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Love Potion: Phero Amped LE

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You can always trade it on the trading post?


Darn right, Mademoiselle. You can trade it to me :blushing:


Edited fer clarity.

Edited by Nightlife
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This is the first time I've been able to wear LP: Original since years ago (way back when it was sold in an amber wand-cap bottle and smelled divine with vanilla and rose...ohh, it was *good*) because the current blend smells very synthetic. Slightly melting white sugar and nothing else, which made me sad because it used to be my favourite scent.


But the BI amped version smells just like blackcurrant flavoured winegums! I like it!

I can't say anything about the BI effects, but there's no cops bleeding through and that's a good thing in my books.

I can actually put this on in public. :666:



Now I'm thinking of getting a bottle of LP: Red amped with cops, but will it have the cheese-factor coming through or is the scent of Red enough to cover it?

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This is the first time I've been able to wear LP: Original since years ago (way back when it was sold in an amber wand-cap bottle and smelled divine with vanilla and rose...ohh, it was *good*) because the current blend smells very synthetic. Slightly melting white sugar and nothing else, which made me sad because it used to be my favourite scent.


But the BI amped version smells just like blackcurrant flavoured winegums! I like it!

I can't say anything about the BI effects, but there's no cops bleeding through and that's a good thing in my books.

I can actually put this on in public. :666:



Now I'm thinking of getting a bottle of LP: Red amped with cops, but will it have the cheese-factor coming through or is the scent of Red enough to cover it?



LP Red is lovely.....and I think it has enough body to cover the cops pretty well.....

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  • 3 weeks later...

OK ladies....this is a loooooong one! I have used the LP LE, and my sweetie has always enjoyed it, and it has always yielded results where he is concerned. BUT, I noticed that the effects intensified when I layered it with additional straight BI.....so, I had one boosted with additional BI....naughty naughty girl.....


SOOOOOO, yesterday, we had been working around my house and yard, drinking some beer and hanging out listening to music. We were planning on watching the Nascar race last night, so before it came on, we both came in and took a shower. I applied a good healthy dose of my further boosted LP LE. Like I said, he had enjoyed it before, and it ALWAYS affected him very well.


Well, last night, he attacked my neck when he smelled it.....I mean RUBBING his face all on my neck while sniffing. Said he doesn't remember smelling it before.....says he has smelled something LIKE it, but not exactly. He says....."Is that one of Mara's? Which one?" I told him that it was "Love Potion Original" (I didn't tell him that it had pheros in it).....he said...."Well, here's a review from a man's perspective".....and here is what he said.....he even wrote it down so I would remember.....


"It has a little fruity, a good bit of flirty, and a whole lot of "turn on". It is VERY INVITING. And, this is a statement that men will understand...it hits on ALL CYLINDERS."


He went on further to explain that the scent put him in a certain frame of mind, that I was supposed to relay to Mara.....when he was 17, he had planned a road trip where he was going to hit Vegas and then CA with his girlfriend (the trip was actually nixxed by his mom), but he says that this scent is how he imagined CA, in his mind, when he was 17. He said, "If I went to CA, I could imagine smelling this while I am exploring and enjoying the sights and sounds....this would be the perfect scent for CA".


We only made it through about half of the race, cuddling and holding turned into petting and stroking, and then hot sex for what seemed like an eternity....GAWD, it was GOOD. And, I could still smell the perfume this morning, and there was some really hot wake up sex.....OOOOOOH.



He has really enjoyed a lot of the LP scents, some more than others, and has had some strong reactions to various ones......but he HAS NEVER had a reaction like this where he was actually writing down a review for me to post, and telling me what the scent evokes for him.....guess what? I bought 2 more boosted bottles......HAD TO.






edited because I can't spell.....

Edited by Dolly
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Wow Dolly!


Just another reason why it's so fun to boost. :-)


Glad you enjoyed - um- breakfast in bed.(g)




OH yeah....morning sex is not our usual repetoire.....a very special treat!

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Dolly now that was a hot post. The words were smoking on the page. I'm going to have to have my LP LE boosted when I get the chance.



Better hurry......there are only a few bottles left, I think.....

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  • 3 weeks later...

Oh god I love you Dolly.


Jesus this stuff is insane.

I wore it to a dinner date in greektown the other night and well-

first of all I could barely get him out of the house with out being completely lynched. He's immediatly growling, goin at my throat and everywhere else...down fella, I'm all dressed up!

So we get in the car and he keeps making out with me at every stop light.

we stop at this other bar first where our friend bartends and when he goes to open the door to let me out, he just jumps in. More making out, and I'm in a dress, he's in a suit, we look like Bonnie and Clyde. It's hot I tells ya.

So we get to Greektown which is totally hoppin on a Saturday night and we eat. And on the way back he keeps kissin me on street corners, against buildings, ect. And we have all these people drivin by being our cheering section, so Im crackin up and completely hot and bothered by now.

Get home-no time to make it to the bedroom at all. I'm thrown up against my kitchen door and given some of the best sex of my life! Oh yes. Amen sisters. Whatta night.

And then more later. And then more in the morning.

Do I reccomend this one.

What do you think?!

I can only pray they make it permanent!

God. Damn!

Cuddle Bunny, for the record does similar things, and of course today I got a whole new bag of tricks (I got rocket fuel for me and Dominance for him), so we'll see what else we have up our sleeves. But I'm havin a blast y'all.

Thanks Love Potion!

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What a story, Cheesy!


Well, Love Potion Original IS permanent.....you would just have to boost it, I guess, in order to get the BI charge....I have 4 bottles of this one.....my man loves it....here's a tip.....layer it with LAM.....hehehehehehe.....

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Whoops, Dolly beat me to it. But just remember LE = Limited Edition.

Edited by luna65
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Right!! Thanks for the tip! Original boosted with BI.

And you say put LAM with this?!

Heh..you tryin to cripple me? :D



OH YEAH, I wore the two together Sat night and a good time was had by ALL....how good?...Well, I walked into my Mom's house at 2:00am, carrying my panties......

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NO!!! Hahaha!!!! Your awesome!



OH YEAH! My mom was laughing her head off....I am glad my grandma was asleep.....now my mom and fiancee can't stop giggling about my "pocket panties"....

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  • 2 weeks later...

This one smells amazing on me!

I got a sample first and for some reason the sample smelt fine in the vial but on my skin it was NOT nice at all. It just turned rancid or something. And I did shake it before applying. I was bummed because a whole bottle was on its way.

Turns out, the bottle is divine and smells great on my skin, go figure!

I expected something more vanilla, but the fruity/foody scent was a surprise. The scent is really growing on me, the more I wear it, the more I like it. A bit like a drug, I guess. lol

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This has become one of my favorite scents. Unfortunately, I'm on a tight budget this summer and am limited to acquiring scents via trades. So if anyone has samples or a bottle of this and it isn't working out for you, please check out my trading post thread.


It seems like I hardly ever wear just one thing; I'm always mixing several scents together. This one layers perectly with sugared apricots (I like fruity). I have an essential oil mix called "fig leaf and italian bergamot" (there are other things in it as well I just don't know what) that I throw in also, and the result is unbelievably complex and heavenly.

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What a story, Cheesy!


Well, Love Potion Original IS permanent.....you would just have to boost it, I guess, in order to get the BI charge....I have 4 bottles of this one.....my man loves it....here's a tip.....layer it with LAM.....hehehehehehe.....



i thought LPLE is already boosted with BI ?


you had to have the LE boosted?


i guess im confused,


because i have a bottle of the LE because it also had BI in it.


very sexxay scent.

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I think Dolly meant that since LP w/BI was sold out, you could have the regular LP boosted with BI as a substitute.


Exactly what I meant there......BUUUUUUT.....I ALSO had Mara take a couple of the bottles of LPLE that already contained BI and added another booster to it.....add that to LAM, and I walked in my Mom's house, carrying my panties.....

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Wow, no wonder you walked in with your panties in your hand, that's a smokin' phero cloud!



OH, and it was FUUUUUN, too......my Mom was sitting there laughing when I walked in....she said...."UH.....are those your panties in your hand?" I just said...."Absolutely"....she just started giggling.....I'm glad my grandma wasn't awake....I never would have heard the end of that one!

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get you one girl! :)



I think I'm gonna have another one tonight! :blue_dancing_banana:



Yeah, CoffeeMama, my Mom and Grandma are a rip!

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You're gonna have sex in a car? Make sure you don't get rousted by the 5-0! :)



No, tonight we are staying in ALONE together.....bet I won't be wearing panties when he gets here, though! The wardrobe.....a whole bunch of LPLE and a great big smile!

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Ah ha...the ol'nudie greeting...works every time! Hopefully he had his Vitamin E today, eh? :)



He takes it EVERY DAY, like a good boy! And, with the cops in this, the testosterone will be high, I'm sure!

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Exactly what I meant there......BUUUUUUT.....I ALSO had Mara take a couple of the bottles of LPLE that already contained BI and added another booster to it.....add that to LAM, and I walked in my Mom's house, carrying my panties.....



That's our Dolly :^^:

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