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Love Potion: PINK


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I'm not really a pink person but Beach Goddess and the rest of you on this thread are such great advocates for LP Pink that I might have to try it. You all make it sound so... necessary!

Hi Donsie, this really is a beautiful luscious scent. I second Platypuss's advise to give it a whirl. If it's piercy or stabby at first, let it age several weeks. My samples seem to age faster (theory on that above, total personal theory). If it's still piercy, let it age more - totally worth it.


I got the medicinal smell from the LP Incandescence due to rasp/ verb but need to revisit to see if that's aged and mellowed. I never got that cough drop thing from new brew of LP Pink but did get really stabby raspberry (noted in reviews above) but it definitely ages to the mellow vanilla pink goodness that's so wonderful.



I am not a Pink Person AT ALL (I don't really get along with Occo Pink for instance... :Emoticons04277: ) but this is still one of my favorite scents ever - just SO good and cheerful, and not too pink, if you know what I mean. :wink88:


Just get a sample vial to start with?

HI Platypuss! I don't mesh with OCCO Pink very well either, think bc it doesn't have the vanillas, OCCO White I like more. Totally agree that it's not too sweet like some may think a PINK scent would be.

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donsie, I agree with ssupytalp and beach goddess! I bought a sample of this one, just to try it. I was not sure how I would like it because I was a little afraid it would be too pink. So far, this is my fav of the LP variants. I've had some issues with the others turning into that play doh smell on me. (I'm not giving up on them yet though.) Anyway, for me this is not too pink.

Edited by tink333
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Guest cutie.pie

I had LP Pink 2009 that I gave to my sister, she said she and everyone else in her office loved it and complimented her a lot. I think I'll get her a sample of this LP Pink.

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  • 1 month later...

I've lightly fragranced my unscented DHEAS spray with LP Pink, and it's the most gloriously congruent pairing! I feel so pretty and girly and uplifted, and the magic of LP Pink seems to have increased the phero power of my beloved DHEAS.

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Vlad, that sounds incredible! What amount did you use or did you use the 1/3 phero to 2/3 scent ratio? That is definitely a congruent pairing. Now I want to try that soon too. :) Honestly I felt more bubbly just hearing about it because it must be amazing.


Hey Donsie, did you finally go for it with LP Pink? Would love to know your thoughts.


One of my prior orders I finally boosted a scent with cops and chose LP Pink. I so wish I had done that sooner and will be doing that for certain moving forward!

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I haven't placed an order in a while and my next one will be shipped to my mother's US address so I won't get to try it until I'm over in May, but I will deffo pop back once I have tried it and let you know what I think!

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  • 1 month later...

This shouldn't be something I can wear, but somehow, Mara has managed to wrap the patchouli in a sweetened pink cloud, and drench it in vanilla-scented cream-covered sun-warmed fruit. I really am enjoying this one. I particularly love that the berries continue to linger. This is nothing short of beautiful!

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  • 1 month later...

i get quite a bit of hits with LP Pink. I lost my bottle of Pink while moving here and thus currently making do with my sample which I sometimes keep in my bag.


Was at a traditional hand-made shoe maker two days back. I called them just before dropping by and the elderly gentleman didn't sound very pleasant and happy since it was about 4.30pm then. Well, after all, he and his dad used to make shoes for our first prime minister (and probably quite a number of cabinet ministers) so I can understand and I will tolerate in order to get myself some decent shoes.


When I got there, his even more elderly worker was not very friendly. He asked me to wait and his boss, in his sixties, came out a while later. His first question was how did i get to know about his business and I told him that it was from the newspapers. He went on to tell me about how his clients are, etc ....


However a few minutes later, he started to warm up, showing me all kinds of shoes, how to rectify my feet issues, how they run their business, what I should do to my kids' shoes, etc. Total change in behavior! In the end, I spent close to an hour at the shop and had to make an excuse to leave.

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I guess it's a combination of the patchouli, verbena, and vanilla but I get an almost cedar-y and balsam-y undertone from this. For me that is definitely a good thing and a welcome bit of serious weight and balance to the pinkness of the rest of the ingredients.


Not sure this is one I love but I am surprised at how it wears on me despite being a pink scent. I'm glad I took the plunge and tried this one at the recommendations of others on the forum.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I was very pleasantly surprised by LP Pink! My initial thought process when I got it was that I wouldn't like it because it's too "girly." I also tend to try to avoid foodie smelling perfumes because they make me hungry and want cookies, lol. The heaviest notes I tend to pick up are the apricot and sugar. However, I feel like the perfume is grounded by the more complex "incensey" smells like patchouli and verbena. I think it's a meaphor for the appeal of the perfume, which is you appear cute and girly at first glance but there is something more intriguing underneath. I still want cookies, but I think it's because cookies are really yummy.

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I still want cookies, but I think it's because cookies are really yummy.




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  • 2 weeks later...

I think of this as the sweetheart of the four Love Potions in the permanent collection. And to think I wasn’t even going to purchase a full bottle until every member in my family said “You smell good!” when I came home wearing my first trial run. I thought it smelled kind of medicinal on me, I thought I was pink sugar doomed, but my family made me decide on a full bottle. They still comment when I wear it. After wearing it a few times, I really like it now and I am not getting the medicinal edge. Out of the bottle I get a pink cake. After putting it on, I get vanilla and cake and butter. A few minutes in I get a pink fruitiness. It has a distinct yumminess to it. It dries down to a pretty pink scent and it has staying power. I could still smell it the next morning before my shower and my husband commented again when giving me my morning hug.

“You smell good!” This one seems to be a real people pleaser. I never considered myself a fan of pink scents , but this one has me reconsidering.

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  • 3 months later...

I am a pink person, so I knew I would love this one. It is very pretty, warm and cozy scent. I feel sexy and secure at the same time when wearing it. Sometimes the patch is a little to forward for my taste, but not every day - it just depends. Definitely will buy again. I realized I did not wear LP Pink much during summer, it has too warm feel for me, but is great for fall - it makes me warm when it is cold outside :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

From the initial spray, this smells almost exactly like Aquolina's Pink Sugar on me for the first couple of hours until the patchouli kicks in, and then it becomes this delicious mix of sweet vanilla, fruit, and spice. Loved it, but I think I'm more partial to "darker scents" and non-foody vanillas, and I want to try samples of the other LP scents before committing to a full bottle!

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  • 1 month later...

This reduces to only sugar and berries on me. I smell like straight-up Cap'n Crunch Berries. A nice shot of nostalgia, but not quite what I was looking for, hehe. But I'll let it sit for several weeks and go back to it and see what it's like then.

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Ooooooo! Crunch berries!!! YUM! I get pink flossy goodness, but not crunch berries - though I would be highly thrilled to LOL ^_^

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Hehe, Crunch Berries do indeed have a fun scent ;) I was going to wait several weeks before taking this out again, but I realized that the first time I wasn't wearing it for too long before showering it off, so I wanted to see what happened when I let it sit for a few hours. It didn't morph on me today; it was just sweet berries all the way through. I liked it more after it became more subtle later in the day. Overall it's pretty but I think it may still be a bit too sweet for me; I also wish the other notes came through more. Will put this back for several weeks as originally planned and check again...

Edited by Witty Kitty
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I've noticed that when this ages, it's warmer, less tart, and less 'berry like'. It's a really smoother pink scent. So for those who may think the berries are too upfront, this info may help. I also feel like sample sizes age quicker, bc it's a smaller batch to mellow out.


It covers cops really well, have had a couple of bottles boosted with EOW, and though I can smell the EOW when it's wet, that scent goes away after it dries down.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've noticed that when this ages, it's warmer, less tart, and less 'berry like'. It's a really smoother pink scent. So for those who may think the berries are too upfront, this info may help. I also feel like sample sizes age quicker, bc it's a smaller batch to mellow out.


It covers cops really well, have had a couple of bottles boosted with EOW, and though I can smell the EOW when it's wet, that scent goes away after it dries down.


Indeed, this is happening with my little trial vial. I tried it again tonight and I think it has mellowed out to the point where I no longer think it's too sweet for me. It really is pretty.

Edited by Witty Kitty
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  • 2 weeks later...


Indeed, this is happening with my little trial vial. I tried it again tonight and I think it has mellowed out to the point where I no longer think it's too sweet for me. It really is pretty.

Hi WittyKitty, so glad to hear; yea I noticed my samples mellow out quicker. But I like the FB boosted with EOW, waiting for that one to mellow out more. I love it either way, but love it more once it mellows a bit. :) It gets warmer, more vanilla-y, and still very pink.


I'm so glad this is permanent. Just waiting for my bottle of pink musk to dwindle a bit further before I get a fb of this.

Belle-ville, me too; this was one of my first favorites. I love that LP has samples for the same price per ml as FB, bc that's how I started before going FB on anything.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 7 months later...
I've not known anything that extreme, but yes, having just been preggers a couple months back, I can say that some things were just not the same. For me, I was either scent blind or one particular note would be unusuallying obnoxious. I didn't have anything change its entire profile like that though :(
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  • 1 year later...
  • 5 months later...

I've had this for years now, as I think I got it as part of the Best Selling Sampler Set for Women, but somehow I haven't realized how delightful it is until last night! It's so pretty! I'm so glad it's part of the permanent collection!


The thing I get from the description is basically like LP: Original with cotton candy sugars on top. Now, to me, cotton candy is not a good thing. I HATE cotton candy. I spent a day volunteering at a rodeo once, and my job was to make cotton candy. I came home with it in my nose, ears, hair, eyes...EVERYWHERE. I never want to see cotton candy again a day in my life, and I DEFINITELY don't want to eat it. I don't want to smell like it, either. 


But this. This is so much more. It's warm, and cozy, and creamy, and sweet (but not cloying). It's a mood. It's nurturing. It makes me want to take care of myself. It reminds me that I deserve that, and I deserve to be cherished. It's like love in a bottle (or a vial in my case, but yes, now I need a bottle).

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I wasn't done, it turns out. I can't edit atm, so feel free to merge my ramblings.


I looked at the other review thread for this, and I saw that there had been a lot of people saying this makes you fall in love with yourself, and I agree! It's really interesting that so many of us got that effect from it. 


I also wanted to say that while this is pink, it's gently pink. It doesn't make you feel like you live in a candy factory. It's like the most magical pink buttercream icing, produced by fairies. Nothing harsh or "bakery-like" about it at all. Nothing that says, "chemicals." Just pure magic.

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  • 6 months later...

It's very nice girly scent. I got the most compliments with Pink though I love myself more vanilla scents.I noticed younger guys love pink scent a lot(age somewhat 20-30 years old). I think this scent is associated with young girly girls.Maybe I am mistaken but it's my experience.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Cannot believe it's taken me this long to finally get around to testing this. ADORE. As so many have said before me, I have never fancied myself a "pink" type gal, but this is so much more than the sum of it's parts. This is everything!!! It feels simultaneously youthful and mature, sophisticated with a wink. Mischievous and flirty with undeniably sexy depth and intrigue. The roundness of the vanilla and resins ensure it's cozy and calming and happy to snuggle but the berries and sugar imply that it's ever ready to turn the F up. This takes adult me back to relive the best parts of my childhood. I am a total Pink convert; I almost can't fathom the amount of adoration I have for this scent right now. There are so many trials from my last shipment I haven't worked through yet but I just keep coming back to this... so so good. Thank the stars for it's permanence. 

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Oh, if only you tried the absolute original!! I have adored this one since it first came out. It is still the only one I could wear at a physician's office. You can't wear much in terms of scents because of people who might get migraines, but this one... this one was a big exception. I got some of the neatest compliments... not sexual ones but happy ones. It was amazing how guys reacted... especially commenting that they wanted their wives to take a sniff because Pink was so much more... pleasing and less sharp to their noses. Most wives gave me a bad look. Their problem...


If you live in Alaska and want to attract a guy, however, I had one made up here that made you smell like a cupcake. What a difference that made! All these guys wanting to bake me and my friend wonderful baked goods without us even asking!

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9 hours ago, Borderbumble said:

Oh, if only you tried the absolute original!! I have adored this one since it first came out. It is still the only one I could wear at a physician's office. You can't wear much in terms of scents because of people who might get migraines, but this one... this one was a big exception. I got some of the neatest compliments... not sexual ones but happy ones. It was amazing how guys reacted... especially commenting that they wanted their wives to take a sniff because Pink was so much more... pleasing and less sharp to their noses. Most wives gave me a bad look. Their problem...


If you live in Alaska and want to attract a guy, however, I had one made up here that made you smell like a cupcake. What a difference that made! All these guys wanting to bake me and my friend wonderful baked goods without us even asking!


Oh how I wish I had tried the original! "If I could turn back time", as they say. 🤣

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