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New Releases for FEBRUARY 2009

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Hey CC.... do you think SG will 'blab' if she get's 'looped' ? How about it SG, join me/us for shot or three ?? hmmm ? put the lime in the coconut....lalalala.


I think that is a brilliant idea! :) Everyone has an alcohol crutch...hmmm try tequila, it often gets loope giddiness out of people ;)

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She's apparently earned her name "Sinister Girl"... Although, I do have to agree that it is fun watching this thread. I am just patiently waiting for the descriptions. Being on the prepaid subscription I am a little more patient than I used to be - I know that they are coming one way or another.


That said, I am curious at who is "so far off it's funny". This has definatley got to be more entertaining from SG's seat than from mine. :)


I too find it is much easier waiting when you know that no matter what you do there will be a subscription in the mail sooon!!!!!!

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Okay now I am truly tortured. I loves me some grilled cheese!



Me too. It's one of my comfort foods, especially with some cheddar and/mozzarella thrown in


Not only does she torture us with no hints, we get tortured with her food choices - truly sinister

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I just wanted to see if I could figure some of them out now that I kind of have a feel for some of the names they give them.


But honestly, it's kind of fun to know SG is getting a kick out of it.


I'll be sleeping off my overnight shift tomorrow, so I probably won't even think much about it. Okay, that's a bit of a lie.


I am curious to know how far off the mark I was because I though some might be close. It's like trying to figure out a puzzle when you have these clues that can be sort of vague or misleading, but not always because sometimes they're spot on.

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OMG OMG, I saw the title and totally got confused! WAY to good to be true! I am sooooooo stocking up on LP Pink! I dont care if it is a lil different then the original I want like 5 bottles! OK NOW I am going to start saving up as my wishlist is getting LONG!!!! Hmmm can I justify 10 bottles this month?!!!



In the gift shoppe, you can buy the new releases in a set of full bottles (10 of them, I think the description says) for $199.95. Look for it under gift sets and specials. If I was a betting woman, I'd bet that these new releases will be released by the end of next week.

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I have been going back and forth over the pheros in sorceror aand sorceress and I keep thinking it is going to be an addition to our phero line up. Now the only key item we seem to be missing is something that is compatible to the EDGE gel packs for women and men...I am going to lean towards that. :)




Hope you ladies all had a happy valentine's day!

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I have been going back and forth over the pheros in sorceror aand sorceress and I keep thinking it is going to be an addition to our phero line up. Now the only key item we seem to be missing is something that is compatible to the EDGE gel packs for women and men...I am going to lean towards that. :)




Hope you ladies all had a happy valentine's day!


Not yet. I'm guessing Tuesday since Monday is a holiday, though I've noticed that it seems like sometimes M&D work weekends. But probably Tuesday.


The pheros in the sorceress blend has me very curious because I don't think it's one of their currently available blends. I think it's going to be like with sexology where they find a nice mix that's individual to the potion rather than put in one that's already available unscented. Although now that I'm thinking about it, Drop Your Guard seems like it might be a good one because a Sorceress/Sorcerer might want to disarm others. True confession might also be another clever option. Have either of them ever been used in a scent before? DYG actually really seems like an interesting choice for this blend. Hmmm?


Edited to add - I think DYG is in a current blend though I can't remember the name of it. I'll have to go look.

Edited by starlitegirl
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Synchronicity had Drop Your Guard.


I'm hoping Sorcerer/Sorceress has a special blend we haven't tried before...though we won't know if Ail has worked her magic again until tomorrow! *twitches*

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Synchronicity had Drop Your Guard.


I'm hoping Sorcerer/Sorceress has a special blend we haven't tried before...though we won't know if Ail has worked her magic again until tomorrow! *twitches*


Now don't be getting twitchy. (Just teasing!)


Well the new special blends are kind of fun because you can always get unscented versions of the ones that already exist if you like them that much. Sexology is amazing, well, scent wise since I haven't really road tested the phero part.

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Synchronicity had Drop Your Guard.


I'm hoping Sorcerer/Sorceress has a special blend we haven't tried before...though we won't know if Ail has worked her magic again until tomorrow! *twitches*


Hey Luna -


I'm with you. :-)


Now that I have enlisted Mr. Shelly B into the phero madness (can't wait for the Northshore loaded with some SS4M to arrive and the full size of Teddy Man. Yee Ha for Mr. Shelly!) I'm hoping there is a new blend coming as well.


But then - I keep thinking with unscented Cougar nearly extinct - that maybe possibly some new Stone Labs Phero blends are coming? Hope springs eternal. Hey - wait - it IS spring... .at least here in the deep south.


Mara/Dana/Dr. Stone? Taps at the monitor...tappity tap tap - you hooo.....do you have new goodies/Phero Blends coming soon?


Actually - I'm kind of wondering what the stock levels are of the Pharmacom blends so I know which to start hoarding.



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Hey Luna -


I'm with you. :-)


Now that I have enlisted Mr. Shelly B into the phero madness (can't wait for the Northshore loaded with some SS4M to arrive and the full size of Teddy Man. Yee Ha for Mr. Shelly!) I'm hoping there is a new blend coming as well.


But then - I keep thinking with unscented Cougar nearly extinct - that maybe possibly some new Stone Labs Phero blends are coming? Hope springs eternal. Hey - wait - it IS spring... .at least here in the deep south.


Mara/Dana/Dr. Stone? Taps at the monitor...tappity tap tap - you hooo.....do you have new goodies/Phero Blends coming soon?


Actually - I'm kind of wondering what the stock levels are of the Pharmacom blends so I know which to start hoarding.




Have you experienced a man wearing the Super Sexy pheros? Main tip.....do not let that man out of your sight loaded with those! Second, if you have determined that you personally respond to pheros, you are gonna LOVE it when he wears it near you.....I love how it makes me feel....

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Shelly b you are always so funny in your posts, can't wait to hear what happens when mr shelly gets his goodies


I was thinking of getting some soul mate since it is one the getting low list, so many good things out there i can't decide

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Have you experienced a man wearing the Super Sexy pheros? Main tip.....do not let that man out of your sight loaded with those! Second, if you have determined that you personally respond to pheros, you are gonna LOVE it when he wears it near you.....I love how it makes me feel....


I am extremely responsive to pheros. Which is why I'm hoping for the expected effects. And seriously - what man who has been married a long time doesn't want his wife ripping his clothes off? If it does work that way - I'm hoping that it gets me out of the dog house for all the money I've spent here in the past few months. Woof!




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Have you experienced a man wearing the Super Sexy pheros? Main tip.....do not let that man out of your sight loaded with those! Second, if you have determined that you personally respond to pheros, you are gonna LOVE it when he wears it near you.....I love how it makes me feel....


All I could imagine for a minute was Mr. Wonderful leaving the house loaded with the Super Sexy pheros given to him by his gal... and all the women flocking to him. NEVER let a man leave the house loaded with Super Sexy pheros. Bedtime only! HA!

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Oh Ye Gods this is a LONG day with no news!! I just wanna ----> :lolipop:


hahahahahaha now ain't that the truth...wake me when we have liftoff houston, or when we get some real news...no point in me harrassing SG as I see no matter what you ladies did she refused to crack.



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Apparently SG's super powers are greater than we originally thought. I suspect she gains strength from grilled cheese sandwiches and laughing (this is done by reading our thoughts and predictions on the future descriptions). Curses!! We shall find her kryptonite eventually.

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Apparently SG's super powers are greater than we originally thought. I suspect she gains strength from grilled cheese sandwiches and laughing (this is done by reading our thoughts and predictions on the future descriptions). Curses!! We shall find her kryptonite eventually.


Dont forget the popcorn....Hmm, we must find away, we must know! :D


At least they were nice enough to give us the pictures I LOVE LP AND NEW RELEASES!!!! :banana038:

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Apparently SG's super powers are greater than we originally thought. I suspect she gains strength from grilled cheese sandwiches and laughing (this is done by reading our thoughts and predictions on the future descriptions). Curses!! We shall find her kryptonite eventually.



Well for pity's sake ladies - someone needs to find the Kryptonite that works. Because I'm so low on patience on a good day - and after a night up with a sick child - I want *details*...


grumbles, stomps feet.


Sleep deprivation makes me bratty.


Need more coffee, a warm binky, and a kitty cat on my lap. Blah fooey. I'm out of coffee, working in my home office, with a smelly dog on my feet. The only way to fix the smelly dog is to give her a bath - and I'm not convinced that I've had enough sleep to take that task on. But I can always go brew some more coffee, locate a blanket, and try to entice a cat to hang out with me. Although generally my cats have the good sense to avoid the smelly dog.

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Well for pity's sake ladies - someone needs to find the Kryptonite that works. Because I'm so low on patience on a good day - and after a night up with a sick child - I want *details*...


grumbles, stomps feet.


Sleep deprivation makes me bratty.


:yeahthat::yeahthat::yeahthat: Double all that for me, however sick kitteh not sick child. Equally wearing, equally frustrating and coffee is only gonna make me more bratty!

Sad part here is kitteh has no desire (being ill) to sit on me either... :rainman:


You have my empathy today Shelly...let's hope for a bit of LP News and Sunshine to warm the cockles of our crabby hearts!

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Crabby here too! Worked three shifts til 10:30 last night and was back at it this am at 5:30. I want to punt a baby!!!




I know I shouldn't laugh at punting a baby. I really shouldn't.


Knowing it is wrong didn't stop me from doing it however. :-)

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Dont forget the popcorn....Hmm, we must find away, we must know! :rainman:


At least they were nice enough to give us the pictures I LOVE LP AND NEW RELEASES!!!! :yeahthat:


Oh please, they totally tease us with those. :yeahthat:




I actually placed an order yesterday or the day before because I figured by the time all the details were up, I'd be seriously jonesing for some of the pheros I wanted. I am determined to get my love life moving forward. This stagnation just will not do.

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Can we start ordering the sample packs yet for February?


Hey AG ! no..... I asked the same question a few posts ago, SG said "not yet" :thumb_up11:

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I'm sick with a cold & being able to read descriptions of new smellies would make me soooo happy..... :thumb_up11:


There you are ! sorry to read you're sick w/a cold, but perhaps this might cheer you up.... the 'pkg' is in your town ! not sure if it was delivered to your abode or if it's sitting in a huge pile of other packages.


emailed you and posted in "shelly b's ham' thread too.


eta: OOOOOHHHHHHOOOOO !!!! looky up there !!!

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