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New Releases for JANUARY 2009!

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Moroccan Night



Love Potion Original LE - Super-Charged with Blatant Invitation Phero Blend!



Hotness Personified



To Soothe a Broken Heart



Betrothal Potion 2009



Scandalous 2009 - A MagicalOmaha.com exclusive!



Not to mention, more Private Editions on the way.....

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I can tell that there will be some full bottles purchased unsniffed!

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I can't wait to see the descriptions!!!! :)


That's the hardest part... waiting for the descriptions. About 3/4 of them are on possible list right now because I can eliminate certain ones right off based on names or pheros included. The rest are looking tempting. Since I have an order on the way with last month's samples, I'll get some new samples from this month and some bottles from last based on what I love. I think I've finally got a system!!!



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Oh my goodness, these already look really, REALLY good!!


*fans self*


I think I might go for some bottles unsniffed this time and a few samples.........*or*.......I buy bottles and just get the sample pack too.......since nearly all sound promising, it'll be more economic, I guess.....


*glory* :) (oh and the label art looks fantastic!!)

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Oh my goodness, these already look really, REALLY good!!


*fans self*


I think I might go for some bottles unsniffed this time and a few samples.........*or*.......I buy bottles and just get the sample pack too.......since nearly all sound promising, it'll be more economic, I guess.....


*glory* :) (oh and the label art looks fantastic!!)




that sounds like a good system, it doesn't matter what i say i'd do, items just appear in my cart and my paypal acct just gets smaller - it seems my addiction and hands have their own system

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WOW these look amazing, Im excited that I can finally try wine and dead roses, and wowza blatant invitations LE LP oh man . Im so tempted to buy several bottles. These sound hot I know february is gonna be a sexy month. I cant wait for the descriptions.

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Wine & Dead Roses - 2009



Voodoo Valentine



Teddy Man - Phero Enhanced for Men



Valentine Queen



Sexology - Phero Enhanced for Women



Scarlet Silk







Oooo....I'am such an addict. LoL! :) They ALL look so amazing. Most Deffinatly an instant sample pack buy!!!

Edited by AncientGoddess
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OMG I'm so excited. I just know I'm going to get full bottles of LP Original with BI, Sexology and Voodoo Valentine. And luckily my money fairy arrives tomorrow. Oh happy day. :blue_dancing_banana:



Yes Yes :blue_dancing_banana: My money fairy arrives tomorrow as well. Can we start placing the orders? I know its a little early and the discriptions haven't even been posted yet but I can't help myself. LoL! :blue_dancing_banana:


They all look honestly so amazing this month. "Voodoo Valentine" Wow! LP Original with BI, Wow! Sexology, Wow! Scarlet Silk, Wow! Valentine Queen, Wow! Ok Ok Ok Iam going to stop now not only am I feeling like a true addict right now but i sound like one too. "Sniff, Sniff" :D



Edited by AncientGoddess
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How long does it usually take before the descriptions are up?


Last month the descriptions came within the week, a few at a time, probably because it takes some work to set up the links and pages with the images and descriptions (since they are in several places - samples page, main perfume page, and home page with the scrolling images). I think the samples order page was first having more information about them (not all the info on what's in the blends but basic descriptions). The last pages up if I remember correctly were the individual pages for each scent with all the information about them.

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oh my gosh those look fantastic.I was all set to be good ,and thought nothing could tempt me .Then.......Mara and Danna strike again!

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Ah yes....the Money Fairy! *rubs hands together in glee*


I think I worked some decent hours too last month, so technically I *deserve* a treat.....or a few......


Will have to get a full bottle of Sexology for sure and probably LP: Original with BI as well......and ehm.....yeh, Voodoo Valentine looks to be promising too......*ai* :(

I will be patient (what is this 'patient' of which I speak?) and wait for those short descriptions at least.......I think....... :banana059:

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Ummm, Danna's next one is going to be called: "Voodoo? Hoodoo? You do!"



...waiting for Scourger to post appropriate linkie...


Does the bottle come with a rimshot? :c352-0016:

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WOW!!!!! I LOVE IT!!! I am so excited I can't stand myself right now. Oh, the waiting will kill me this time. I can't wait for the descriptors. :(:blue_dancing_banana::blue_dancing_banana:

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WOW!!!!! I LOVE IT!!! I am so excited I can't stand myself right now. Oh, the waiting will kill me this time. I can't wait for the descriptors. :(:blue_dancing_banana::blue_dancing_banana:



Me too! Currently poised with my credit card at the ready!

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Ummm, Danna's next one is going to be called: "Voodoo? Hoodoo? You do!"



...waiting for Scourger to post appropriate linkie...


I'll buy that one too. I still have a little Something Voodoo This Way Comes and am holding onto it for dear life.

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Last one to the party again :wink2: The new releases look great ! set me up 'fume tender !!

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Is there something wrong with me that I must keep looking over these new ones? It's like I'm obsessed and can't help it. :wink2:

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Is there something wrong with me that I must keep looking over these new ones? It's like I'm obsessed and can't help it. :wink2:


You too?! I keep checking the LPMP site looking to see if they've posted anything. There are a whole group here that tantalize me, and now that I've turned the darker corner away from foody scents toward richer and spicier ones, I'm so excited to see what treats we'll have since LP does rich scents pretty fantastically.


I had decided I wasn't going to order much this round, but then they come out with these great labels and names and tease us until we can't wait to see what's in them and then I'm forgetting that I wasn't going to buy much because I have so many already. Mara and Danna, you're both marketing geniuses! By the time you post all the juicy details, we're all in a frenzy to buy them. It makes it so much more fun to look forward to the details and then the samples and bottles. :001_tt2:

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