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A Mood-Elevating Watery Floral for Women 


Wild Honeysuckle and Night Blooming Jasmine waft on the Ocean Breeze, combined with the smell of fresh Earth, Watery Greens and the subtle scent of Citrus Trees.


The most amazing thing happens here after it rains, the whole town is filled with the scent of wild Honeysuckle and Night Blooming Jasmine. It wafts on the ocean breezes and combines with the smell of fresh earth, watery greens and a subtle note of citrus from the lemon and orange trees that grow absolutely everywhere. I adore that smell, it fills me with an optimistic feeling of wonder, hope, and happiness. I wanted to share that feeling, so I have captured it in a bottle for you.


Magical Properties: Self confidence, anxiety reduction, healing, uplifting.
Prominent Notes: Honeysuckle, Night Blooming Jasmine, Water, Earth, Citrus


Created by: Mara Fox

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