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New Target and Looking for Ideas

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Yes, I have found a new TG/ crush. He is my (surviving) cat’s vet and I get to see him tomorrow! Now, I really don’t expect a relationship out of him as we probably do not see each other enough for much to develop. Though who knows, maybe it could happen. How much I’ll get to see him in the future depends on my cat’s health, so double edged sword there. I really enjoy the time that I get to spend with him and we usually have a nice, flirty time. He seems to have a sweet, fun-loving type of personality, so I like to keep things light hearted.


In the past, I used Heart & Soul both with and without cops. Other times I wore Lumina mostly because it made his staff friendly...and that was before he became a TG. So, I am trying to decide what to use tomorrow. Choices, choices, choices! Part of me is saying stick with what I know works well with him, which is H&S with cops...but another part of me 😈 is saying “experiment!”. Cougar could be fun with him..but alas, I only had a sample of it and I don’t think I have much left. Maybe try that one a different time. I wonder how he would react to Sexology? 😈 😈 (Mostly kidding... I think....😈).


So, I guess I am looking for something with a fun vibe, yet sexy, I would like to see gooey, heart shaped eyes, for him to feel comfortable with me and it would be great if he would open up a little bit and talk/bond more with me. An actual date would be excellent (but I really do not expect to get one 😪).


Ideas? Curious as to what other people would do/use or if anyone has stories/examples of pheros that worked well in this type of situation...I am definitely still learning!

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@RosesArePink I just now saw this , and have nothing pheromone related to offer.  You probably know more about them than me by now.  

However, attitude is almost everything. Don’t expect you won’t be asked out, quite the opposite.  Be you, and know it’s enough for the person who is a good fit for you.  Pheromones help you project the best you, and can give you confidence.

You know I like quotations, here’s one by Judy Garland: “Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.” 

I saw in another thread that you mentioned it went well.  That’s good to hear. :)

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7 hours ago, Eve said:

@RosesArePink I just now saw this , and have nothing pheromone related to offer.  You probably know more about them than me by now.



😊 I do not know about that! As far as the pheromones go, I still am very much learning about how they can work in a given situation and which are the best to use for my aims. But anyway, you alway have good life advice and perspective. 


Confidence is definitely something I need to work on!  


That’s a great quote! 


It’s interesting, but Perfect Match was bit different with the Veterinarian than with Mr. (UN)Wonderful. We had a very nice conversation (as I would expect with PM), but we were also (unexpectedly) very giggle-y, which was fun. I didn’t realize that PM could go in such a fun direction. IDK, maybe I am less uptight with the Veterinarian than Mr. (UN)Wonderful. With Mr. (UN)Wonderful, PM was almost giving me panic attacks at times.


For the next appointment, I am trying to decide which direction to go in: back to Heart & Soul (which he responds really well to) or try Cougar or maybe even Bang Bang! I have almost no experience with those last two and so I am not really sure what to expect out of them. Citrine kindly pointed me to the left over pherotine bottles of Bang Bang! So I have that coming soon. Also got a pherotine bottle of Lace, but don’t have any experience with that one either. Really need more opportunities to experiment! 

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  • 1 month later...

Decided (for now) to alternate between Perfect Match with cops and Heart & Soul with cops with the Cute Veterinarian. It’s one thing to read the descriptions of what they are supposed to do, but a completely different thing to actually see and feel how they work. I guess I’m trying to get a deeper understanding of Perfect Match with cops VS Heart & Soul with cops and to really figure them out. And adding cops probably changes their “feel” or vibe at least a little bit. 


Maybe I am over analyzing. I can’t help it. It’s what I do. 🤗




PM - three drops on UN from pherotine sample bottle, plus cops. And cover scent.




H&S in Gossamer Threads - roll from one breast around belly button up to other and big squiggle on chest. Plus cops.


Also make sure to get some on the top of my head (he’s tall and his nose is right around the top of my head). Generous application of cops at both inner elbows and cleavage worn with both PM and H&S. No cops in hair (see, I’ve learned something!).




CV (Cute Veterinarian) responses well to both. They both make him (and me) giggle-y, with easy, relaxed, fun banter/conversations. Both have also worked well for more serious discussions (about my cat’s health and decisions needing to be made).  He seems to want to please me and make me happy with either. He seems attracted to me with both as well.


But interestingly, to me at least, he seems much more chatty with H&S then with PM and also talks about more personal things with H&S. I didn’t expect that to be the case. Also maybe (and I’ll have to experiment more to be sure) more emotional with H&S. Also more heart shaped eyes and an extra little sparkle in his expressions.


Yet with PM, even though he talks less about personal things, his body language towards me is almost “couple-y” or intimate at times. Like he will start to reach out as if he wants to hold my hand or touch me. He stops short of actually doing so, but the impulse seems to be there. He doesn’t do that with H&S - or maybe he can control the impulse better with H&S? With PM he maybe has a little more of a dazed look?


Well, the last time I wore H&S, in a round about way, he told me that he recently got out of a very long term and not so great relationship and the dust is still settling. 😪 So he’s not ready to start anything new right now. But anyway, he is still fun to try things on and who knows, maybe down the line one day he will ready...So I’ll just have to keep phero bombing him!


TL;DR  Can’t put all my eggs in his basket. 

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  • 1 month later...

Hopefully it’s okay for me to continue to post updates on this thread. I have continued to use either Perfect Match with cops or Heart & Soul with cops with the Cute Veterinarian in my continuing experiment.


I’m still refining my correct dosages.  Two or three drops of the UN from a sample PM Pherotine bottle seem to work well, though I’ll have to test only two drops some more as I almost think two drops might end up being best. If I go to four drops, I’ve noticed that he gets a really dazed look and seems to get pretty nervous. I think it’s the DHEAS. I once tried a drop of UN DHEAS (also from a pherotine bottle) along with Heart & Soul and got a similar reaction from him.  🤔 I wonder what Topper would do? I assume that would have a lower dose of DHEAS?


Also, Perfect Match might be much more effective if you can spend more time with the person. I mean like hours of time. I can’t get that much time with him.  Heart & Soul seems to overall hit him faster, though I’m still trying to figure out that dosage as well. A higher dose of four drops of UN might be better.


By mistake, I wore BAM Pink Amber with H&S! 😱 I thought I had grabbed the OCCO Pink bottle! But, it ended up working out quite okay. He talked about more personal things and stayed around for a much longer time than normal. Maybe a little less giggles than with just H&S w/ cops, but only a little. So naturally I had to test that again. This last time, I wore four drops UN H&S with BAM in a circle around belly button, a bit at both inner elbows and some at cleavage. He was again talking about more personal things and seemed to be feeling at ease & comfortable around me. We still giggled some but again maybe less. We were pretty busy looking in each other’s eyes though.


My cat is doing really well!

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10 hours ago, RosesArePink said:

My cat is doing really well!

I love it! It seems like the H&S is giving you the best results. I love using the pherotine dropper bottles for experimenting. For the record, 4 drops of DHEAS is too much for me, so he might be sensitive like me. Go back to 2 drops. And I’ve gone through many bottles so I know it’s a winner for me, but dosage has to be real light.

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Thanks, @Eastwood22!  Yes, it seems H&S is giving the best results at least in this type of situation. Definitely will try the lower DHEAS dose again...and nice to know that DHEAS is winner for you. 😁. Now, I guess that a spray would also hit a bit quicker. I really need to play around more with the sprays.

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@RosesArePink I do love the sprays. But the little pherotines really are the (love) bomb for figuring out how powerful they really are. I have most of the phero’s in my arsenal also in spray form, but I highly recommend just using them in scented blends in the beginning because it’s much easier to avoid going overboard.

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@Eastwood22  The little pherotine bottles are great! I am so happy they are available for us to play with as they are an economical way to learn about what works. I guess I was thinking more of the enhanced perfume sprays rather than the UN sprays at this point. Still the oils are definitely the less expensive way to go.



@citrine  Thank you!!! 😊

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On 4/13/2022 at 8:23 PM, RosesArePink said:

It’s one thing to read the descriptions of what they are supposed to do, but a completely different thing to actually see and feel how they work.


This! So much!! You really hit the nail on the head. I think it's one of the most important lessons we all learn on our phero journeys.

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  • 1 month later...

Um. Did I over do the cops? I was trying to use the same amount pheromones that I have used before with the Cute Veterinarian. Four drops UN Heart & Soul plus some BAM!....But the BAM! bottle top leaked some and so I ended up with a lot more on than intended.


He was nice as always and his eyes were about popping out of his head when he looked at me, and a huge smile stuck on his face. That’s all good, but, the bad part is that he seemed really nervous around me and even though he was having a slow day he didn’t really spend much time talking to me as he normally would. He almost seemed like he was running away from me at the end. 😖😢 I do not get to see him that often and so I always want to maximize the time that I get with him.


And I guess I’m still hoping for something more to develop, but if he’s running away from me then that’s probably not good?

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It could be that maybe he is attracted to you but because you are a client he didn't want to do anything unprofessional?  So he got nervous.  Just a guess.

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Also, sometimes when you have on a lot of a phero that packs a punch like BAM, people are expecting your normal “signature” and the phero takes them by surprise.  Imagine meeting a client that you like, and all of a sudden you feel super happy and your brain/body are really attracted to her, and you don’t remember the last time you felt like this….it can be disorienting and I might be running away too! Maybe he wanted to keep his distance because he was worried he might say or do something he wouldn’t do otherwise.  

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@luna65  and @hedgehog


Thank you! Those are both good thoughts. Looking at it that way, yeah, I guess I would probably run away too.


So, I guess next time make sure to use less BAM! and/or cops. I know pheromones can’t work magic (as much as I wish they could) and that most of it has to come from me with probably quite a bit of luck thrown in. At this point, I’m just trying to figure out how to encourage him without him feeling too nervous. H&S with some BAM or cops mostly seems to hit the right vibes, but I would like to keep it progressing. But unfortunately, it’s not like I can see him every day or even once a week, which probably makes this a bit more difficult. 😕

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1 hour ago, RosesArePink said:

@luna65  and @hedgehog


Thank you! Those are both good thoughts. Looking at it that way, yeah, I guess I would probably run away too.


So, I guess next time make sure to use less BAM! and/or cops. I know pheromones can’t work magic (as much as I wish they could) and that most of it has to come from me with probably quite a bit of luck thrown in. At this point, I’m just trying to figure out how to encourage him without him feeling too nervous. H&S with some BAM or cops mostly seems to hit the right vibes, but I would like to keep it progressing. But unfortunately, it’s not like I can see him every day or even once a week, which probably makes this a bit more difficult. 😕


How about sending a thoughtful thank you note to show your appreciation? It will get him thinking about you, plus guys like to be appreciated for helping. 

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9 hours ago, RosesArePink said:

So, I guess next time make sure to use less BAM! and/or cops. I know pheromones can’t work magic (as much as I wish they could) and that most of it has to come from me with probably quite a bit of luck thrown in. At this point, I’m just trying to figure out how to encourage him without him feeling too nervous. H&S with some BAM or cops mostly seems to hit the right vibes, but I would like to keep it progressing. But unfortunately, it’s not like I can see him every day or even once a week, which probably makes this a bit more difficult. 😕

Just my 2 cents, but my advice, with both pheros and romance, is to have fun and be your awesome self. If H&S makes you feel good, wear H&S. if BAM and cops make it fun, add that.  But don't worry about his reaction as much, as long as you're having a good time. Just  enjoy the conversation and the moment, especially since he mentioned before that he just got out of a relationship. Maybe give a him a small signal that you'd be interested in getting to know him (as a person - men will make the romantic leap anyway haha) and leave the ball in his court. If he plays ball, great. If not, he wasn't the one and there are plenty of men out there who would love to get to know someone who smells as great as you do. 😉


I used to volunteer at a hospital, and there was this cute old lady who came around giving candy (and advice!) to all the volunteers. One of her sayings was, "Men are like buses, if you miss one, there's always another one on the way!" :lol:

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On 7/8/2022 at 3:44 PM, Kayla said:


How about sending a thoughtful thank you note to show your appreciation? It will get him thinking about you, plus guys like to be appreciated for helping. 



I have his work email that he gave me when my other cat was sick. He had asked me back then to email him more or less daily updates on how my late cat was doing in the weeks before my cat passed. 


So, I sent him a nice thank you email for everything that he’s done. And he sent back an extremely lovely & sweet email back thanking me for the thank you! 🤩



On 7/9/2022 at 12:22 AM, hedgehog said:

One of her sayings was, "Men are like buses, if you miss one, there's always another one on the way!" :lol:



Hahaha! I love that!


That is all great advice!  Yes, he is recently out of a relationship and I imagine he’s not quite there yet. So just having fun and seeing what happens seems like the best approach for now. I just have to remember not to get too wrapped up around the axel (as my father would phrase it). No pressure!


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5 hours ago, RosesArePink said:



I have his work email that he gave me when my other cat was sick. He had asked me back then to email him more or less daily updates on how my late cat was doing in the weeks before my cat passed. 


So, I sent him a nice thank you email for everything that he’s done. And he sent back an extremely lovely & sweet email back thanking me for the thank you! 🤩








Yay!  He sounds like a really nice guy. Hopefully, when he's ready, it will turn into something more. 🙂

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On 7/11/2022 at 7:38 PM, Kayla said:


Yay!  He sounds like a really nice guy. Hopefully, when he's ready, it will turn into something more. 🙂



😊 He really is a sweet guy! Everything just feels fun and natural when I’m around him. Yes, fingers crossed! 🤞

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yes, I’m still hopped up on Heart & Soul plus a little BAM! (and lots of Platelet Punch 😁 @Eastwood22 Thanks for the reminder on how great this one is!) from today’s appointment with the Cute Veterinarian. It went really well. I arrived early and was out in the parking lot by my car, when who should drive by? Yes, that’s right, the Cute Veterinarian! He must have been coming back to work from his lunch break. He waved and smiled at me as he drove over to his parking space. Then, as he was walking to the employee door, he kept looking at me with a huge smile on his face and seemed really happy to see me. He gave me another big wave and his face lite up when I smiled and waved back at him. He was probably too far away from my phero cloud, but then again, the breeze was blowing in his direction. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


Oh there was plenty of talking during the appointment. And he was smiling and laughing a lot, but he kept looking down with a soft smile and just seemed rather shy. Anyway, the last time I saw him, he had told me that he has a birthday in early August. So, I got him a small gift. He seemed really pleased and happy that I got him something. Also, it felt like a couple of times he wanted to reach out and touch my hands. But he didn’t. Instead, he caressed my cat.


Heart & Soul with a bit of BAM! seems to be working well on him. Though, I am still tempted to try Perfect Match again or maybe even Cougar (just bought a scented Cougar bottle!) or even Gotcha. 


So, I’m looking at my pherotine bottles of Heart & Soul and Perfect Match and am a little surprised at how much I’ve gone through them. I’m debating about buying UN bottles for each and considering getting sprays. Maybe the alcohol/oil ones?

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1 hour ago, RosesArePink said:

So, I’m looking at my pherotine bottles of Heart & Soul and Perfect Match and am a little surprised at how much I’ve gone through them. I’m debating about buying UN bottles for each and considering getting sprays. Maybe the alcohol/oil ones?

I think that’s a good idea! And how awesome if you land a veterinarian?!!! That would be the best. A smart guy who’s devoted his life to taking care of animals? That’s a big win. I don’t think Cougar would be best at this point, but Gotcha would be perfect.

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Wouldn’t it be great!?!!  Can’t get any better than a smart, compassionate man who loves animals!


😋 Think it’s too early for Betrothal Potion? Right, getting just a little ahead of myself. 


I’m excited to try the sprays, so I think I will get them. My Lumina pherotine bottle is also getting hit pretty hard but I don’t think I can get all three as sprays right now (budgets, budgets, budgets 😞), so that will have to wait. I have Lumina in a spray with Sneaky Clean at least (and a couple bottles of fragrances with it).


Yeah, I haven’t played enough with Cougar to understand it yet. It seems to bring out a fun vibe, but it does seem pretty sexual, which may not be the right vibe at this point or for using at his place of work. Though I think in the right context it would be a lot of fun.


Thinking about trying Glotcha with him next time, but I’m a bit nervous to do it. I’ve only used it once before with Mr. (UN)Wonderful and his reaction to it was a bit odd. Though maybe that was just him. It seems other people on the forum have had really great experiences with Gotcha, so it is really tempting to try! Otherwise, trying Perfect Match again might be nice as it does bring out some “couple-y-ness” with him. But on the other hand, it does seem to make him a bit shy/nervous. Ah, choices! 🤔


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  • 1 month later...

For today’s visit with the Cute Veterinarian, I took a chance with Gotcha and some cops because I couldn’t help myself.  Two and a half-ish sprays of 60/40 and regular amount of cops (dabs at bother inner elbows and at cleavage). And LP Pink.


Such a different vibe from Heart & Soul with cops and even from Perfect Match with cops! Sort of still trying to figure it out.  So, warning ⚠️ , this might be long (sorry, can’t help it). Oh, also I wasn’t quite sure if I should post on this thread or the Gotcha2.0 thread, but since this more about trying to capture my target, I decided to put it here.🤷🏻‍♀️


I know lots of people seem to have good luck with falling into their target’s bed with Gotcha. Since this is his work place the likelihood of that happening was not very high. And no, that didn’t happen. But, he did touch me, just gently touched my hand. Nothing inappropriate or anything like that. Still, I’m pretty sure it’s the first time he’s ever done something like that. I’ve noted before with both Heart & Soul and Perfect Match he has acted as if he wanted to touch me but then doesn’t. 


With Heart & Soul (and cops) he (and pretty much every man I’ve tried it on) becomes over the top happy and giggly. While he still seemed happy with Gotcha it wasn’t nearly the same sugar type high. With Gotcha he was happy, but more subdued and maybe more at ease. I kind of missed his giggles, but on the other hand, I liked the natural and comfortable vibe. He also spent way more time with me than with either H&S or PM and wasn’t in any rush to leave. He had a really sweet soft smile and almost heart shaped eyes. More eye contact than with H&S. Maybe about the same as with PM, but PM seemed to make him shy and dazed. He is a kind, gentle guy anyway, but he seemed extra gentle this time. Just like with BAM! he talked about some personal things which led to a conversation about our parents. Not quite the same as with BAM but still nice. 🤔 Still trying to figure out the differences.


Oh, my cat is doing great. Last time he said if my cat is still doing this great at this appointment we could extend the visits out to every two months instead of every month. Last time, I was not thrilled by that thought and I’m sure he noticed. This time, with a soft smile he told me to come back in a month! I see that as a win. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I went with Gotcha! (three sprays) and some OCCO Pink and lots of LP Pink for visiting the Cute Veterinarian. It went very well and he was sharing some more personal stuff with me. Again, like last time, he was not very giggly like he is with Heart & Soul and cops, but he was in a happy mood and when he laughed it was out right laughter. The visit was super sweet though and he definitely had an adoring look in his eyes.


My cat is doing great, but he still told me to come back in a few weeks. After the appointment, I was out front paying and he came by and pretty closely walked behind me to talk with one of the vet assistants. When he finished, he turned to go, but I saw him pause to look at me and he just gave me a really sweet soft smile and look. And possibly I also Gotcha!-ed myself. 💘



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