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Love Potion: Phero Amped LE

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Well.....my wallet thanks the boy.


He didn't really like the scent of this LP incarnation. Used to me smelling like vanilla/resins/spices he is and not particularly fond of the apricot aspect.

Oh well......I still got to experience the full effect of the pheromones though.......One can't deny the power of the BI!!


I'm going to try layering LP Black with my unscented BI.......see if he likes that more.:D


(and ofcourse I still need to test Sexology and my bottle of Cougar spiked Honeyed Amber Musk with him as well........oh what fun we'll have!)

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I'm ordering this one tommorow. Yay! First order!!! I've never smelled original LP, annnnd I'm also excited about this Blatant Invitation bussiness :blushing: . Does this one come in a roll on or a facet bottle? I'm a sucker for packaging...a total sucka!

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I'm ordering this one tommorow. Yay! First order!!! I've never smelled original LP, annnnd I'm also excited about this Blatant Invitation bussiness :blushing: . Does this one come in a roll on or a facet bottle? I'm a sucker for packaging...a total sucka!


Roll-on, dear.

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Had to mention, I wore this yesterday and my whole day was just awesome. The apricot is really growing on me, it's a little intoxicating. I think the ladies found a fab apricot and used it liberally, bc the Scandalous(es) I got a couple weeks ago smells like a big ol sexy cinnamony amber tinged apricot as well. Different, but the apricot is very much there, too.


This is LPed up, creamy and sweet, and the BI is sooooo stealthy and wicked in this yummy little potion. It's just delicious and I :lolipop: it!!

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Some time ago I made the shocking admission that I had never tried the original Love Potion. I've worn this now a few nights and I really like it, even though it's different from what I'm used to in terms of the LP variants. The apricot really is prevalent for me as well, with a warm sweetness reminiscent of LP Red in the background. I can't detect the BI at all, so this blend makes a really great cover scent for it, I would say. I have an inkling that a certain someone will respond as expected (cops + EST = horny Quince), so this may have to go into the arsenal at some point. *evil laugh*

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Not sure if I really like the fragrance of this well enough to justify a full bottle purchase. My review is a bit opposite of gaia's. The vanilla and apricot-ish fruitiness just don't please me in combination. On the other hand, it's well-liked on me by the boyfriend - he enjoyed the scent and I DEFINITELY got the reaction I wanted, but right now, I think I'd rather get some unscented BI (oh, how that abbreviation always makes me think of BO) and layer it with things I enjoy more. Eh...*shrugs*...Maybe, maybe not, we'll see.

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I've been wearing the original LP for many years now. I don't post much but I have been a customer for a lot of years. For sure the lots are different. I can tell the difference between them but the over all character remains constant and I enjoy the artfulness of the micro brew process and appreciate the subtle changes over the years. When they settle on my skin, they always end up smelling pretty much the same. I noticed the amped apricot in the BI brew too, but after dry down, it settled into my favorite LP scent just the same. I wore this one yesterday for an important meeting and thought the addition of BI was an extra boost to my ego if nothing else, and the scent had the usual effect = distracted drooly man. :)

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...this was a sample i ordered and i wore it all day. my boyfriend was home all day as well so I really kept my senses tuned into him, to see if the BI in it would tweak him.

I am TOTALLY new to this pheromone thingey, but i think there was something going on. I didn't get a 'blatent invitation' from him, we're having some problems together right now ( not serious, mostly, work, baby, 'where are we going'? kinda stuff). Strangely, he was very sweet, kind and helpful today, in a state like we're in right now he usually withdrawls and stonewalls me. hmmm. i wonder if blatant invitation can turn into cuddle bunny or some sort of 'chivalrous/nesting' phero if there's trouble brewing in a relationship? If he wanted to rip my clothes off he hid it well! But, he was suspiciously gentle. Do you guys think that happened or did i run off into imagination land?


Regarding the scent: i like it ALOT. Wasn't to interested in all the LP's like red gold original, etc. (I bought the black as a bottle- it is gorgeous).

When i put it on it i did crinkle my nose, i must of got my first whiff of pheros, because there was a subtle, skunkiness. That settled down after 5/10 mins, then what i smelled was what I would say fresh-squeezed passion fruit really tastes like ( i used to drink it EVERYDAY in africa. To my layman's nose this must be the apricot. This scent gets better and better throughout the day, yes it does get perfectly creamy and vanilla-ish but in such a unique way. the apricot died down within the first hour.


i'm gonna buy a full bottle. yup.

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BI does have EST in it.....that is most likely where the nurturing type aspect came in.....


OK ladies.....since I received this, every time I used it, whether from the sample or bottle, I got screaming apricot, but it's all good because I like that note. I tested the bottle once and put it on my shelves, and have used the sample a couple more times.


Today, my sweetie is off from work (for Mardi Gras) and he is hanging around, taking care of a honey-do list. So, after my shower, I put this one on, so he could sniff it. This time, I got pretty strong apricot in the first 30 min or so.....then, it mellowed down to more like the original LP I remember. So, it seems that aging for a couple of weeks helps the apricot soften.


If you haven't tried it in the last couple of weeks, I'd recomend that you try it again! Still more apricot-y than the original that I tried, but much CLOSER to the original....give it a shot.....remember to shake gently first!!



ETA.....I forgot to talk about the phero efects.....my man can't keep his hands off me....every time he comes in the house, if there are no clients here, he is all over me......

Edited by Dolly
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This one was a big hit.....my sweetie loved it.....he said he thought it was soft and very pretty......and the pheros added a nice sexual undercurrent......he kept burying his face in my neck, saying.....MMMMMMM, you smell so gooooooooood......

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Screaming apricot. You hit the nail on the head Dolly. Yes it does grow on you. It sure has grown on me. I've been wearing this quite frequently and yes it does age well. The oriinal LP scent is lurking just beneath the surface. The BI in this is really potent just ask my hubby. We were at it like a couple of wild animals last nilght. And I like it. I'm definitely going to stock up on more of this jewel.

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yum, yum, yum, yum,yum!

it's screaming something alright dolly!

it must be imprinting but i keep getting passionfruit in my initial application, very fine by me as i love it and am no longer bothered by the 'skunky' smell i smelled on first application. really, i only have a tiny smidgen of it left in my sample, i've worn it pretty much everyday and have only had the vial for a week and a half. no problemo, have a bottle ordered and on it's way.

i love this scent, it's delicious and addictve. i have to reapply alot though. could be my nose or my new addiction, not sure!

i have detected a lovely soft incense base towards the end of it's scent, (base note)? the incense is tempered with sweetness and i wonder, musk? don't quote me.

i LOVE this scent.

Lord, I already have 3 orders coming but may have to stock up on this!

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I like this one more each time I wear it.....after drydown it is only slightly fruity, but totally yummy!


I may need a backup bottle!!

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So here's the reaction I got after being sniffed repeatedly last night:

"You smell like jam. I liked it better when you smelled like toast."

"What if I smelled like toast and jam?"

"I'd be hard-pressed to choose between brekkie and sex."



However, BI gave me my slavering lust puppy, so it was all good. :abfx:

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<giggles> too cute, Luna. Hmmm, how about brekkie sex?


I'm wearing this today, after letting it sit abandoned for about one month. It has melded very nicely, the apricot is toned down and it now has more of the Love Potion feel to me. I'm very happy about that, as the original is a fave. It is still a soft scent, to my thinking, caramelly with the apricot daintily woven throughout.


I like it much better after the aging. Couldn't even detect the BI-stinky stage at all now.


I'm at work so can't talk to the BI affects, other than my boss was insistent on gaining my approval for his shirt and tie this morning...strange but whatever makes him happy.

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I wore this Monday night and I'm not sure who attacked who first, all I can say is 'duct tape was involved :D03.gif

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I wore this Monday night and I'm not sure who attacked who first, all I can say is 'duct tape was involved :D03.gif




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I really love this. First of all it smells wonderful. Perfect for Spring. (Of course, Winter is making a repeat appearance here at the moment.*sigh*)


But here's the thing about BI that I discovered with this blend-it definitely makes the men around me nicer to me, but I don't think there's any sexual component to it. I think I just don't give off a sexual vibe, so that's the reaction I get. I like it a lot(enough to order the unscented version to wear, too), but I don't think I'll ever get those kinds of hits with it.

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I really love this. First of all it smells wonderful. Perfect for Spring. (Of course, Winter is making a repeat appearance here at the moment.*sigh*)


But here's the thing about BI that I discovered with this blend-it definitely makes the men around me nicer to me, but I don't think there's any sexual component to it. I think I just don't give off a sexual vibe, so that's the reaction I get. I like it a lot(enough to order the unscented version to wear, too), but I don't think I'll ever get those kinds of hits with it.


Hi Quin, When I first started wearing BI I had the same reaction - it was like a popularity potion for me, people were nicer, wanted my attention more, etc. It hits people like a surprise, I think. They're noticing something new about you that they hadn't noticed before, and they're not sure how to process it. After wearing it for a while now tho, I find the reactions have turned distinctly more sexual. Give people a minute to let that sexual prescence in you sink into their consciousness, and then I bet you the reactions will start getting more overt.

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Hi Quin, When I first started wearing BI I had the same reaction - it was like a popularity potion for me, people were nicer, wanted my attention more, etc. It hits people like a surprise, I think. They're noticing something new about you that they hadn't noticed before, and they're not sure how to process it. After wearing it for a while now tho, I find the reactions have turned distinctly more sexual. Give people a minute to let that sexual prescence in you sink into their consciousness, and then I bet you the reactions will start getting more overt.


Thanks so much for sharing that! I find it so interesting that you had the same kind of experience with it. And now that I think of it, I have only worn it around people who are pretty familiar with me.


Hmmmm, extended study is needed...

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Thanks so much for sharing that! I find it so interesting that you had the same kind of experience with it. And now that I think of it, I have only worn it around people who are pretty familiar with me.


Hmmmm, extended study is needed...


Dont know about BI but Beware of that Popularity Potion!!! I get more hits from that then from any other product or combo... Popularity Potion when I add cops is downright dangerous... The cool thing about pp is the hits are friendly with women and sexual with men...its really relieving that other women are not threatened by pp in fact, everyone LOVES me!!! Im just a little sad its leaving soon....


I did order some BI so I will have a chance to chart out a comparison in terms of affects, Im hoping to get knocked out by that too! Checked out the ingredients to both, both have a little none which may be a part of the reason other women respond well to both.

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OK, so I just decided that I HAD to get a second bottle of this one, because it is just soooooo pretty! I love the phero effect tooooooo.......

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Dolly I'm with you I just purchased my 3rd bottle and am going to get more when I can. I love it and it ages really well.


Hey Countess,

I just tagged on here cause like many of the ladies, I come a running when I see you have posted...always keep hoping to see your reports...hehehe


Oh about the BI...I guess I should pull mine out and give it a whirl...I am always odraid of wearing to work so I have yet to test this one...but it sounds like the ladies are saying it may be okay for work as well as long as it is tapered by something like say Sychronicity or something that makes all agreeable huh?



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I wear it to work alot. In my work environment it helps to have an air of sexy professionalism. I never want to be without it. Both men and women respond positively to me. There's one woman in particular that really, really likes me when I'm wearing the LP LE BI. She's always watching me and making goofy eye contact. Oh well she's nice otherwise.

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I wear it to work alot. In my work environment it helps to have an air of sexy professionalism. I never want to be without it. Both men and women respond positively to me. There's one woman in particular that really, really likes me when I'm wearing the LP LE BI. She's always watching me and making goofy eye contact. Oh well she's nice otherwise.



I bought a backup bottle simply because my darlin' likes it so much......but then again, he likes ANYTHING that has BI in it......he knows I wear pheros, but I don't think he has made THAT connection just yet, that there are certain ones that set him off....BUT, I am taking notes.....heh.....

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I bought a back-up bottle as well, but KrazyKat, your post makes me think that Popularity Potion had better make it's way in my cart as well. I have a sample of Wildflower that I'll have to get out tomorrow and do a thorough testing.

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  • 4 weeks later...

OK, this is a part phero-hit, part scent story....


Yesterday, I had appts up until 5:30 or so, and I needed to go grocery shopping.....my darlin' suggested that we go grab something to eat first.....well, before we left, I had applied a little treasured hearts and a little straight BI, and was going to cover with a plain scent, but then I grabbed this one.....and slathered away......I was so yummy smelling! My sweetie decided that he wanted to wear Bad Boy (I may actually have to get him another bottle of that one before it sells out, because he likes it so much).


OK, so we go to a local restaurant, and we are standing in one spot waiting for our table....we are in a cloud of apricot and vanilla......as we walk over to our tabel, I pause (a couple of feet from the table) while the waitress lays our menus down, and then I walk over and sit.....


A few minutes later, these young waiters and waitresses are standing about 4 feet from our table, saying...."I smell something really sweet....smells almost like pancakes that you get at IHop or Waffle House.....where is that smell coming from.....look, it is strongest right HERE".....just happened to be right where I had been standing.....I was trying not to giggle.....then when the air came on, just above our table, here they come again....."There is that smell again. Damn, it's making me hungry. Gosh, that smells so good." I was cracking up.....this stuff has serious throw.....


When we went to WalMart came the phero part of the story....walking through there doing our shopping......men giving me BIG goofy grins.......one young guy in the produce section almost got whiplash from his head snapping around.....when I turned around and looked him in the eye, he gets the big cheshire cat smile.....I was laughing my head off......I was dressed in jeans and a little polo shirt....nothing provocative.....too funny!



My sweetie was VERY affected also.....later in the evening, things heated up VERY nicely......glad my son wasn't home....I think we woke the neighbors......and there is an empty lot between my house and theirs.....

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....I think we woke the neighbors......and there is an empty lot between my house and theirs.....


And another bottle goes into my cart!!!


I find myself reaching for this a lot for the scent, and I keep hoping for results like Dolly's from the pheros!!

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The apricot just doesnt like my skin. It just doesn't mesh with my skin chemistry at all. Even after dry down I get an odd smell not fruity and not cops either...just odd. :lol: Very sad.


But not on me, on others ( I had to grab my mom to test this). It is quite nice.




I am just like you! My skin doesn't agree with it. The sad thing is, I ordered a whole bottle to come...bummer!

It smells like a mushroom on my skin, a slightly fruity-smelling mushroom like "chanterelle" -not sure of its translation in english-

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I am just like you! My skin doesn't agree with it. The sad thing is, I ordered a whole bottle to come...bummer!

It smells like a mushroom on my skin, a slightly fruity-smelling mushroom like "chanterelle" -not sure of its translation in english-


You can always trade it on the trading post?

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