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New Releases for FEBRUARY 2009

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Hot D*MN!




New PE's - and the white orchid amber musk made the list - shocked that the second did as well. Hope it turns out as well on as it did in my warped mind


Thank you Mara and Dana.


This is - (sadly?) the most fun I've had in years.


My best -


Shelly B

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New PE's - and the white orchid amber musk made the list - shocked that the second did as well. Hope it turns out as well on as it did in my warped mind

IIRC, depending on how much is available of a Custom Sugared, it's always offered for sale after the creator requests their quantity.

Edited by luna65
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IIRC, depending on how much is available of a Custom Sugared, it's always offered for sale after the creator requests their quantity.


Oh. Blushes.


And here I thought I had discovered some previously unidentified talent for sniffie development. :oops:


I'm still hoping they turn out delish. :-)


Huh - on the search for the right emoticon - I found some that were interesting - so totally OT - but:

Thought this was priceless: :spambanana:


These two pretty much convey the crabbiness I was greeting the world with earlier today: :angry3::lol:


I'm sleepy - sick kid woke me up so I checked the boards before going back to bed - (this place is an addiction in about a million different ways) - so TTFN - again. :-)

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I have yet to receive my samples but I already wished I had ordered the sampler pack instead!!! But, I'll be saving up soon...wish me luck..so many I just have to try..forget want to try..LOL.




You sound like you are on your way to being an LP Addict :) Welcome to the group!

I think I made 3 or 4 LARGE orders before I recieved my first one! It is soooo much fun!


The sampler packs are great for trying a good assortment of scents. And a good way to see the amazing range that lp offers.

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No kidding. Patience clearly is not one of my virtues. But I keep telling myself that anticipation is a good thing. Of course, every time I do, I know it's just bullsh*t

I'm with you dear one - Patience? I call bullsh*t.


Have none, have never had any, and honestly - don't really want any.


Impatience might not make you popular - or loved- or any of that other cr*p I don't really care about.


But - Impatience does mean when the bullets are flying, you rock.


Impatience does mean the status quo will *Never* NOT Ever* be good enough.


Impatience means that every day - your point list starts at zero. And until whatever calculator that counts points in your head is satisfied - you will have "divine restlessness".


So Starlitegirl - I'm with you.


This part of the month - in the LP calendar - does NOT play to my strengths. Not even close.


sighing. deeply.

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Have none, have never had any, and honestly - don't really want any.

Like, absolutely no patience? Because as a parent I'd say one has to have a least a modicum of patience (even if it can be difficult to find at times, lol).

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Like, absolutely no patience? Because as a parent I'd say one has to have a least a modicum of patience (even if it can be difficult to find at times, lol).


Or, as a parent, over time, your willingness to be patient while your kids wear you down to a tiny little nub of the person you were before you were a parent dwindles into oblivion...

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I know now my imagination is running wild and i want bottles of them all - but i have to be realistic and this month try to order the samples and just one bottle - maybe two, ok no more than 3

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I know now my imagination is running wild and i want bottles of them all - but i have to be realistic and this month try to order the samples and just one bottle - maybe two, ok no more than 3


Oh yes, I've tried that, too. And then I started getting the pheros I didn't have. And making customs. So I've pretty much decided that LP is my crack. No, I'm not cooking heroin or meth. I'm not sticking a needle in my arm. But I come here looking for stuff that makes me feel good. Thank God it's not illegal because I'd be so sitting in a 5x5 if it were.

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Well, those of you with subscription service...your monthly Trial Vials are on the way. We're having a bit of a weird month. We had to move the biz today, so packing up the preorders before the move took precedence over posting the descriptions. I plan to have them up over the next few days, but some of you will probably have them in your hands before I'm even done!


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Well, those of you with subscription service...your monthly Trial Vials are on the way. We're having a bit of a weird month. We had to move the biz today, so packing up the preorders before the move took precedence over posting the descriptions. I plan to have them up over the next few days, but some of you will probably have them in your hands before I'm even done!



Awww. Now I feel really badly about all my whining for descriptions. *bows head in shame*


I promise I will wait very patiently for forthcoming descriptions. I will be very happy just to know the names and see the images given thus far, and I will cherish them until the descriptions are posted.


*hope the move went smoothly*

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Well, those of you with subscription service...your monthly Trial Vials are on the way. We're having a bit of a weird month. We had to move the biz today, so packing up the preorders before the move took precedence over posting the descriptions. I plan to have them up over the next few days, but some of you will probably have them in your hands before I'm even done!



Holy cow, move?! I can't imagine packing all that glass...precious liquid...etc., etc.! I hope all went as smoothly as possible!! Yeesh, I'd think you'd want a bit of a break after that...

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Or, as a parent, over time, your willingness to be patient while your kids wear you down to a tiny little nub of the person you were before you were a parent dwindles into oblivion...


See, I tend to think I became a better person after becoming a parent. I may not be terribly exciting in some ways but...well, I was always rather geeky anyway. :)

Edited by luna65
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Good Luck on your move guys!!

Hope everything went well.. :)


I just, just ordered the monthly set and I bet I'll be ordering a few bottles soon..Also cannot wait to smell/try my first order when it arrives...it's going to be like christmas all over again....sigh.... :)

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Good Luck on your move guys!!

Hope everything went well.. :)


I just, just ordered the monthly set and I bet I'll be ordering a few bottles soon..Also cannot wait to smell/try my first order when it arrives...it's going to be like christmas all over again....sigh.... :)


The first orders are always SOOO exciting to receive! LEt us know when your goodies arrive and watch out for the LP OD :)


Ooh and the monthly sampler. Good one, I have the subscription and I love it! SOOOOO worth it!

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I think I am going to hold my order until descriptions come out, simply because I know I want the sampler PLUS some full bottles......so, I am going to wait.....I THINK......MAYBE.......

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Or, as a parent, over time, your willingness to be patient while your kids wear you down to a tiny little nub of the person you were before you were a parent dwindles into oblivion...



OK - Let's put it this way. Back in the days Pre-Children - there was another woman in the office I worked in at the time - who I did not like. Which was fine - because it was a mutual no-likey. And we were lucky - because we didn't actually work on any projects together. Anyhoooo - she went off and started spawning. Frequently. I was happy - she wasn't in the office. She was happy as she had discovered her calling.


Then I became pregnant. And the witch called me out of the blue from yet another maternity leave to ask - and I quote - "Is it true? Is the maternal anti-christ going to actually to have a baby?"


Yeah. Thanks for that.


And there were office pools on what net effect parenthood would have on me. Because even pregnant - I wouldn't hold other people's babies. As I told them - if they are less than a month old - they are pink and wrinkly. They just eat, poop and sleep and I find them wholly uninteresting. But when mine comes - I'll take care of it as I'm sure biology and hormones will overtake my own lack of interest in everyone else's. But intellectually - I'd be happier if they got delivered back to my house when they could smile so at least I wouldn't feel so used.


And yes - evolutionary biology/hormones takes over - and you love your own with a fierceness that will take your breath away.


So - more patience? Well - you have to find it in you somewhere. But if God didn't put much patience in there in the first place - there's a limited amount of stretching and growth that can be achieved. So - with that said - yes - I have slightly more than none, a whole lot less than I need, and I'm more inclined to agree with the wear down to a nubbin' thing. Children are like water is to a rock. Like it or not - sooner or later the water wins - and you end up wholly different - and suddenly - the Grand Canyon is what's left of the rock.


Of course my mini-me was diagnosed yesterday with infected tonsils, borderline pneumonia, and a massive asthma breakthrough - so I've just spent half the night up administering breathing treatments on a nebulizer machine. So - I'm not really all that perky today and more than a tad crabby. But Mr. Shelly is staying home with the sick one today - and I'm delighted to be returning to the land of adult conversation- also known as work.

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My money fairy came today :) so i'll be placing my sample pack order for February along with some other samples. Unfortunatly I haven't gotten around to doing my taxes yet :) but as soon as i do iam placing a big size order full of beautiful goodies! :)

Edited by AncientGoddess
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