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Theresa's sugared gerbils

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I have a bottle coming. I'll post a review as soon as it arrives. My package was misdelivered, so it is being resent... Oh, the agony!



That is so sad. :love: Boxes from LP should NEVER be misdelivered. The PO should know better.

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How does that actually happen to someone?? I mean really! You can't make stuff like that up. :cry:

Edited by Jo Anna
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Ok I totally missed this story...What happened?! and what precious scent got lost?



I had my first trade set up with ivy fox, was all giddy carrying packages to post office, hers was on top, wind blew it right off into the street, Bus comes flying along - POW crushes the padded evelope, vain and gypsy wine gone bye bye

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I had my first trade set up with ivy fox, was all giddy carrying packages to post office, hers was on top, wind blew it right off into the street, Bus comes flying along - POW crushes the padded evelope, vain and gypsy wine gone bye bye


THAT'S HORRIBLE!!! 2 bottles? Please say only testers got hurt...


That's Scent abuse! :D

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lol, a bottle of vain and tester of gypsy wine...


Aw, I can Gypsy Wine you, fox...no trade needed...


WAITAMINNIT...let me go home and be sure - I *think* I still have one around...

Edited by katz
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Aw, I can Gypsy Wine you, fox...no trade needed...


WAITAMINNIT...let me go home and be sure - I *think* I still have one around...


I totally have an extra laying around too.


aww it's ok katz, I don't want you to go trough all that for one sample, thanks though ^ ^ you're sweet



I will throw it into the next trade we do ivy :)


I like it, and think all should enjoy it :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK... the long awaited review...


When wet, I smell chamomile with a sharp green note. This note settles pretty quickly (1-2 minutes) into a softer green. It is sweet, but not overly so. It is very pretty. I really like it. If you like Dreams of Avalon, you will like this one.


I am not sure what the other herbs are, but they are nice. After it has dried down, it becomes a subtle comforting scent with a soft chamomile as the dominate note.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Hey katz, I have a bottle coming, I'll be glad to split it with you. I'll let you know when it arrives!


Awesome! Shall I send you decant bottle in advance? Can I just say, LP Swappers, are teh best!!

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This one is very interesting. There is something in this that I absolutely LOVE and want more and more of but then there is one note that is just not agreeing with me. I am enjoying huffing my arm excessively though. :)

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It starts out smelling better than chamomile tea, at least, and trust me, that is a compliment. Originally, it's honeyed chamomile and too straw-like and herbal for me. Thank God it softens up. It becomes something that I'd like to smell in a potpourri pot, very homey. This would also be a great, unpushy scent for work or job interviews. Not a must-have, but pretty good. Another kind freebie from the LP gals.


Wanted to add that I reread the bus incident, and I want to extend my belated condolences. I just don't think I could shake feeling like crap about that for a while, if it happened to me! Given the odds, hopefully this happening won't repeat itself in our lifetimes :)

Edited by Nightlife
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This was one I would never have thought of - generally I stay away from herbally blends, just not mah thang. But I acquired a little sniffie of this, and gee - it's rather pretty! I never got the !!HERB!! feeling (which I don't like, and no I won't drink tisane either...)


After drydown it has the same "textural" feel that Scarlet Silk has on me....no idea what it is but a lineny or silky scent.

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  • 3 months later...

This one is very green. Slightly minty on me (don't know what note that is doing this though, but hey I like it)


I get some sort of tea scent on the dry down as well, it's very different from the other scents I have tried so far and has amazing throw. Will be keeping this sniffle too ^_^ My my I'm keeping alot of sniffle aren't I? lol

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
T's Sugared Gerbal today...Went to the post office to mail a swap..post guy asked what was in pkg...I told him used perfume....He said ok....Wow, he said it smells really good...then he smell the pkg, & said wait, that's you that smells so good.....I really love this one... :)


posted in What's your potion of the day, earlier today.....

Edited by FAWN
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