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Aaack! Phero Mix Up

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😫 I intended to spray on Heart & Soul for an in person meeting I am about to go to...but I grabbed the wrong bottle and sprayed Gotcha with wild abandon instead. I tried to wash it off and use witch hazel, but is it going to be okay to use H&S now? Or is that going to turn into a bad phero mix? Help and advice please! And thank you 😱

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It should be fine if you wiped it off!!!


I did that the other day. I forgot one of my bottles had a phero in it and put it over a different un. I was pissy all day lol as soon as I sniffed myself I recognized the phero in the fragrance because it was something strong.  


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@ArtemisThanks! It’s always annoying when you realize that you’ve goofed! I washed off the Gotcha from my skin, but unfortunately I also had sprayed some in my hair. And I neglected to mention that earlier I had used Glossamer Threads with Heart and Soul. I had intended to use UN H&S just to boost the Glossamer Threads. So, I really had both pheromones on. And had way too much Gotcha on.


I decided since I had some Gotcha in my hair to not add more H&S. I really wanted H&S fun, happy and adoring vibe for that meeting. Ah well.


Mostly went okay though, even if not the happy vibe I wanted. Had a very strange interaction after the meeting with one of my male (married) coworkers. I just asked him how things were going and he reacted like I poked him with a sharp stick. He froze and a glazed look momentarily crossed his face. Then his eyes got all shifty and he glanced up to the right like people do right before they start making stuff up. Then he started to go on about how his home life was fine and he couldn’t think of anything going on. And then he emphasized again how everything is quiet and good. 🤔 I’m thinking: dude! What was that strange body language and reaction about!?! Must be the beta-nol getting to him? Have to admit now I’m curious. His reaction was just so odd. And I feel like he was making up some sort of cover story. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Edited by RosesArePink
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@RosesArePink your coworker, if this were a movie, just had his entire family taken hostage until he successfully steals some corporate secrets. And that’s the movie best case scenario!

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