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My first Day 1 of my Testing & Results Report:)


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Hello to the friendly & helpful people here in this forum, i have my first day 1 of my Testing & Results report ready for viewing :) So feel free to give your opinion as i welcomed it very much ^_^


Day: 1 October 2008 Wednesday


Location: My Regular hair saloon & 2 Clubs> MOS Club(Ministry of Sound) & an unknown Club(I can't remember the name)


Phero combo used for that night: 5 dabs of Synchronicity, 3 dabs of Unscented Super Sexy for Men & 3 dabs of Phero Boy Super Sample vial(refreshed later)


Report: I have planned to wear all the pheros above except for Phero Boy Super that i intented to use later for my clubbing but first i decided to get a haircut from my regular hair saloon so i headed there first. Well when my regular hair stylist attended to me when she have done with another customer. Then we have the usual chatter there but this time i noticed the chatter is much more friendly, enjoyable & longer than before. This i can say is the work of Synchronicity there ^_^


After my haircut, i left the saloon & get on a cab to MOS Club & the same thing happened again with the cab driver, i have an enjoyable, friendly & longer conversation with him while on my way there ^_^ Soon i reached the MOS club & i went in & pay the cover charge. After i'm in the club & get my drink, i decided to walk around a bit. So i walk around the club but there is no reaction there. So after a few hours has passed, i decided to refreshed with my Phero Boy Super sample vial that i bring along in the toliet. I applied it & went out to see if there is any difference & weirdly nothing happened :gasp:


So i decided to went outside & head to another unknown club that i don't remember the name & still the same thing happened nothing happened & i got a hostile reaction from one of the bouncer there :shocked: So i left quick to avoid any trouble there & head back to MOS. Back in MOS, i order my drinks & guess what to my shock & embarassment, a shemale approached me & start talking so i just be cool there even i'm still shock & embarrass there & be a gentlemen & give her a drink. Then she started moving her hands somewhere else in which i push her hands away & she even said if i want to go to hotel with her in which i was going to fainted hearing that but i remained calm & refused her offer nicely saying that i'm not interested & i'm drunk as the reason. So after that this shemale walk away to the dancefloor. And i say to myself Thank god :blink: So ladies don't mind explaining to me why did my Phero combo attract a shemale first? Why? Why not a real lady? Btw I have been thinking about this for some time already.


After that i grab my drink & went out to another room of the club & danced there instead. While i was dancing in a packed crowd, things started to get a bit weird, two chinese girls were dancing with each other & then one of the girls danced dirty in front of me & her female friend but i just continue dancing. Ok here come the good part, after that i met a group of ladies from Ireland in which 2 of them is interested in dancing with me so i danced with them and they enjoyed dancing with me. And when the club close for the night, i bid my farewell with them & they both give me a kiss & a hug. After that i went back home.


So that's what happened to me that night & well to me it is a weird night. Anyway feel free to tell me what do you think there. Thanks :)


Edited by PhatSounds
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So ladies don't mind explaining to me why did my Phero combo attract a shemale first? Why? Why not a real lady? Btw I have been thinking about this for some time already.

Well, it could have been the Synchronicity...the Drop Your Guard may have had that effect on that person, made her (I'm assuming she considers herself a female regardless of the actual status) feel like she could approach you. Or, the Super was attracting her because she is attracted to men (regardless of orientation). Super attracts attention from both sexes in some cases. However, you can't necessarily ascribe all reactions as a result of pheromones. They don't always work on strangers, for example. It could have just been that the person was attracted to you for whatever reason.


Sometimes it takes a while for pheros have an effect as well. So the first time you put on the Super Sexy mix, for example, and didn't get any reactions, it could have been that it just wasn't transmitting well enough. But women are very attracted to fragrance (we have a better sense of smell than men) and so once you used the Super for Men you got more attention than just the phero mix alone.

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Well, it could have been the Synchronicity...the Drop Your Guard may have had that effect on that person, made her (I'm assuming she considers herself a female regardless of the actual status) feel like she could approach you. Or, the Super was attracting her because she is attracted to men (regardless of orientation). Super attracts attention from both sexes in some cases. However, you can't necessarily ascribe all reactions as a result of pheromones. They don't always work on strangers, for example. It could have just been that the person was attracted to you for whatever reason.


Sometimes it takes a while for pheros have an effect as well. So the first time you put on the Super Sexy mix, for example, and didn't get any reactions, it could have been that it just wasn't transmitting well enough. But women are very attracted to fragrance (we have a better sense of smell than men) and so once you used the Super for Men you got more attention than just the phero mix alone.


What a great explanation, Luna. I know most people state that later in the day, after the initial application of pheros, they get the greatest response.

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I would also suggest possibly increasing the amount you are wearing.....you may not have hit your "sweet spot" with these mixes yet......trust me, when you do hit it, WOW.


You started out correctly though.....the best way to work these mixes is start with just a little bit, as they are very potent.....try applying a bit more next time, if you still aren't getting the responses that you desire.....

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