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Newbie need help!


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Hi everyone, I just recently came across the love potion sight and I am feeling a bit overwhelmed so many choices  to choose from.

I am looking for something that will drive my man crazy but also something that Is easy for me to use becoz I’m just lazy like that. Also coz some of the posts scared me about it stinking if not applied or mixed properly 

i also want help on the application process i read on some other posts of a lollipop and swooshing ( i think that was the word )application 🤷‍♀️.

so my end goal is drive him crazy , strengthen our bond , leave him thinking of me non stop and wife me up!

Thanks and stay safe



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Hello @Rupps and welcome!



I would suggest that you perhaps just start with a full trial set of the women's new releases. It would give you the opportunity to try out a bunch of scents and pheros, and you'll get to see which phero's work for you the best. This is the best release of the year for testing pheros because of this release. All the phero's that are pre-blended into the lovely perfumes are already hidden, so you don't have to worry about any "stinking!" The lollipop method is best for the blends with a lot of copulins, but don't worry about those right now, many of the women's blends have smaller amounts that are much more subtle. Don't confuse subtle with ineffective! They are powerful in small amounts, and with the perfumes that have cops, your man will most likely pick them up subconsciously but you will smell good!

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The number 1 item to use extreme caution "Essence Oil"  do not purchase this unless you have gallons of your own perfume, I mean gallons!  The next one that you need to get used to is Aja, once you get into LPMP this may grow on you but it can overwhelm and stick to your clothes even through the washer - But I love it now.


then it's really about picking thigs you like - the trial vial size lets you try everything before buying a bottle.


I enjoy Lafemme niore or the bang bang 


i like 2002 so nice occo chco cherry 

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4 hours ago, Eastwood22 said:

Hello @Rupps and welcome!



I would suggest that you perhaps just start with a full trial set of the women's new releases. It would give you the opportunity to try out a bunch of scents and pheros, and you'll get to see which phero's work for you the best. This is the best release of the year for testing pheros because of this release. All the phero's that are pre-blended into the lovely perfumes are already hidden, so you don't have to worry about any "stinking!" The lollipop method is best for the blends with a lot of copulins, but don't worry about those right now, many of the women's blends have smaller amounts that are much more subtle. Don't confuse subtle with ineffective! They are powerful in small amounts, and with the perfumes that have cops, your man will most likely pick them up subconsciously but you will smell good!

Thank you will definitely check out the trial set.

1 hour ago, raydee8_love said:

The number 1 item to use extreme caution "Essence Oil"  do not purchase this unless you have gallons of your own perfume, I mean gallons!  The next one that you need to get used to is Aja, once you get into LPMP this may grow on you but it can overwhelm and stick to your clothes even through the washer - But I love it now.


then it's really about picking thigs you like - the trial vial size lets you try everything before buying a bottle.


I enjoy Lafemme niore or the bang bang 


i like 2002 so nice occo chco cherry 

Thank you will check out the trial set and the ones you mentioned.. i have a starting point now 😅 

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Okay , so i decided to try just 3 to see if i like them before spending on a sampler set ( 🙈) or getting more

the three i have ordered are :

Bonbon Booty w/ Sexology ~ Pherotine 2020 

Honeyed Love Potion® ~ Pheromone Enhanced w/ Gotcha! 2.0

Sexology ~ Enhanced w/ Sexology


I'm not sure if these are the right ones to start with as a newbie , does anyone have any suggestions how best to use them ? do they come with instructions ?



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In your package you should receive a bookmark and one side (the lavender-colored side) is labeled: "Using our pheromones to best effect," and those are sort of general instructions for use.  I think you chose the things that will assist you in your ultimate goal, but the important thing is not to overdo anything at first; start out with small applications and only use one pheromone mix/perfume at a time.  Be congruent and ensure your mood/actions support the mix you are wearing.

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