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Best Phero for airport/travel & work conference?

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Unfortunately I have to travel by air to a work conference. So, I’m trying to decide which pheromone is best for travel day. I would like something to help ease through the security checkpoints and to keep the airline staff and fellow passengers friendly, respectful and kind. As a bonus, something that would keep me feeling relaxed and less anxious would be great (flying makes my feel very anxious and nervous).


La Femme Mystere?

Treasured Hearts?

Swimming with Sharks?

Something else?


Definitely plan on bring sample vials (not risking actual bottles) of Treasured Hearts, Swimming with Sharks, and something with B2.2 for the actual conference. Maybe Lumina too.


PS, and yes, I will wear an N-95 mask while traveling!


And, has anyone flown recently? How terrible is it these days?

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I'm about to fly out as well, I'm planning on wearing Gotcha or LFM, I haven't decided yet lol. I find they both make people courteous  and also makes it easy to glide through in public 😄


But out of yours listed, I'd go with sws or LFM, esp if you want a handle on your anxiety. 


I'll be wearing a mask as well, I'm hoping the airport isn't too crazy, Im leaving Alaska so our airport is like micro. Idk if I can put a gauge on it for you....but in may it was a nightmare transferring flights! Had to be in line at 7am to catch our afternoon flight 🤦🏻‍♀️


I hope that's not the case this time around, let's have safe, easy travels! 


(I have 1ml rollers of pheros I'm bringing w.me cuz I'm indecisive... in a tiny zip case that can hold ten of those suckers, this what I got going on (I'm dying to share)


1. Gotcha 

2. QB

3. LFN 

4. CD 

5. Lumina 

6. Levitation 

7. TH 

8. B2.2 

(9. SWS

(10. Charisma for women





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@Anonymous2F  And @luna65



Thanks! Both Gotcha and Cougar are choices that never would have occurred to me to try. I can see how both would be good though. LOL It’s more of a problem to narrow it down to just one to wear. Yeah, I am leaning towards LFM at the moment, but wasn’t sure if it would keep me calm or not. Usually gives me lots of energy and makes me want to go running or something.


Love your list, Anonymous2F and I’m happy you shared. Hmm, maybe I should bring Queen Bee too. Might be a good testing opportunity. 



4 hours ago, Anonymous2F said:

dk if I can put a gauge on it for you....but in may it was a nightmare transferring flights! Had to be in line at 7am to catch our afternoon flight 🤦🏻‍♀️



Ugh. That does sound terrible. Noticed that all the transfers had really long five and six hours between flights. It seemed excessive (unless you are doing an international fight). Thankfully I found direct flights for this trip. 


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On 9/22/2022 at 12:25 PM, RosesArePink said:

@Anonymous2F  And @luna65leaning towards LFM at the moment, but wasn’t sure if it would keep me calm or not.

Oh man, I never really noticed an energy boost from LFM, this is ymmv territory haha I am quite jelly. I get opposite effects at best!


I'd think spending the next few days before the trip test running some pheros and see what selfies you'll get, for science! 


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Teddy is great for relaxing me, haven’t really worn it out yet to see how others react, this one is just for me! Maybe try some b2 and lfm together first and see how you feel since you know lfm works that way for you?

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Just for fun, I tried the B2.2 and LFM combo today. I felt like a dreamy, floating queen. Floating up and up and away. :onigiri_moon_sleep:   


Think I was too heavy handed with the B2.2! Maybe with just a smidge next time. But it had all the great customer service benefits of LFM, all my cashiers/store associates were super sweet, helpful and smiley and I was super relaxed. So, this could work! But now, I need a nap.


And Pax and Sensual Harmony work okay together. 

Edited by RosesArePink
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