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Dry down time for scented copulin blends


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8 hours ago, CosmoTea said:

We get along just fine right until I use certain pheromones. 


There's always the possibililty of sensitivity to certain molecules or formulas.  If you're seeing similar reactions between some of our combos then it's potentially a good thing to avoid, at least until you can observe what happens when you don't wear them vs. when you do.

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Thanks ladies. I feel like I’m at a dead end- on one hand, I feel like I can’t spice things up without pheromones because after a decade together and a LO, it’s hard to get excited about same-y things, scents, appearance, sex etc. and hard to be in a nice chatty (or sexy) mood sometimes, without some help. On the other hand, if the change in my personality signature is bothering my partner, then I’m going to have to stay same-y. 

I’m thinking, surely pheromones are designed not just for single people on first dates, but for committed relationships too where scent signatures and personalities are established. And also, there definitely will be some change to my signature because I haven’t been feeling or acting sexy since giving birth, so for a very long time we were just kissing and occasionally cuddling. But we have agreed we are ready and both want more intimacy and closeness. So he is ready for the changes and pays me compliments, makes sexual innuendos etc. We just need a bit of a phero nudge. Without using social or sexual pheromones, I’ll be left with the same old mother-of-his-child, homemaker vibe. 

I’m already chatty and playful, pheromones give me confidence and energy to be this way even when I’m feeling tired from being around my toddler, so I don’t think my partner is feeling like something is off (would be different if I was an introvert suddenly becoming mega-extraverted).  

My main question is, what do I do? How can someone who hasn’t been acting or feeling sexy change that with pheros without the change being obvious/offputting to the partner?



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On 3/13/2022 at 11:58 AM, citrine said:


Have you tried applying more? Or do you get the same result? 


Have you tried BI?

I remember Mara saying that less is more with pheromones, so I figured applying more would make things worse. 
BI was on my to-order list but now I’m afraid of trying anything because of negative experiences with Cuddle Bunny, Perfect Match and Levitation (all phero-enhanced fragrances). 

@Vika Balm Bomb’s description didn’t resonate with me as much as others I got did. It read more like it would give me self-effects rather than create bonding, attraction and closeness. Unfortunately, it contains both Est and Epi-arone, so I’m staying away until I figure out what’s wrong. 

He doesn’t believe in a lot of things that are supported by science (food supplements, alternative medicine etc.), so I think he would just think it’s silly or feel manipulated. I’d rather use pheros quietly.

@Eve Meant to say in my previous post, I will try upending the vials to get more pheros out, thanks for the tip! Like I say, he is definitely up for getting close and rebuilding our intimacy and connection. We had a heart-to-heart about it a couple of months ago. 

The trial vial doses I’m using are already minute compared to full dose sprays or oils, so I don’t know how to build up his tolerance to full bottles. 

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16 minutes ago, CosmoTea said:

My main question is, what do I do? How can someone who hasn’t been acting or feeling sexy change that with pheros without the change being obvious/offputting to the partner


I am single so my answer might be a bit off, but I think all starts with you. If you feel sexy and confident, things will get into motion. Try wearing a phero that makes *you* sexy, gorgeous and confident like I'm sure you already are, but phero will give you that extra something. Avoid the ones with est and try wearing for a few days in a row around your partner.


Sorry for not having a better answer.

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3 minutes ago, CosmoTea said:

I remember Mara saying that less is more with pheromones, so I figured applying more would make things worse. 
BI was on my to-order list but now I’m afraid of trying anything because of negative experiences with Cuddle Bunny, Perfect Match and Levitation (all phero-enhanced fragrances). 


I'm a more is more kinda girl. I need to apply more so I can get selfies. Like UN Mega watt for example, I apply 5 "stripes" (can’t think of another word for the love of God) on each underarm and only then MW will work for me. I have BI in Buns of Cinn and I apply a bit more than what I wrote for MW. But my main goal for pheros are selfies and I apply as much as I need to get them...


Good luck! 🍀

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@CosmoTea I understand you’re feeling as though you’re between a rock and a hard place.  It takes time, it just does, after a woman gives birth for hormone levels to adjust. I was in a seemingly idyllic marriage, but my then husband failed to understand this. He was determined to have frequent sex with me whether or not I was interested.  Our relationship went into a tailspin.  It did not recover, and it died a protracted painful death. 

You are not at that spot.  You both want to get back to intimacy. 

I do not feel that using a pheromone will change your perceived personality signature.  What I think (and this is coming from someone who is definitely not an expert on pheromones) is you use them for yourself.  Find what helps you feel like the old you.  One that makes you feel like MORE you.  The rest will work itself out.  Wear perfume that you like the scent of, and you are pretty sure he at least doesn’t dislike it.  

You said you’re already chatty and playful.  I know there are pheromone blends designed to help those who are less so overcome their introverted nature.  If you think he reacts badly to them, wear the bubbly happy ones while he’s at work to help you feel less stuck in a role that can be taxing ( it gets easier, kids do actually become independent).  

Wear copulins.  Wear OCCO White today.  See how it makes you feel.  

Have you tried Blatant Invitation or Sexpionage? 

Is there something you enjoy doing that you can do more of, just to give you some variety in your life?  It sounds like he goes to work, instead of working from home.  He gets to see other people, and has a change of scenery.  On the other hand, if you’re feeling stuck at home, even though it is totally rewarding, you still need time to be the you that is just you. 

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Oops, I hit enter before I edited order of what I wrote.  

I meant to say if you choose a pheromone designed to help less outgoing quieter personality types be more like you already are naturally, it should be a win win.  

If you are concerned about him reacting to a specific molecule in pheromone blends, and it’s too great of a puzzle to figure out which one it is, then what about pure DHEAS?  Just DHEAS and cops.  

Break out the Blatant Invitation or Sexpionage for times that you’re not putting any sort of importance on something “happening”. Not for a date night, just wear it, and try to not think about it afterwards.  Put it out of your mind you have it on. 

See how it makes YOU feel.  See how HE reacts, or does not react.  But analyze this after the fact.  Look back on it later,  not from the time you first apply it.    

Edited by Eve
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First off @Eve I have to say that I admire pretty much all of the advice you have given already. I know that’s off topic but I wanted to say that. Lmao 

Second, @CosmoTea Balm Bomb while it contains those ingredients, it makes people be nicer to you and oddly enough want to get closer to you. But I understand why you want to stay away from those ingredients. With what Eve said about things to make YOU feel sexy, I 100% agree with that. While you can’t always attract others to you with pheros, you can lure them in with your confidence and that has to come from you. So the blends that I would recommend for that would be Cougar and La femme Noire maybe La femme Mystere too.

Other non phero things I would recommend for that: any of the LP’s, I know Glamour potion is still up on the Luv site which does work for feeling yourself and sexy and DIHL reactions.
I understand why you don’t want to talk to him about using pheros because it’s kind of a taboo subject some people think it’s complete horseshit pardon my language lol But from the experiences that I’ve had in the few years I’ve been using them, I can honestly say that they do work/help for whatever situation you’re going through.

 I personally would suggest trying TMI as well because that makes people want to open up and sometimes doing just that will bring you closer together. I know you’re not feeling great and we’ve all been there, I’ve been struggling with my self esteem for awhile and I can say that the things I’ve listed have helped me out tremendously. 
What works for me/us may not work for you but we’re here to help and listen. 
I hope this helps somewhat!

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@Vika aww, that means a lot.  I always imagine those of you who have been around here for a while are thinking to yourselves “No!  Don’t do it.  Don’t ask Eve about pheromones!  Ask her to describe a scent (maybe) or how to bake a perfectly crispy cookie, or a gardening question, or about a John le Carre  novel, or many other things. Just not pheros.” lol. 

Seriously though, I’m not a pheromone expert.  But, I’ve been around a long time, and I’m good at reading people, and that helps make up for areas I’m lacking in, at least a little bit. 

@CosmoTea I feel like Vika expressed my same thoughts, just with different words.  And, like she said, we’re here for you. If nothing  else you have a community that will listen to you, and can relate. 

Please keep us posted. 

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Thanks so much for the support ladies. I will definitely keep posting my experiences. 
Sorry to hear about your marriage @Eve. Hope you’ve found your happiness since then!

Today I wore the Betrothal Potion sprayed on my hair and neck with Vampire Bait on my wrists and arms. I could not stop smelling myself😄 And we had a great evening filled with conversation and kissing (when our LO was too busy playing to be throwing a tantrum). So maybe I’ll continue with this two scents for a while and layer them over UN Cougar, Balm Bomb (if I get them in trial size) or cops.

@Eve Do you mean getting DHEAS separately (can that be done?) and layering it with OCCO?


I sat and did my homework on all the separate molecules (I took notes on my phone but didn’t password-protect it @Eve😂). DHEAS seems the least likely culprit of my troubles because it isn’t overtly male and doesn’t have dominance/authority/aura of status about it.

I’ve started wondering if the three male pheromones in Perfect Match and Mother’s Little Helper are irritating my SO, although he isn’t alpha himself but quite a manly man

(Androstadienone- resting alpha-male; Androstanone- aggressive leader of the pack, alpha-males can find irritating and confrontational; Androsterone: male aura of authority). I understand they are buffered by other pheromones, but still, can’t help but wonder.

I remembered that on the night of the failed date, I didn’t just wear CB, I had applied PM earlier that day! So maybe I threw the balance off with PM and not so much with Est.                                      

Levitation has Epi-androsterone (Queen bee, aura of status). I already act confident                                                        so maybe this phero is making me come across as too dominating?


In the spirit of finding what works, I couldn’t find what pheros Savage Beast and Cougar contain, does anyone know? @luna65 maybe? 

I had Treasured Hearts on my list which I remember Dolly and other people saying helped with bonding and closeness. Not sure if it’s again to dominating with 5a-Androstenol, Androsterone, and Epi- Androsterone?

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Stone Cougar is a proprietary blend, so you'd have to ask Mara regarding how close it is to the original version.  As for Savage Beast, that's her concoction so it would be a question for her.


I do not find Treasured Hearts to be dominating at all, in my experience.  It just seems to help with good vibes in a crowd/gathering.

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@citrine Thanks for the tip, I will try to find the amount of swipes that works for me👍

@luna65 Kimi suggested asking my questions here because Mara is busy right now. I will just have to either order trial sizes of those two or stay away from them altogether.

Do you prefer Treasured Hearts or Heart and Soul in one-on-one situations?


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I know you asked Luna this but

I have both TH and H&S they’re both bonding/feel good pheros. H&S has EST on it though. They both give you a laid back sweetheart vibe. With H&S the EST can make myself or the people around me more sensitive towards me. With Treasured Hearts it’s kind of a flirty vibe but everyone feels good around me too. Men also flirt with me when I’m wearing it.

 I like TH more especially when I want people to be nice to me at work.

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@CosmoTea Most of the time, pure DHEAS are available on the store website.  I looked and didn’t see it, but it may be because of programming for this massive new release.  Or they may just be low on stock.  They used to have the extra strength, but of late it’s just been the regular (cannot remember the exact mcg at the moment).  The best form of it is spray.  I don’t think it’s even available (when it is available) in a rollerball bottle.  You can definitely use it with cops.  Absolutely.  

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7 hours ago, CosmoTea said:

Do you prefer Treasured Hearts or Heart and Soul in one-on-one situations?


For me, H&S seems more appropriate to those kinds of interactions.  I perceive Treasured Hearts more as an overall social phero, so for get-togethers and gatherings of various kinds.

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@Vika The question should’ve been addressed to all, so thank you for sharing your experience😊 I did lean more towards Treasured Hearts too. 


@Eve I’ve found it! Got in my basket😃 

I also plan to order Sheer Essence, as a way of easing into cops without jumping straight to OCCOs. Did you ever trial your EoW? 


I reckon I’ll try Open Windows instead of Levitation (A-nol and B-nol get a positive response from SO). Maybe straightforward blends with fewer ingredients are best for me.

I also plan to try LAM. It only has two ingredients, and I get on well with Alpha-anol, so that will be a good test for Est. 


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@CosmoTea  yes, I have EoW.  It is very stinky.  I’d originally thought I’d make my own OCCO strength versions of perfumes I already had, but I chickened out. IMO Mara knows best.

However, when I am willing to take the time to apply it straight up, let it completely dry down, then completely cover it with a scent, the response from both of us is worth the extra effort.   Keep in mind I’m post menopausal and he’s a few years older than me.  

I’d say his response isn’t that different from when I use OCCO strength perfume (the man is helpless to resist in many cases)  My response from separating the EoW out from the perfume and layering them is greater, but I think that could be a mind thing occurring with me. Planning and anticipation plays a part….:KITTY_~12: 

I’m glad you found it!  I really enjoy DHEAS. Were you able to converse with Mara about the other phero molecule differences in the UN pheromones that don’t have the specific ones listed? 

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@Eve I’m assuming Sheer Essence is lighter so good for beginners. I keep chickening out of using OCCOs in case SO is too tired after work and sexy vibes put him under pressure to hop in bed when he might just want to cuddle. 

No, Mara hasn’t had the time yet (which is totally understandable). so I’m going to avoid Cougar, Gotcha, Classy Dame and Charisma because I don’t know what’s in them. I’ve filled my cart with some of the new release trial sizes, UN Blatant Invitation, DHEAS and thinking of adding Open Windows.


Does anyone know ( @luna65 @Dolly or anyone else) whether Open Windows is just A-nol and B-nol or those two plus Epi-androsterone? It lists ingredients differently on a couple of pages on the LPMP website.

Something in Levitation didn’t agree with my SO. I know that A-nol and B-nol put him in a good mood from using those two in the past. DHEAS doesn’t sound like it could be offputting (it’s not masculine in any way, doesn’t command attention). So I suspect I might need to stay away from Epi-arone, that’s why I need to know if it’s in Open Window or not. 

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A couple of things I wanted to comment on. You may be right about him being sensitive to certain molecules. But it could also be combinations of molecules,  or even the ratio in a blend. For example, I know for me,  the individual pheros in Open Windows are totally fine for me in other blends,  but can make me insecure in OW itself, unless it's in very miniscule amounts. So a molecule may work in one formula,  but not another. You just kind of have to play around to find out. That's why phertine is so great, because the trials of phero enhanced scents give you a lot of ways to experiment! Some molecules might not work for him ever and some might work in only certain blends, or only when he's in the right mood. 


What I'm going to say next should be taken with a huge grain of salt since, being single and without kids, I haven't been in your situation. I'm just going by what you and others have said in this thread. I notice you keep mentioning blends with a heavy bonding focus, and, while I get that (particularly in a more holistic approach to the relationship) I wonder if you might want to try some of the more outright sexual blends? If he's having a hard time separating you out from the maternal/homebody role, an aggressively sexual blend like Blatant  Invitation  or Sexpionage might help to create a stronger demarcation and allow him to really see that aspect of you. Ramp up the rawr. Or maybe something like LFM/LFN to seem a little more mysterious and intriguing. 

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@greenappletart Your insight/intuition adds another dimension to this.  Just as you may have been hesitant to comment from the perspective of someone who doesn’t have kids, I feel at a distinct disadvantage when discussing pheromone blends.  I have very little noticeable effect from the social pheromones. I get a lift from Levitation (😀) and even more so from DHEAS, but for others I don’t notice much, if anything.  (and you probably already know this because we both joined here about the same time).  Sexual pheromone blends I do  have a response to, but I have no way of knowing if what I identify as a response is on par with someone who easily  responds either negatively or positively to pheromones in general.  

@CosmoTea I wouldn’t be too concerned about taxing your guy  with a bit of sexual desire due to your use of cops or sexual blends.  Somewhere in one of your posts you mentioned something about not wanting to put him under pressure to perform when he comes home tired from work.   Men typically are more than willing to overcome fatigue for this. Really. 

@greenappletart said it in her last comment.  Help the man see the rawr side of you.  He won’t mind.  

It’s hard, but don’t attach too much importance on each little perceived or overtly obvious reaction he has.  Humans are imperfect.  Male and female brains are wired differently. Hold onto the parts of you that you want to shine again, and they will. 

You said up thread somewhere, that you hoped I’d found my happiness elsewhere.  Yes I did.  I took the long road there though, with some wrong turns along the way.  We’ve been together for over 20 years now.  We are not married.  And still, every day, even though he is so kind to me, and non demanding, I work at our relationship. Early on, in the very beginning stages of forming that relationship, he said he liked it that I was interested in what he had to say.  Somehow that stuck out to me, and I make it a point to ensure he still feels like that.


Listen to your SO, be the You he was first attracted to, and wear what helps you be that person.  If you’re not able to identify that a pheromone influences you, and you’re unsure, or worried that it affects him negatively, then yeah, don’t use it. It will all work itself out, and you’ll be a stronger couple for having to make the extra effort. 


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Hmmm. Others have already chimed in with some very good advice and as I said before, I am certainly still way too new to pheromones to be considered an expert.


But, something is niggling at me...and I could be completely wrong (probably am). Certainly he really does want physical intimacy (he is a guy! LOL) with you. Yet I wonder if he is having some sort of performance anxiety/fear. If it’s been a long time, it seems like it’s possible. Or maybe he is mentally thinking sex = possibly more little ones. He might be overwhelmed by the current little one and the thought of more babies might terrify him. If he’s a manly man admitting either of those fears could also be really difficult. He may not even be consciously aware of it.


If he has some sort of fear/anxiety about having sex, using the sexy pheromones would cause a sexual reaction in him that he feels he can’t act on, causing him to become cranky/snappy.


So, I guess if it were me, I would try a little cops (OCCO or the Sheer Essence) or the hard sexy blends as suggested above and see what happens. If he reacts badly to it, then that is a clue. And if he reacts well to them, then that would be wonderful - situation solved. You won’t know until you try it. In the name of science, of course.


Now, if he reacts poorly to just cops/hard sexy blends, if it were me, I would back away from all the sexy pheromones and aim for the beta-nol and the more bonding ones to get him to feel safe and comfortable enough to talk about whatever the problem is. I’ve read past posts on this forum where women have had some really good luck using Treasured Hearts with either T.M.I. or True Confessions to get men to open up to their root problems. Sort of like therapy for them. 😝


Edited to add: 


And when you use the cops/sexy pheros make use you use enough! I too was following the “less is more” thing when I started out. But it turns out (for me at least) that often you really do need more.

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