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Welcome, khim!!!


I was like SB; I ordered 4-5 separate orders before I even received my first one. :) Can you say obsessed??? Hehe!! It's LP crack. :019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co

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Hi. I just joined and thought I would say hello. I am an androtics customer and found out lovepotions use their pheromones. My best friend has been inviting me over for an "olfactory high" every month as she gets her samples. I finally decided on ordering several perfumes and just love them. I love layering them, actually perfuming different parts of me with different scents and havng them discovered,, sort of a personal scavenger hunt with me winning... its working out really well too. Thanks ladies for all the fun...48 is absolutely fabulous. What do I do while not playing with perfumes.. I am a mom of 3 all but grown kids, all totally cool, 3 dogs, a kitten that is going to be the death of me and 3 lovies...never a dull moment here. I am a behavior specialst for special education.

I dont have much time for hobbies, I guess life is my main hobby. I am an avid music lover, and seem to know the most ridiculous trivia associated with it...

My fav perfumes so far.. all I have purchased...lol I feel totally naked without them. Thanks for such fun with scent..

Oh, and I live just outside of Atlanta, Ga.

Edited by magikmaiden
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Hi. I just joined and thought I would say hello... Oh, and I live just outside of Atlanta, Ga.


Hi there magikmaiden. Welcome to our forum. I live in Alaska right now, but all of my dad's side of the family (mom, brother and two sisters) live in the burbs of Atlanta. My grandmother lives in Conley (that's the only one I can remember without looking it up)...

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Hi magikmaiden! Welcome to the forum!

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Hi Dolly,

You have seen me on the pherotalk forum as lingerie_gal...

Between the pheromone for there and the totally fab perfumes here... I am in absolute heaven...I feellike a scent junkie... and have to most unaddictive personality of anyone you ever met, so its a really new experience for me. And I m kinda loving it...Very glad its not illegal or immoral or fattening.. :) this is how feel these days with all my scents going on...way more fun that any girl know should be having...Scarlet



Hi magikmaiden! Welcome to the forum!
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Hi Dolly,

You have seen me on the pherotalk forum as lingerie_gal...

Between the pheromone for there and the totally fab perfumes here... I am in absolute heaven...I feellike a scent junkie... and have to most unaddictive personality of anyone you ever met, so its a really new experience for me. And I m kinda loving it...Very glad its not illegal or immoral or fattening.. :) this is how feel these days with all my scents going on...way more fun that any girl know should be having...Scarlet


Good to see you! Yes, the scents here are definitely addictive....I am a total junkie, myself!

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Thanks Joanna. wow 2 alaskans here. I bet its fun to smell great and snuggle up with your honey( or honey du jour) on those cold nights .I cant imagine it, but I am sure it is all what you are accustomed to. I know people often tell me how they dont know how we deal with the extreme heat in the south.. but thats easy.. we have air conditioners... and play in the dark when its hot...

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Hello! Just joined today, after making my first order! I have samples of Phero Girl: SUPER , Phero Girl™: Cougar Potion , Phero Girl, and a full-sized Phero Girl™: Cuddle Bunny on the way.


I decided to jump into pheromones with both feet!! I'm really enjoying reading reviews and advice. Thanks for a great forum!!


Info about me: I'm goddesslynne on every forum I enjoy. I'm an esthetician in Los Angeles, married and 46 years young. We're vacationing over the holidays and I'm really excited about trying my new perfumes with hubby!!

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Hello! Just joined today, after making my first order! I have samples of Phero Girl: SUPER , Phero Girl™: Cougar Potion , Phero Girl, and a full-sized Phero Girl™: Cuddle Bunny on the way.


I decided to jump into pheromones with both feet!! I'm really enjoying reading reviews and advice. Thanks for a great forum!!


Info about me: I'm goddesslynne on every forum I enjoy. I'm an esthetician in Los Angeles, married and 46 years young. We're vacationing over the holidays and I'm really excited about trying my new perfumes with hubby!!



Welcome to the forum! Enjoy your new smellies!!

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Hello! Just joined today, after making my first order! I have samples of Phero Girl: SUPER , Phero Girl™: Cougar Potion , Phero Girl, and a full-sized Phero Girl™: Cuddle Bunny on the way.


I decided to jump into pheromones with both feet!! I'm really enjoying reading reviews and advice. Thanks for a great forum!!


Info about me: I'm goddesslynne on every forum I enjoy. I'm an esthetician in Los Angeles, married and 46 years young. We're vacationing over the holidays and I'm really excited about trying my new perfumes with hubby!!



Welcome to our forum! You are well on your way to addiction with that order... You will love each of those.

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Hello! Just joined today, after making my first order! I have samples of Phero Girl: SUPER , Phero Girl™: Cougar Potion , Phero Girl, and a full-sized Phero Girl™: Cuddle Bunny on the way.


I decided to jump into pheromones with both feet!! I'm really enjoying reading reviews and advice. Thanks for a great forum!!


Info about me: I'm goddesslynne on every forum I enjoy. I'm an esthetician in Los Angeles, married and 46 years young. We're vacationing over the holidays and I'm really excited about trying my new perfumes with hubby!!


:c38-0022: and welcome 'goddesslynne'


liz :)

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Hi, I'm Catattack. I'm known as Catattack on a few other forums. I'm brand new to this perfumery. I read all the raves on another forum and I had to check this place out. I've never tried these scents before. I'm really excited about getting my first order!

I placed an order for a few samples on the shop site tonight, and hopefully I'll get an invoice for the forum specials. :001_tt2:


Let's see, about me...I'm a 39 year old female. I live in California with my family and pets. I love cats, reading, snowboarding, surfing, traveling, driving my recently purchased Mini Cooper, and smelling good.

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WOW, so many new members! Welcome everybody!! Be sure to stop in and chat once in a while!! We have a lot of fun here!

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Hi all,


I have posted on several of the other threads and thought i should pop here and give my background since i see my knjsavy all over the place :(



My name is Kim [hi to khim - interesting spelling] and i am 38, a libra, single mother to a 16 yo daughter, just graduated law school while working full time, live in NY, I am the contracts manager for a city agency [Office of Child support enforcement], no steady [yet - i'm sure lp will help me cure that], like all types of music, love reading and tv watching [reality shows seem to draw me in] and love good "smellies".



So far i enjoy this site and the advice the ladies give, everyone here is so open and helpful. that is really appreciated.

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Welcome Kim. Ahhh finally the information behind the manic stealth poster. :001_302: Hee Hee!!

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Hey Kim! Glad to see that you jumped in with both feet! And welcome to our little corner of the world wide web!

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I see I am definitely in "the Land of addicts" - i can't help it, i like most of what i tried so far and with my 1/2 sale orders in, i have tons of new goodies to try - i'm not even 1/10th through.



Does anyone have room for two great smelling girls [me and my daughter] once i get kicked out for spending all my money on LP ? :wub:

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Hello All!


Hello, my name is Lyric and I am an LP addict.


I have come to this site time and again. I admit to plenty of lurking. I have finally put in my first three, yes three, orders. You see, I actually started out with one, and then I just couldn't help myself I kept find more things I wanted to try so I just kept ordering. Yes, I can't help myself and I don't want to stop! Now I'm anxiously waiting for my email telling me that they are being shipped. I can't sleep. I can't eat. I'm in agony. :666:


I live in Florida and am raising two beautiful men, the loves of my life. :banana124:


Thanks for such a wonderful site!




P.S. I thought I should add that I am an avid pheromone fiend as well. I have participated in several pheromone forums, i.e., pheromones & more, love-scent, and androtics as BikerAngel777 or BA777. I'd like to give a special shout-out to my girlz Ail, Dolly and The Countess! Looking forward to some good smellies and monin' adventures!


Thanks for the fine welcome!!!!! :banana124:


**Edited 12/15/08 to add the P.S.**

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Hello All!


Hello, my name is Lyric and I am an LP addict.


I have come to this site time and again. I admit to plenty of lurking. I have finally put in my first three, yes three, orders. You see, I actually started out with one, and then I just couldn't help myself I kept find more things I wanted to try so I just kept ordering. Yes, I can't help myself and I don't want to stop! Now I'm anxiously waiting for my email telling me that they are being shipped. I can't sleep. I can't eat. I'm in agony. :lol:


I live in Florida and am raising two beautiful men, the loves of my life. :wub:


Thanks for such a wonderful site!





Welcome Lyric! You are in the right place......we don't try to talk you out of your addiction here.....we actually FEED it......


Look forward to seeing you around here more often!

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Hi Lyric,


Dolly is right - you will not find help in restraint here, we are enablers - can't help it, the perfumes here are wonderful and so far i have not found many that i do not like - it is an addiction but in a good way.



Welcome and take if from another newbie - don't be afraid to post and ask anything, the ladies here are great.

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Welcome Lyric!!


I swear we ALL do the bulk orders. I made my first order, then made another, then another. :lolipop:

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  • 1 month later...

Greetings to all! I'm Nightlife, an enthusiastic LP pupil. My fascination kicked off when I rediscovered a sample of Hoodoo U Love? that I'd tried, liked and forgotten about. As usual with me, I'm now on course throughout the perfumerie and its offerings, curious about everything, wanting way more than my bank account will permit. Sound familiar yet? Until I get a new job, I'll be experimenting in trickles. Right now I work at a radio station, which was my college job, and I majored in the J school as a newspaper reporter. I'm searching for all kinds of gigs which will help me pay the bills. Among many things, I love cats, Adult Swim, jazz, cooking, astrology, reading, sitting around/getting real paid and a certain man with whom it may or may not work out (that bliss/hell dichotomy thing). You can find me as dirtytrip on the BPAL forum as well. Looking forward to meeting all you lovely people and furthering my habit :001_302:

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OMG!! I LOVE the Nightlife, I love to Boogie... :blue_dancing_banana:

Alright, I had to go there. ^_^


Welcome, Nightlife!!! We will do all we can to feed and expand your wonderful addiction; have no fear of that.

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