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So I don't really think of myself as phero-motivated. I'm most interested in the perfume first. However, yesterday I noticed that I own 13 bottles of LP pheros - 5 UNS and 8 Scented....I'm kind of surprised I have so many with pheros...


I have big bottles of:


Honeyed Seduction with SS - my top pick, I feel sooo slinky and pretty when I wear this.

Rocket Fuel (SS)

Synchronicity (DYG) - top pick, workday rescue remedy for me...

La Vie Boheme (IW) - YUM

PheroGirl (EOW)

Nakai Nectar (EOW)

PG Dominance

PheroGirl Cougar - purrrrr



Drop Your Guard - Love it. Period.

Cuddle Bunny - Love it. Period.


Popularity Potion


I know, I know. I haven't tried any of the Stone Labs mixes yet! That's what I get for taking the summer off.


So brag on your absolute favorites. I want to hear what we all love most.

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I love them ALL!!!!


No seriously....


#1 is Blatant Invitation, either unscented or as a "booster".....I have it as a booster in La Boom and CFM, and it NEVER lets me down


#2 Dirty Sexy and Nasty Habits.....both of these are boosted with Super Sexy and have a dab of Essence Oil that I added


#3 Dark Seductions "killer"----I boosted this myself.....I took DS, and mixed it with the following....unscented SS, unscented Cougar, and Essence Oil. This is reserved ONLY for evenings with my darlin'.....it makes clothes be torn off and thrown to the floor within minutes.....


#4 Scented Dominance--BEST work mix. EVER.


#5 Phero Girl--love it


#6 Florida Water--very happy, zippy vibe


#7 Scented Cougar--really enjoy it, wish I had gotten a full bottle, but missed out.


Unscented--I LOOOOOOVE Treasured Hearts, Dominance (esp paired with a "personal power" potion like Vain), and True Confessions.....I can't get enough!

Edited by Dolly
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For me, to wear and feel good I like Cougar Potion (scented) the best, I think. It makes me feel sparkly. But I also enjoy Kittenish with MX135 and Me, Jane!, those two seem to make others more responsive in a positive way. In terms of enticing the OTL, EoW and Cuddle Bunny (that one makes him what I like to call "stupid horny") seem to work the best, and Super Sexy is also highly effective. For work I'll wear Dominance when I need to broadcast the respect me vibe.


What I have, as far as bottles go:

-Phero Girl (version two)

-PG Dominance

-PG Cougar Potion

-Super for Women

-Super for Men (it makes me feel good too!)

-Me, Jane!


-Mara's Rocket Fuel

-Sugared Honeycomb with Cuddle Bunny

-Nasty Habits with Drop Your Guard

-Kittenish with MX135

...but I have trial vials of nearly every scented phero blend which has been released, some of them more than one.

Edited by luna65
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Okay, I love, love love Cougar (both scented and un), Me Jane, Dominance (scented and un), Phero Girl, Synchronicity, Super Sexy with anything (male Super Sexy has its own benefits), Treasured Hearts (great for gatherings), and Blatant Invitation with Sugared Honeycomb (POW!)


I have most of these stockpiled and on the ready.


Okay, no fair bragging about Rocket Fuel...my order is floating around the US. It's hit NYC (I'm in Alaska). That phero my be controlling it.



Edited to add Rocket Fuel.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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Super for women

Cuddle bunny


forever after


scandalous 09


me jane

wild flower

tashimi no tomo



Not in order my top three would be sexology, cuddle bunny and super for women

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Is your LP Red with EST a little less strong then regular unpheroed LP REd?

I should have clarified that it isn't blended, I use LP Red THEN spray EST in hair and a squirt down by back. I sorry :cry: . So I guess # 2 is just EST.

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Well, I've yet to try a few of them or wear them enough or in situations to get many hits, but I still like them. In no particular order other than what come to my mind...



Super for women


LP LE with BI

Treasured Hearts

Happy water (though it gives me a slight headache, which shine did so I'm wondering if that fades?)

Me, Jane

Drop Your Guard

Super Sexy


On the fence about getting wildflower. I have two samples I'm using...

I have sugared honeycomb with est that I've yet to try...

And I just got Dominance which I suspect I'll love.


I'm staying away from anything really sexual unless it's an LP scent blend since right now it makes no sense for a single gal who isn't dating to have them unless I really like the scent.

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I'm staying away from anything really sexual unless it's an LP scent blend since right now it makes no sense for a single gal who isn't dating to have them unless I really like the scent.


I have seen a couple of posts from you talking about being single and avoiding some pheros.

Now this is good idea, BUT I will let you know that these "sexual" pheros can be quite fun if you want t just have fun and enjoy some male attention.


Not all of the sexual pheromones have to lead directly to sex. If you are wanting to be on the dating scene pheromones can be very fun!


The one I'd avoid of using ALOT of, would be BI

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So far I've only used Sexy for Women & LP:Original w/BI. I wore BI once, but I got some negative reactions from men who are around me often, so I think it will be reserved for home use.


But, with Super not only do I get self-effects, but I get lots of positive male attention too!

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I have seen a couple of posts from you talking about being single and avoiding some pheros.

Now this is good idea, BUT I will let you know that these "sexual" pheros can be quite fun if you want t just have fun and enjoy some male attention.


Not all of the sexual pheromones have to lead directly to sex. If you are wanting to be on the dating scene pheromones can be very fun!


The one I'd avoid of using ALOT of, would be BI



I was thinking Cuddle Bunny would be good. And super sexy, which I have. But I think I'm going to order cuddle bunny and intellectual woman because I think those would be good while not giving off a total 'do me now' vibe.

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I was thinking Cuddle Bunny would be good. And super sexy, which I have. But I think I'm going to order cuddle bunny and intellectual woman because I think those would be good while not giving off a total 'do me now' vibe.


Yeah those are good ideas. Do you have som EoW to amp at random moments? I find it handy. I dont reach for it all the time but I like having it. :)

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I have love-scent EOW, the alcohol based one. I'm barely dating these days, so I'm not even going to bother with that until I have a relationship. Right now, I want to focus on being more approachable. It recently came to my attention that I have a major issue with vulnerability and so I put out this energy that has made me seem unapproachable probably for the last 20 years. So now, I'm using DYG and TH to help me relax and get these walls down. They seem to make a difference the last two days I've worn them, not in just me, but I can see it in guys around me. There's a distinct difference. I think Cuddle Bunny is probably the most sexually oriented one I want to get for now. It would be a good one for even more intimacy or sexual allure when that time comes. I want to keep the vibe a bit less sexy for now. Between Super Sexy and Cuddle Bunny and even Intellectual Woman, I'm probably hitting all the ranges before going into the hot zone.



Edited to add - I do have phero girl and Me, Jane. So I've got the cops when I want to use them.

Edited by starlitegirl
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I have love-scent EOW, the alcohol based one. I'm barely dating these days, so I'm not even going to bother with that until I have a relationship. Right now, I want to focus on being more approachable. It recently came to my attention that I have a major issue with vulnerability and so I put out this energy that has made me seem unapproachable probably for the last 20 years. So now, I'm using DYG and TH to help me relax and get these walls down. They seem to make a difference the last two days I've worn them, not in just me, but I can see it in guys around me. There's a distinct difference. I think Cuddle Bunny is probably the most sexually oriented one I want to get for now. It would be a good one for even more intimacy or sexual allure when that time comes. I want to keep the vibe a bit less sexy for now. Between Super Sexy and Cuddle Bunny and even Intellectual Woman, I'm probably hitting all the ranges before going into the hot zone.



Edited to add - I do have phero girl and Me, Jane. So I've got the cops when I want to use them.


Oh yes seems like you have a good collection for the dating scene and your particular needs. I love cuddle Bunny because it is light and friendly with a lil appeal to it. I find I turn to it most often when leaving the house :) I sometimes add a lil IS/A or TAL products if I want alpha vibe, but for you I would say TAH would be more helpful.

Drop your Guard is a great mix for exactly what you are wanting. I love the range of LP's here, as Dolly says, LP has all you need.


good luck, and Id love to here about your use and reacions more. Quite enjoyable!

Edited by Curiouschic
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Yes many of the more sexual of the phero blends don't have to be used ONLY when you are getting "Down and dirty," and can indeed as Curiouschic said, lead to a lot of fun male attention.


However..While Cuddle Bunny is wonderful, please bear in mind that Cuddle Bunny UNSCENTED is extremely sexual, and packs a fair wallop.. It is nowhere NEAR as "soft-focus" sexual/cuddly as my formula for the scented version, as the Pharmacom formulator went for a heavy sexual bent when he came up with his version, and while the cuddly side IS still present, Cuddle Bunny Unscented is EASILY as sexual as BI in many respects, in fact.


I love that aspect of it, and I know Luna does too, but it's a strong effect, and if you have the scented version, AND the unscented available to you for testing, use each one, just ONE night apart, and you will REALLY see there is a marked difference in the cause and effects of the different formulae.


That being said..Many women love the self-effects ALONE, but as I have long reported, in over 6 YEARS of pheromone usage and blending, I don't get ANY self-effects, but I am extremely observant of how they are affecting the people around me, and once you can do that, it's easier to know what you can get away with, in WHICH environments and at WHAT amounts..


..Or you can of course just be like my lovely friend Dolly, and wear them anywhere and everywhere - and get AWAY with it! ^_~ But just be aware not everyone CAN do that. I can't, for one, and while maybe people think it's banged on about too much at times - congruence IS vitally important when it comes to ANY pheromone usage.


Sexual pheromones can't, as we often explain to people, CHANGE the way a person feels about you if they are just not interested in you, nor can they EVER in any shape or FORM remove Free-Will, but they CAN, and they DO influence the behaviour and the body language of those around you, and if someone even had a SLIGHT interest in you, pheromones both social AND sexual, can tip the balance in your favour towards them becoming MORE interested in you, and that's brass facts.


So if you want to play with the more sexual ones, which are a LOT of fun - then just be aware that the people around you ARE being influenced. They are simply not always going to SHOW that they are, of course..


Say for example, you are at work and in close proximity to a man with whom you are supposed to be maintaining a professional working relationship, and you are wearing (for example) a load of BI topped off with some Essence Oil dabbed in your cleavage for good measure..Then while you may not be AWARE that he IS being affected by your "phero-bomb cloud," and that his testosterone rate IS rising from baseline to around 140% within approx. 20 minutes of him being exposed to your copulin-laden self - believe me he IS being affected. That's a very basic scientific fact. So for many women that could prove awkward in a working environment. Some get away with it, I could not.


I actually find SS4W a fantastic formulation and my hat is taken off to Pharmacom for coming up with it, but the reality is, it's a fair bit LESS sexual than Unscented Cuddle Bunny..


SS4W is a great all-rounder, and it gives of to others the aura of a confident woman who is comfortable in her own skin - and dead sexy with it.. What woman doesn't at SOME point WANT to be seen that way, after all? It's a fantastic pheromone blend.


Above all, as the ladies and gents who have been wearing pheromones for years say; Try to find your sweet spots for EACH blend, then play about a bit with dosages, as some of them work VERY well in tandem with each other, and you really can have a great time out and about, even if you WANT to remain single and just want to have FUN, whilst being a LITTLE bit provocative, and without shouting out to the available males; "HEY YOU! ComeoverhereandDOMENOW!!!" ^_~




Ail )O(

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So Cuddle Bunny is far more sexual than I'd have thought. Good to know. I guess I'll stick with Intellectual Woman and maybe another super sexy for women. I'm not sure about True Confessions. I like the idea of having people be more talkative with me, but not of hearing life stories when I barely know them... or of spilling my own. :)


Any other recommendations?

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So Cuddle Bunny is far more sexual than I'd have thought. Good to know. I guess I'll stick with Intellectual Woman and maybe another super sexy for women. I'm not sure about True Confessions. I like the idea of having people be more talkative with me, but not of hearing life stories when I barely know them... or of spilling my own. :)


Any other recommendations?

I'm around a lot today as I'm working hard to get something completed for Mara and Danna, so that's why you're seeing me a fair bit more than of late, which makes it easier for me to offer up speedy responses.


I take an empty 10ml roller-ball bottle and I put into it a 50/50 ratio of Treasured Hearts and True Confessions, Starlitegirl. I leave it to composite for three days (if you like at the half-way stage in this process, you can add 1.5 mls of your favourite LP perfume) and I shake the bottle daily, placing it on its head, until the end of the third day. Then it is ready to use.


The effects are awesome and yes, you may well get the deep heart-unburdening from some people if that is the way they are ALREADY leaning towards feeling, but you also get the effect that you are everyone's friend, deep empathy from practically EVERYONE that you encounter, a lot of warmth, and in general people just want to be around you - a LOT, and to have a great rapport with you.


I absolutely love this combo.


Now..back to work for me. Hopefully, the results of what I'm currently working on will be available to you all you phero-fiends shortly.. But they will NOT be available, if I don't get my finger out and get back to work now! :)




Ail )O(

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That's very interesting. I love to use Cuddle Bunny unscented for WORK, mind you. It makes me feel...softer and more approachable. People often refer to me as "intimidating" - until they know me well. Cuddle Bunny softens that edge nicely. And the effect on my boss, who is a big amiable type, is noticable. He's much less twitchy around me, less intimidated. Even officemates have commented on days I have worn it that he seemed particularly cheery...


Now SS4W - I feel I have a little extra strut with that. Oddly, I rarely wear it for work though.


Today I am wearing DYG, which is my groovy groove thang. I notice it also has the tetrahydrodeoxycorticosterone that SS4W has...not sure but I think that is the "big ole lasting impression" ingredient....


True Confessions hasn't really caught my attention. I like Instant Honesty, which is primarily b-nol, but DYG seems to fill that relaxation role nicely.


Treasured Hearts is on my list...just haven't gotten around to it yet.


Edited b/c I just read AIL's last post: That sounds FANTASTIC. I must try that!

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*Replies whilst typing away furiously in another window*


T-DHoc (it's SO much easier to say that way, too!) is a very cool molecule.


Know how it's often claimed that you can NEVER make a second "First impression" on someone? Okay, T-DHoc GIVES you that unique chance. It has the effect of causing even people who have known you for AEONS (UK spelling, so probably not correct for those in the US..) to see a "new" you..


It's like a veil comes down over their memory, so they will not quite recall exactly what the impression of you they had BEFORE was. T-DHoc totally resets their Neurotransmitters that effect long-term memory recall, to absolute ZERO, and I am very excited about its usage in pheromone blends - can you tell? ^_~


There will be a lot more to read about that ..soon..


*Gets back to work* ^_~




Ail )O(

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Oh I'm soooo excited to see what you are working on! You are torturing us...

T-DHoc is much easier to type, truly.


***Pony sits at the office manically pressing the refresh button, but she looks groovy doin' it 'cause she's juiced up with DYG, and everyone around her can't remember a time when she wasn't this groovy chic***

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I'm heading to bed now, as it's almost 1:30 AM and I have been working flat-out today..


I totally forgot to put my OWN favourite pheromone combo here earlier, and it might even surprise some people..


It's another one I blend myself using three of the wonderful unscented LP pheromone blends (using the same method as I explained above of adding if you wish, 1.5 ml of your favourite LP fragrance at the half-way stage during compositing) and it's:


Fill a 10ml roller-ball bottle with 2.5 mls of Soulmate, 3 mls of Unscented Cuddle Bunny and 4.5 mls of Blatant Invitation.


Let's just say..




Goodnight all.




Ail )O(

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I'm heading to bed now, as it's almost 1:30 AM and I have been working flat-out today..


I totally forgot to put my OWN favourite pheromone combo here earlier, and it might even surprise some people..


It's another one I blend myself using three of the wonderful unscented LP pheromone blends (using the same method as I explained above of adding if you wish, 1.5 ml of your favourite LP fragrance at the half-way stage during compositing) and it's:


Fill a 10ml roller-ball bottle with 2.5 mls of Soulmate, 3 mls of Unscented Cuddle Bunny and 4.5 mls of Blatant Invitation.


Let's just say..




Goodnight all.




Ail )O(


I am SOOOOO much going to try this!


I've been having some good luck with a Treasured Hearts/Soulmate combo. Just applying them separately--haven't mixed them in their own bottle yet.


You have given me so much good information! Thanks Ail!



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*Replies whilst typing away furiously in another window*


T-DHoc (it's SO much easier to say that way, too!) is a very cool molecule.


Know how it's often claimed that you can NEVER make a second "First impression" on someone? Okay, T-DHoc GIVES you that unique chance. It has the effect of causing even people who have known you for AEONS (UK spelling, so probably not correct for those in the US..) to see a "new" you..


It's like a veil comes down over their memory, so they will not quite recall exactly what the impression of you they had BEFORE was. T-DHoc totally resets their Neurotransmitters that effect long-term memory recall, to absolute ZERO, and I am very excited about its usage in pheromone blends - can you tell? ^_~


There will be a lot more to read about that ..soon..


*Gets back to work* ^_~





Ail )O


Ummm - hate to disturb you - particularly as it's probably like 1 am - BUT ...


If someone wanted a wicked blend for work - that gave first impressions PLUS a totally happy vibe - would that include T-DHoc and A-Nol?


Wondering - because I'm not above ordering and mad scientist creating.


And thanks - you were one of the first women in this space - and I am personally grateful for your work. :-)


Dolly - nope - not grateful. <rofl> TEASING Dolly. :)


I couldn't resist. But I'm sleep deprived so my sense of humor does not reflect that of someone with even the most rudimentary social skills - so if you didn't laugh at the tease - can I apologize?


And if you did - are we still good?




Off to bed - 4 days of a child with pneumonia/bronchitus/asthma breakthrough - makes one less able to cope with normal human interaction. And believe it or not - people expect me to actually work. B*stards.


Night ladies - unless of course - in a fit of albuterol induced hyperactivity post-midnight- I'm forced to watch Hannah Montana or iCarly. In which case - I will abandon my offspring and check the message boards. Sorry - but mother or no mother - there is only so much God can expect of me. I believe I've mentioned lacking patience? Well - Hannah or iCarly - require far more patience that God equipped me with. So I won't watch. I can't.


Seriously. I can't.


Night - again.

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Ok ShellyB I'm right there with you, albuterol, late nights, laryngitis and all! My nine year old boy just wants to watch Spongebob over and over. No amount of wine, chiklit or smell goods can help me keep from being a little dumber from watching....only his squeaky little voice (sounding ever so much like Mickey Mouse) saying , "I love you Mommy" , make it worth losing the brain cells~~~

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Ok ShellyB I'm right there with you, albuterol, late nights, laryngitis and all! My nine year old boy just wants to watch Spongebob over and over. No amount of wine, chiklit or smell goods can help me keep from being a little dumber from watching....only his squeaky little voice (sounding ever so much like Mickey Mouse) saying , "I love you Mommy" , make it worth losing the brain cells~~~

Loves Therapygirl!


I must admit - when DH and two offspring - decided tonight to play Wii - I snuck back into the home office for relief. After all - how much SuperSmashBrothers Brawl is one human expected to take?


I totally get Therapygirl - Love SpongeBob. Really - the one about SpongeBob and cursing - nearly P*ssed myself laughing. But then I'm easily amused.


And I wasn't even sleep deprived.


At this point - after days and days of albuterol hyperactivity in the middle of the night - I could not only shake the snot out of Squidwerd - but - despite my aversion to all things Squid - at this point I'm so aggravated I'd eat Squid Sashimi. If only someone would promise I'd have a whole week with no Squidwerd.


I'm pretty sure I explained my theory of water (children) versus rock (parents) in another thread.


Which in the end equals I'm the Grand Canyon - whether I intended to be that or not.


Much to a whole lot of peoples intense amusement. B*stards.


Every last one of them.



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Ummm - hate to disturb you - particularly as it's probably like 1 am - BUT ...


If someone wanted a wicked blend for work - that gave first impressions PLUS a totally happy vibe - would that include T-DHoc and A-Nol?


Wondering - because I'm not above ordering and mad scientist creating.


And thanks - you were one of the first women in this space - and I am personally grateful for your work. :-)


Dolly - nope - not grateful. <rofl> TEASING Dolly. :)


I couldn't resist. But I'm sleep deprived so my sense of humor does not reflect that of someone with even the most rudimentary social skills - so if you didn't laugh at the tease - can I apologize?


And if you did - are we still good?




No probem hun! I did get a good giggle......and, I love you too!



Be sure to take notes of Ail's tips! She's a genious! And someone that I am very happy to call a good friend! Ail and I have been playing with pheros and bouncing ideas off each other for.....oh, almost 7 years now (I think)......



Do you want JUST a happy vibe, or a happy and in charge vibe? And what kind of first impression do you want to make?

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No probem hun! I did get a good giggle......and, I love you too!



Be sure to take notes of Ail's tips! She's a genious! And someone that I am very happy to call a good friend! Ail and I have been playing with pheros and bouncing ideas off each other for.....oh, almost 7 years now (I think)......



Do you want JUST a happy vibe, or a happy and in charge vibe? And what kind of first impression do you want to make?



Hmmmm - happy and in charge is good most days - but I'd really like a completely fun Phero blend - maybe for work - maybe for parties.


How to explain?


With the economy totally in the tank - everyone is too serious. Not that we shouldn't all be focused - but it doesn't help get things turned around if everyone is looking over their shoulder, not laughing, not having fun, and pulling together. I guess I'm thinking two different blends - one that facilitates a fun, focused vibe in the work place - and one that helps bring sunshine/joy/laughter to those around you whenever.


Basically - I'm sick of winter. Sick of paranoia. Sick of crabby people. And I want a Phero blend that allows me to shape the change to behavior I'd rather facilitate - which is more laughter and smiles. Think Spring. Think a fit of the giggles with your best friend.


Does that make sense?

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Basically - I'm sick of winter. Sick of paranoia. Sick of crabby people. And I want a Phero blend that allows me to shape the change to behavior I'd rather facilitate - which is more laughter and smiles. Think Spring. Think a fit of the giggles with your best friend.


Does that make sense?


Makes a lot of sense to me. I kind of wish we had an unscented phero for what's in Allegro and Happy water. Alpha-Androstenol. That's the one. It's available as an add-in but that limits you to that one scent. But it is in almost all the unscented phero blends.


Perhaps a blend that's more relaxing like DYG? Or DYG mixed with an extra boost of Alpha-Androstenol? Perhaps put Alpha-Androstenol in a scent that is good for layering with most other scents or a scent that makes you feel happy and upbeat?


edited to add that PP might achieve this goal too.

Edited by starlitegirl
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Makes a lot of sense to me. I kind of wish we had an unscented phero for what's in Allegro and Happy water. Alpha-Androstenol. That's the one. It's available as an add-in but that limits you to that one scent. But it is in almost all the unscented phero blends.


Perhaps a blend that's more relaxing like DYG? Or DYG mixed with an extra boost of Alpha-Androstenol? Perhaps put Alpha-Androstenol in a scent that is good for layering with most other scents or a scent that makes you feel happy and upbeat?


edited to add that PP might achieve this goal too.

Hi again..


Actually, Mara and Danna sold straight A-Nol before, but didn't know if there was any more demand for it after it sold out. I know Mara asked VERY recently if people wanted it to be made available again (it comes in the same format as the Est and the B-Nol) as all she has to do is let Dr. Stone know, and he will have more on its way to her very quickly.


I'm still working on this "thing" (heheh ^_~) for Mara, but will be calling her towards the middle of next week, so though I'm sure she'll see this thread in any case, if she happens to miss it, I'll let her know there is definitely interest in the A-Nol being restocked.




Ail )O(

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So if T-DHoc can give you a second first chance and can erase the memory, does that mean if it was a favorable first impression that will be erased also?


Trying to learn but feeling very blond at the moment :)

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So if T-DHoc can give you a second first chance and can erase the memory, does that mean if it was a favorable first impression that will be erased also?


Trying to learn but feeling very blond at the moment :)

You're not being very blonde at all, it's a very valid question, and I'm actually in the middle of researching every aspect of the T-DHoc molecule, as you'll soon see.


Given what I HAVE learned to date, I would have to say that yes, it may WELL do that, so I know if I knew I'd already made a fab impression on someone, Id NOT be wanting to lean towards using molecules that might very well eradicate every last TRACE of the good memories.


However..I can think of a few instances where I would love to reset the Cerebral goalposts. Nothing relationship-wise, just people I'd like to be able to see someone who is very important to my life, as if they'd just met them for the very first time..




Ail )O(

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