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Potency of love potion pheromone blends compared to others?


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So the unscented pheroblends offered by LovePotion are a LOT more concentrated than other mixes!!

Here is the quote that got my attention:


UNscenteds are 1mg/1mL

(In Androtics language, that's 150 mcg per spray)

Is this a guarantee for any unscented phero blends?

It is like between 3 and 5 times more pheromones than the average phero blends sold on other websites then?... That sounds pretty impressive to me. :018A1D~14:

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So the unscented pheroblends offered by LovePotion are a LOT more concentrated than other mixes!!

Here is the quote that got my attention:


UNscenteds are 1mg/1mL

(In Androtics language, that's 150 mcg per spray)

Is this a guarantee for any unscented phero blends?

It is like between 3 and 5 times more pheromones than the average phero blends sold on other websites then?... That sounds pretty impressive to me. :018A1D~14:




Yes, they ARE that potent.....that is the main reason that I no longer buy pheromones from anywhere but here.

Edited by Dolly
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I'm with you, Dolly. Since at least some most of the blends have non pheromone added equivalents, why not pay a little more to get more bang for your buck? Aside from two of the pherogirl blends, I think everything else I have is unscented. And what I love even more about them is the ROLL-ON factor. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE roll-ons!

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I'm with you, Dolly. Since at least some most of the blends have non pheromone added equivalents, why not pay a little more to get more bang for your buck? Aside from two of the pherogirl blends, I think everything else I have is unscented. And what I love even more about them is the ROLL-ON factor. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE roll-ons!



Me too. I live in the South, and with the heat and humidity in the summer, I can burn through a whole bottle of an alcohol-based spray in a week or two. The oil-based blends last longer.

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Actually if you only look at the phero content in the blends, you would end up paying more for the same amount of pheromones from mixes bought from other companies.

I made the calculations, a lot of popular mixes from other sites are around 15mcg/35 mcg per spray, and the unscented pheroblends from Lovepotion are 150mcg per spray. If you take into account the ML and price per bottle, you'll see that you'll pay between 2 and four times the price for the same amount of pheros.

I am not saying that all phero content are equally potent, I am certainly NOT an expert here, and this is not going to restrain me from shopping from different places. I welcome variety! But it is something that I'll consider though, since I am student and can't afford to spend too much on my new addiction lol!

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Actually if you only look at the phero content in the blends, you would end up paying more for the same amount of pheromones from mixes bought from other companies.

I made the calculations, a lot of popular mixes from other sites are around 15mcg/35 mcg per spray, and the unscented pheroblends from Lovepotion are 150mcg per spray. If you take into account the ML and price per bottle, you'll see that you'll pay between 2 and four times the price for the same amount of pheros.

I am not saying that all phero content are equally potent, I am certainly NOT an expert here, and this is not going to restrain me from shopping from different places. I welcome variety! But it is something that I'll consider though, since I am student and can't afford to spend too much on my new addiction lol!



I have used pheros for many years, and have used products from practically every supplier out there. This is what I KNOW to be FACT:


1. The LP varieties do not evaporate off your skin as quickly, so you (a) do not have to use as much, and (:ph34r: do not have to re-apply. Especially helpful if you live in a hot, humid location.


2. The LP pheros are stronger, so, again, you do not have to use as much to get the effects....a little dab will do it!


3. The LP pheros are created to the highest quality standards, and are the "cleanest" smelling pheros I have ever used (I have used some before that smelled like feet....P.U.!!!!!). I can put on the pheros from here with NO COVER, and you would never know that I am wearing pheros.


4. The scents here are EXCELLENT, so you can use the scents that are pre-blended with pheros, or you can order an add-in of your choice. No need to use a cover scent. So much easier to use!



These are the reasons why I stopped shopping elsewhere. I get more bang for the buck here. And, I can meet all of my phero and perfume needs right here in one place.

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Thanks Dolly for your input.

This is valuable information, like I said, for someone on a budget. I will however continue to order from different places, just because I like to try new and different products, and I want to support the people who do research/development from different companies.

But like I said, I will look at LovePotion products with more interest!!

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Thanks Dolly for your input.

This is valuable information, like I said, for someone on a budget. I will however continue to order from different places, just because I like to try new and different products, and I want to support the people who do research/development from different companies.

But like I said, I will look at LovePotion products with more interest!!



I agree.....very good info when you break it down! Keep playing with the pheros.....investigation/testing/research is half the fun!!

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  • 5 weeks later...
I have used pheros for many years, and have used products from practically every supplier out there . . . I stopped shopping elsewhere. I get more bang for the buck here. And, I can meet all of my phero and perfume needs right here in one place.


I had just about every pheromone website bookmarked on my computer. After I received my first order of pheromones from "Love Potion", I deleted all my other bookmarked pheromone sites.


I only order from this website now. :D

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