word Mahealani, meaning heavenly moonlight?

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8 hours ago, oceanjewel said:

Is Mahaelani meant to be a play on the Hawaiian word Mahealani, meaning heavenly moonlight?


I was under the impression, at least, that the name means "divine mist" and we thought it was a really beautiful name.  Since Mara was originally attempting something in the spirit of Leilani we thought another girls' name would be appropriate.


2 hours ago, starlitegirl said:

Will Pherotine have small size un versions of the pheros? The tester sizes? I seem to be allergic to some scents.



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I've already made a list of the scents I want just based on the names and labels. My wallet is crying but my nose is rejoicing.

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OMG, I just spent 3+ hours on the Trial page and it just spontaneously DELETED. I gotta start again in the morning. PLEASE wait for the trial page, I will get it up asap tomorrow but I am gonna crash now. LOVE you guys, thank you for hanging with us through all the mayhem. I want you to have the discounts offered on the trial page, so please just wait a few hours more. Thank you!

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5 hours ago, Potion Master said:

OMG, I just spent 3+ hours on the Trial page and it just spontaneously DELETED. I gotta start again in the morning. PLEASE wait for the trial page, I will get it up asap tomorrow but I am gonna crash now. LOVE you guys, thank you for hanging with us through all the mayhem. I want you to have the discounts offered on the trial page, so please just wait a few hours more. Thank you!

Ob no!   I am so sorry that happened!  That sucks. 

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6 hours ago, Potion Master said:

OMG, I just spent 3+ hours on the Trial page and it just spontaneously DELETED. I gotta start again in the morning. PLEASE wait for the trial page, I will get it up asap tomorrow but I am gonna crash now. LOVE you guys, thank you for hanging with us through all the mayhem. I want you to have the discounts offered on the trial page, so please just wait a few hours more. Thank you!

OMG, I'm sorry, that had to have been sooo frustrating ! I'm fine with waiting, I have 4 NR in my cart & was waiting for the full size UNs of Gotcha & Classy Dame, anyway. Awesome collection, btw ! Thank you !

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7 hours ago, Potion Master said:

I also still have Pherotine trials to upload! Wait a day if you can! THANKS, LOVE YOU! ❤️

I can't wait for the Pherotine trials! I am so sorry that you did all of that work, then it disappeared - so frustrating! Fingers crossed that it works out today. :)

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The UNScented Pherotine Trials are up and can be found here:  https://lovepotionperfume.com/collections/all/diy?page=1&sort_by=title-ascending


The Scented Trial Collections are up and can be found here: https://lovepotionperfume.com/collections/sets-specials/products/pherotine-2020-sets-specials?variant=32123683012687


Tomorrow, Sunday, I will upload the full sizes of the new Phero Blends and also go through everything and update lists and inventory numbers.


Thanks for your patience and support, everyone! ❤️

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The New Pheros are up in full bottle format. You can find them in the New Release section for now. https://lovepotionperfume.com/collections/new-releases


I am working on inventory numbers now...you may find some things that were presumed sold out back in the cart. This should take me the rest of the day. After this, I will work on getting the Etsy site back up which will likely take me another couple of days. I will be adding a ton new bunch of Threebies over there! 


And FYI, I will not be re-opening the Amazon site. I probably shouldn't say this, but I am far past sick of their crooked bullshit. Don't get me started. I am done.

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3 minutes ago, Potion Master said:


And FYI, I will not be re-opening the Amazon site. I probably shouldn't say this, but I am far past sick of their crooked bullshit. Don't get me started. I am done.



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7 minutes ago, Potion Master said:


And FYI, I will not be re-opening the Amazon site. I probably shouldn't say this, but I am far past sick of their crooked bullshit. Don't get me started. I am done.



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20 minutes ago, Potion Master said:

The New Pheros are up in full bottle format. You can find them in the New Release section for now. https://lovepotionperfume.com/collections/new-releases


I am working on inventory numbers now...you may find some things that were presumed sold out back in the cart. This should take me the rest of the day. After this, I will work on getting the Etsy site back up which will likely take me another couple of days. I will be adding a ton new bunch of Threebies over there! 


And FYI, I will not be re-opening the Amazon site. I probably shouldn't say this, but I am far past sick of their crooked bullshit. Don't get me started. I am done.


I can't wait to see the Threebies!  Amazon was how I discovered LPMP several years ago, so I am happy that you were on there at one point. I'm sure the "overhead" is ridiculous though. 

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2 hours ago, Potion Master said:

And FYI, I will not be re-opening the Amazon site. I probably shouldn't say this, but I am far past sick of their crooked bullshit. Don't get me started. I am done.


Yep, after all you've told me about their shenanigans...SMH.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I have the Etsy site back up, and have been loading the Threebies up this week. Some of you have found them already, lol. I wanted to mention that I am only about half way there, the rest of them will ALL be PEs, ALL OF THEM that we still have in stock. Look in the SALE section on either our Etsy site or LUVPotionPerfume.com (which is also hosted by Etsy). You will also find the Sugars on sale in that section. And do not forget to browse the GGGs, which are only there, not on the main site. I should have the rest of the Threebies up by the end of the weekend. 


Wishing you all a lovely "holiday" weekend!

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