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Hello, I am new with questions !


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Hi all, If I have posted in the wrong area let me apologize...I am a fragrance lover and found this site through an online perfume friend! She shared her experiences with Love Potion products and they mimic those I  have read on this site before joining.


You know of course I had to place an order ....however, despite all my readings on here, I find I am getting zero results either for myself or others who are my target...I wonder if I could get some input from the knowledgeable forum members.


I purchased a little of everything: Cougar, Viracious, sheer essence, BAM, Beth's blushing milkmaid with cops, KIKI with cops, sexology, cuddle bunny, perfect match, occo, like a magnet, blatant invitation after speaking with a lovely young lady on the phone, I believe it was Kimi (she said that KIKI was named after her I believe...)


So in reading about varied experiences it *seems* I am quite a bit older than most it appears , hope that doesn't work against me 🙂


What do  you need to know about me ? Thanks in advance! 


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Hi! :)


Whatever you want to share about yourself is fine, if you think it might help in giving you advice.  The forums are great for advice but also just getting to know other LPMP addicts!  I think you will find there are more older ladies here than you think.  For example, I'm 57.


I would say that depending on which pheros you have tried, you might want to either comment on those threads or start a thread in the Women's subforum for specific questions regarding usage of the blends.

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Hi @Lori and welcome! I am 52, I have had much success with the pheros, but there are a lot of subtle things you need to know, like not wearing too much, not mixing pre-made blends, not wearing cops around your upper body or getting them into your hair,etc. 

Check out the forum, maybe sort by most read or most replies and you’ll get a lot of info….


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:thbf54f4bf: @Lori 


Yes, to what Eastwood and Luna said.  Read, and read some more.

 I’m 66 btw.  There are a wide range of ages that participate here, but I’m likely the oldest.  I do feel like women past their 30’s and 40’s can be a little more generous with the application of perfumes containing copulins, but you have to find out what works for you.  One way to judge, other than by reactions from others, is if you personally respond.


As @Eastwood22 mentioned, It’s important to not mix different phero blends.  Several  threads started years back by Dolly will be helpful.  You can locate them in the bottom section of the forum in the journals section.  You will have to be logged in to access this area.  

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Welcome, Lori!


You may have to adjust your expectations about what a HIT really looks like, too.

Often I hear things like, "There's something different about you today...did you get a haircut? Is that a new blouse?"

What that's really telling you is that they are looking at you anew - you have gained their closer attention.

You may be getting responses such as people opening a door for you, or offering you a chair, or asking to help carry things. I mean, people you know who don't normally do that sort of thing for you.

Most people have control over their visible reactions, so may not seem to be reacting right away. They might even say something a few days later.

My advice would be if you are working on a target, wear the same phero blend several days in a row around them, so their perceptions of you are consistent and not confusing. Then try a different blend for a few more days, and judge the reactions like that.


How much are you wearing and where are you applying? It helps to keep a journal when you are starting your phero journey - write down how much you wear, where you apply, and any impressions at the end of the day. Try more, or less, the next day.


Most of the time I don't realize something was a hit until I think about it later. Why was everyone acting so chivalrous today? That was weird. Oh yeah! I wore Lace today!


Good luck and have fun with them!

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On 4/9/2022 at 3:17 PM, Lori said:

I am quite a bit older than mos

 I get the Senior Citizen discount at IHOP....LOL

so I have to agree with the other patrons who believe that the 'mones work on all.


Mara gave you best advice. Be consistent 

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 When I first started using pheros I went all out on the more sexual blends. I thought that was what I wanted. It wasn't until I started experimenting with other pheros that I really noticed anything. The first phero I noticed an effect from was an anol blend I got elsewhere. It was subtle at first. I noticed I was just in a better mood. Then day by day I realized the people in my bubble were in a better mood and they started to gravitate toward me more.

 From there I realized the great value in social blends. Perfect match is great for bonding. People just seem less harsh with me when I wear it. My partner talked to me for hours the first time I wore it. There was a glint in his eye as he spoke. It's little things like that you'll start to pick up on. 

 My favorite sexual blend has become La Femme Noire. I notice I'm less emotional when I wear it and my speech is more eloquent. I feel slightly more energized. And all the men around me get excited. Out of respect they don't hit on me (or fear of my partner whom I work with) but their mood elevates and they want to be around me. They make more dirty jokes than usual and comment on other women to me.  

 One of the biggest moments I had, that just smacked me in my face saying pheros really work, was when I tried sogni incantati with savage beast. I immediately passed out! It just lulled me right to sleep in the middle of the day. Now it's my sleepy potion I spray on me before bed every night. 

 Welcome and good luck! You're in the right place, everyone here is really awesome and supportive. Oh and one last tip. Pheros work way better with a fragrance. I was opposed to it at first and went for unscented pheros. You get way more bang for your buck if you put a nice scent over any unscented pheros! 

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Thank you all so much for your replies! I hope you don't fall asleep with me asking questions ...I am making a note about Artemis suggestion about Sogni Incantat (I don't believe I have seen this here as yet)/Savage Beast..I could use a good sleep potion! I La Femme Noir is on my list to try ---I am open to all suggestions on using the ones I have already purchased...


Cougar, sheer essence, BAM, Beth's blushing milkmaid with cops, KIKI with cops, sexology, cuddle bunny, perfect match, occo, like a magnet, blatant invitation


Do I get the prize for oldest? I will be *69* on this Mothers Day ...yes, that is my chronological age, however my bio age is much younger both in looks and feelings / attitude..I take bioidentical hormones - I wonder if that will affect or negate any particular pheromones - has anyone some thoughts on that? I find they have majorly turned up the heat for me in the relationships with men in my life...I enjoy the physical attention etc


I got very interested in pheromones as a natural outlet from my interest in perfumes...most perfume friends have expressed a disbelief in pheremones, I am hoping to prove them wrong and of course I am very open to the experimentation..an online perfume friend recommended me here and I made all the purchases of the blends she warned me about (haha attention from men)...as I have read here there may be interest from those with * low social filters* - which would be most of my current workplace and gym...so I was hoping to use those as the first > playing field < - I sell perfume oils as well, so of course would like to connect more with the target market in a positive uplifting way...


In general, my natural tendency is as an introvert, I can turn on the friendly and outgoing if I have to ..I would like to be a bit more gregarious, like after a couple of shots of tequila will make you e.g. better with small talk at gatherings with people I don't know well..or talking with people about perfume... have had lots of attention from a few of the younger guys @ work-they like to talk to me (mommy complex lol?) want a hug/stand close, pay attention to the fragrance of the day, a 30 yr old asked for sex one time LOL...this was without pheremones... lots of smiles and joking around..


I tried using Sexology and Blatant Invitation on a target at work that I already have chemistry with but with whom I want more: one swipe of each on each side of neck - topped by his favorite fragrance...thinking that not enough body heat created maybe ?? or not enough ? or too much ? exposure not long enough or should use one at a time, or he is simply not interested hehe...


I was recommended Cuddy Bunny and Perfect match for someone that I am currently involved with sexually that I want more than just physical contact with...want him to open up and really be connecting with me (he is resistant to a relationship atm so maybe wrong time / target and he is out of state at this time but will be back in future) of course I want him to desire me... as in I want to be on his mind when he is absent..I need more attention like phone calls or texts in between than what he is currently offering...lol he is a Cancer tho, so not sure it will happen 😆


The COPS I have...I guess I need to really get into this and sort out what may be more effective to me since I haven't actively used them as yet..there is a target @ the gym that I wish to become closer with, he approached me @ first and asked if we could train together and I'd like to play with him to see where he is coming from...


re scents: I did wear the KIKI with cops once..I was a bit distracted by the fragrance itself as I am not attracted to gourmand fragrances as a rule nor am I a floral lover  --however I wear skin scents, musk, woodys and orientals in moderation due to the heat down here...and some freshies..I guess now that the summer is here perhaps  I will get a bit more projection / sillage from the oils..


Thanks for listening, I appreciate you all ! the threads  you have suggested will be helpful and I will continue to read everything I can.

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@Lori  oh, never ignore the copulins!  They’re my best friend (relatively speaking).   How nice to have a birthday on Mother’s Day.  Your own mother must have thought you even more special for that reason.

I’m not clear on if you wore  BI and Sexology simultaneously or not.  It’s best to not to wear two complex phero blends at the same time.  

Cougar was created with a more mature woman in mind. There is a scented version, and an unscented one. There is a new release called Argent that has it, and it sounds like it’s one  you might be drawn to. 

For your currently out of town target guy, remember that subtle can be best. Men can sense when we’re trying too hard. Gotcha is another one to consider, btw. 

The timing for you experimenting is ideal. This most recent new release has a scented version of every pheromone LPMP offers. 

 I’d be hesitant to wear overtly sexual pheromones around guys you know already know  tend to have low social filters, even as a test. Nothing bad might ever come of it, but it’s still a risk.  

Applying heavy handedly can backfire. Read up on “ghosting” from pheromone amounts.  There are old threads on this forum with actual experiences shared by members here.  

Just some thoughts, I hope some of what I wrote was helpful. 

Edited to add: Down in the journals section, I have an ongoing thread where we talk about aging  related things, not necessarily for the senior citizen crowd though. 




Edited by Eve
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Thank you so much @ Eve!


COPS will be up next to seriously persue, thank you for taking the time to break it down. Yes, I did one swipe of BI on one side of neck and one swipe of Sexology on the other. I will choose one only next time -- I did read something about ghosting and thanks for the reminder that less is more sometimes!


For my gym guy, what would you recommend? I know you can't have too many friends, but he approached me first (dang I wish I remembered what I had on that day as far as scent LOL!) 


I have a cougar sample as well so I will start keeping track on paper what I am using and how it works (or doesn't)..


I will look thru the journals section with interest, thank you for bringing it to my attention! 

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Blatant Invitation and Sexology are both Copulin heavy blends. It works best if you apply the heavily sexual formulas and copulins from your cleavage on down. I would never apply these to the neck, face or hair region. The scent of those pheros would naturally come from the region of your underpants, so wearing them around your face may give the impression of being unclean, rather than sexy. We have laughingly dubbed this phenomenon Coochie Head here on the forum. :lol: Less is indeed more when it comes to pheromones, and it does take some trial and error to learn how to apply them properly. Did you get the bookmark with application tips in with your order?

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9 hours ago, Potion Master said:

Blatant Invitation and Sexology are both Copulin heavy blends. It works best if you apply the heavily sexual formulas and copulins from your cleavage on down. I would never apply these to the neck, face or hair region. The scent of those pheros would naturally come from the region of your underpants, so wearing them around your face may give the impression of being unclean, rather than sexy. We have laughingly dubbed this phenomenon Coochie Head here on the forum. :lol: Less is indeed more when it comes to pheromones, and it does take some trial and error to learn how to apply them properly. Did you get the bookmark with application tips in with your order?

loved *coochie head * !! I did get the bookmark with my order...to my nose ...admittedly still in training...I didn't sense a smell from them at all---I  guess I am anosmic?? ...I thought the COPS only products were used on trunk...like the Sheer Essence...which I haven't used as yet.. I better start from scratch --thank you so much for bringing to my attention and appreciate your taking the time to educate me ! Happy Easter to all!



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@lori welcome to the forum and "Welcome to Fannnntasy Island" 🥀🌺

I'm a woman in my 50ties, I still get my period and have gotten benefit from estrogen heavy blends on certain days and copulins on other days. I've also found some blends that help me with occasional anxiety and insomnia. These were not results I was expecting when I first got into pheromones but the self-effects are what keeps me coming back year after year. 

I look forward to reading your reviews and experiences !

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On 4/17/2022 at 6:54 PM, androstenol said:

@lori welcome to the forum and "Welcome to Fannnntasy Island" 🥀🌺

I'm a woman in my 50ties, I still get my period and have gotten benefit from estrogen heavy blends on certain days and copulins on other days. I've also found some blends that help me with occasional anxiety and insomnia. These were not results I was expecting when I first got into pheromones but the self-effects are what keeps me coming back year after year. 

I look forward to reading your reviews and experiences !

Thank you so much @ androstenol for your lovely welcome! Yes, I  suspect that even if the hormone level of the blends is minimal it can still be very effective...I will let you all know what I am trying and noticing; this week is Sexology, rolled on mid trunk and around belly button..it's strange but I am anosmic to any scent in this but am trusting the process and can't wait to have something to report 🤣

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So, I have two interesting experiences to share...quite sudden so I am blaming it on my experiment with Sexology!


I've been rolling this on in the morning, cleavage to navel ..then of course my scent of the day...


One of my guys at work  (he's 30 y.o., hard worker, 4 children (I know crazy) and pretty reserved..I'm helping him with trying to secure a permanent job, helping him w/ resume, I don't see him but 5 min maybe during the day...) on Monday jumped up when I came through the breakroom to ask me how the Easter Sunday was..and quietly said "I don't know why but you are on my mind quite a bit, I can't seem to stop thinking about you..you doing ok? It took me off guard, so I winked at  him, told him I was great and thanks for thinking about me...


And yesterday jumped down off the forklift to give a quick hug and ask me how I was doing and let me know thinking about me....course with a more appropriate person  I would have asked to talk about this over coffee sometime...🤪


The second guy - I sell him perfume, usually pass him by couple times a day, all of a sudden the greeting yesterday was hey mami ( slang for beautiful woman as I had to ask a friend LOL) I initally thought I'd have to bop him ...


Could all be coincidental but does not feel that way LOL!


Anyway, thinking about my gym guy who sought me out to train together and who is sunshine in human form...maybe my next to try will be cougar 


Thanks for all the info everyone!



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