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Potion Master

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No one is talking about Amber Fox yet. I got hung up trying to figure out if the flowers in her hair are the same as what is growing behind her, and if that’s at all significant.  But, there should be amber involved. At least I can be right about something 🙂

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4 hours ago, Vika said:

Is crème cake a Twinkie type scent? Originally, I thought sweet leaf reminded me of sweet tea but is it a tobacco scent? 
Holliday, is it a dia de los muertos theme?

-1- No, but you're kinda close.

-2- :star:

-3- No.


1 hour ago, Eve said:

No one is talking about Amber Fox yet. I got hung up trying to figure out if the flowers in her hair are the same as what is growing behind her, and if that’s at all significant.  But, there should be amber involved. At least I can be right about something 🙂


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The spelling of Holliday makes me think of Doc Holliday, Wyatt Earp's card-playing, gun fighting, dentist companion? He moved himself and his lady friend, who was a prostitute (married women had less freedom than working women) to Tombstone Arizona where Wyatt, Virgil, and James Earp were with their wives. So four women and a tombstone on the label? So maybe leather, gunpowder, desert trees/sages? And maybe roses? I don't know what women wore as perfume back then, but I can't imagine those women wearing violets.

Edited by Eastwood22
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I wondered that too, @greenappletart  I’d also thought tres leches, but it didn’t seem to fit. 

@Eastwood22  you caught the spelling difference! I am  so impressed. I sure didn’t notice it. Supposedly I have two distant relatives  who traveled out west with Doc Holliday. My aunt (long departed now) had some crazy family history stories she would tell  me.   She was 11 years older than my dad (his sister) and he would be 96 if he was still living.    I never knew if it was true or not.  

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Still intrigued by Mourning Glory and Ghost Dust.


Mourning Glory: What's funereal? Lilac? Lilies? Carnation? Smoke? Now I'm just shooting in the dark.


Ghost Dust:  I really thought it would be powdered sugar.... hm, maybe a more wintry scent with a mint or green kick?  I feel like it's probably has a bit of zing to go with the Open Windows.


I am officially joining the bad guessers club. 

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13 hours ago, Eastwood22 said:

The spelling of Holliday makes me think of Doc Holliday, Wyatt Earp's card-playing, gun fighting, dentist companion? He moved himself and his lady friend, who was a prostitute (married women had less freedom than working women) to Tombstone Arizona where Wyatt, Virgil, and James Earp were with their wives. So four women and a tombstone on the label? So maybe leather, gunpowder, desert trees/sages? And maybe roses? I don't know what women wore as perfume back then, but I can't imagine those women wearing violets.

OK. Wow! :2403::2403::2403::clapW2:


You got the whole story, and I can't guess a single note in any of them. Bravo!

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Looks like I have to watch Tombstone now. Which, I didn’t know about until I saw the Val Kilmer documentary a couple weeks of ago which was really good.

 My dad was really into westerns so I will most likely be getting this one too.

@Eve I think that’s really cool that you have some historical family stories to tell, not many people can say that!

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@citrine  I second the applause for @Eastwood22.  What a catch!  Although no clue as to notes, unless PotionMaster was also saying gunpowder desert trees and sage (cactus flower maybe?) 


@Vika, my dad’s side of the family hailed from Valdosta GA, so its certainly possible, if not ‘likely’.    Valdosta GA  is where Holliday spent much of his childhood, and part of his adult life. So much folk lore that may have been actual family history, tends to  get lost as generations fade away.  

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3 hours ago, citrine said:

Like maybe allspice? 😀 


*please say yes*please say yes*


I mean, if you're wanting something which is allspice-heavy, I don't think so.  But allspice is often a part of pumpkin spice blends so you might get that.

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So maybe Hemwicke is an earthy type fragrance too?  I can see bark, and bone, presumably there is moss at her feet, or fallen pine needles… maybe resinous?  This one's not receiving a lot of attention yet. (Another stab in the dark by Eve, the clueless) 

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1 hour ago, luna65 said:


I mean, if you're wanting something which is allspice-heavy, I don't think so.  But allspice is often a part of pumpkin spice blends so you might get that.

Thank you! I think I'm going to like it! :)

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13 hours ago, Potion Master said:

Eastwood, that Holliday guess was quite impressive!!! 


We debuted the scents at the shop tonight, First Friday party, and this one sold the most of all of them!  :o

Make sure there’s enough for us!!! 😧

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The new collection will be up and orderable tomorrow morning - so y'all can take the night off and send Mara all your love for working through the night! 


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30 minutes ago, luna65 said:

The new collection will be up and orderable tomorrow morning - so y'all can take the night off and send Mara all your love for working through the night! 



Thanks for the update, Luna! Sending lots of love to @Potion Master!  That means I can get some sleep out here on the East coast, lol. When it posts at 9:00 out west, it's already past my bedtime. 

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On 10/1/2021 at 3:28 AM, Eastwood22 said:

I’m so bad at this game. Other than the Creme Cake, the bee” in Beewitched and Cassia, it’s all a giant mystery. ‘Lantern’ went over my head, I would’ve kept guessing things related to fire. 

@hedgehog clever!

Also impressive!

Lantern is the one I'm so excited about, I can not wait to see the notes on this one...I love Mara's Weenies

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On 10/1/2021 at 10:44 PM, Potion Master said:

Eastwood, that Holliday guess was quite impressive!!! 

I’m generally awful at this game, so lucky to get one!

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And they're UP! :D



Tomorrow I will get them up on Etsy for those that prefer to purchase there.


I need a few days to get the SALE! up and running. Remember that trial sets and specials are not eligible for the sale, but individual bottles and trials are, so please place your orders accordingly. Thank you!


And please let me know if I messed anything up so I can fix it. I always appreciate you guys proofing for me!


Kisses to Luna for the awesome descriptions, and to Roanna Zoe for the beautiful labels, and to all of you for your love and patience!



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I really had to restrain myself from going full bottle on Lantern!  I hope there’s some left after I try the trial size.  I had it in my cart TWICE, but ultimately decided there were too many I might also like, and I just wouldn’t know until I tried them ALL!   

None of them are ones I’d automatically write off, but I know from sad past experiences that anything with maple or patchouli is likely not going to work out for me.  

A big surprise was Beewitched. I’d assumed it was a pink sugar kind of scent, which is not something I’m normally drawn to.  As it turns out, it  has potential of going from a “maybe” to a love. 


Now I can transition from obsessively checking the forum for updates, to checking my email for the email notification we all want to see.  Cataluna has sent you a package! 

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4 hours ago, Eve said:


A big surprise was Beewitched. I’d assumed it was a pink sugar kind of scent, which is not something I’m normally drawn to.  As it turns out, it  has potential of going from a “maybe” to a love. 



I kind of wish it was a Pink Sugar type of scent. I hate Pink Sugar alone but it blends well with other notes. I wonder how it goes when blended with honey. 

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@Leanna, the way I read the description leads me to think it’s not a pink sugar scent, but that’s just how I interpreted it.  It lists “berry sugar” but everything else (hopefully) has a less innocent vibe than a typical pink sugar scent. Hopefully it won’t 🐝 too long before I can try it out in person. 

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I have no idea which one(s) I’m going to fall in love with, so it will be a set of trials for me! Intrigued by the Hemwicke and Mourning Glory, though. 
In Placerville, CA, there was a coffee shop built into an old stone building leftover from the gold rush. It was cold and a bit leaky, and there was a rickety stairwell to get to the bathroom. There was a room in the back where all the local skateboarding and black clad angsty kids hung out. I loved it. Sadly, I think the building got some kind of overhaul and it might be a clothing store now. The story for Mourning Glory made me think of this place. 
My scent guesses for Holliday were way off, except for the sage. This is good, though, I’m not looking for a gunpowder and leather perfume! 
@luna65might Sweet Leaf conjure up Teacher’s Pest vibes?

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Possibly?  I guess it depends on how sweet it turns out to be, although I think it's probably going to remind some people more of the original SUPER.

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12 minutes ago, luna65 said:

Possibly?  I guess it depends on how sweet it turns out to be, although I think it's probably going to remind some people more of the original SUPER.

*heavy breathing intensifies*

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