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Panache w/Leather and cops application

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Hi, I’ve been reading a lot about Leather and I think I need to give it a go. I think it might be more congruent with my personality than Lace. I’ve got a couple of questions:

Can Panache be applied to the neck or is the cops content too high?


Can Leather help me persuade people to do things for me? Particularly need my SO to agree to something but without coming across as too bossy. 


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6 hours ago, Eve said:

I don’t know, but bumping this to keep it up there for someone who does know will see it!  

Thanks very much @Eve! I was testing Lace, not getting any obvious hits or self-effects and then reading Leather reviews. It occurred to me that I have never tried it and it might work better with my personality than Lace in certain situations. Have you tried Leather?

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Yeah I would advise against spraying it in your hair.  But I think the back of your neck is okay just as long as you do it lightly.  Concentrate it more on your torso.

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In the description for leather it says it's safe to apply anywhere on your body hair or clothes. ❤️ As far as you coming off too bossy... That just depends on your man. Different people react differently to all pheros I've found. 

Oh shoot I just realized panache doesn't just have leather it has cops. I would stay away from the hair. 

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Thanks ladies, I will stick to my cleavage and wrists, to be on the safe side. I’ve ordered oil which I find easier to control and spread around than a spray for certain blends. I use Gotcha all over my neck, so thought it was worth checking with you all whether Panache was maybe similar. 

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How much are you applying? With other phero enhanced fragrances I roll the bottle liberally over my arms and cleavage and smoosh around with my wrists. This has cops and I don’t want to raise my manly man’s testosterone too much (he gets irritable and arguments arise). So those of you who have used it, are you just doing one roll down your torso or a just a dab on your wrists? 

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  • 1 month later...

So, I got my Panache spray… I can’t wear this scent, I ended up washing it off🙁 Maybe it’s storax or labdanum as both are new notes to me. Any ideas what to layer with this scent? I got lots of little travel bottle to mix scents in, so I open to ideas.

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Thanks for the ideas!
I should have gone for a trial sample first but international shipment can take time, and I really wanted to have Leather. Should have ordered UN Leather and layered it with a fruity, honey or floral scent. Hopefully Panache will age well for us both!

P.S. It’s oil I have, not spray, got mixed up there. 

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