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Secret Identities.....

Potion Master

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PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE - when you send us an email, please include your REAL NAME and your FORUM NAME, and any other pertinent info, such as ORDER NUMBERS, or what kind of credit you are redeeming. (Posting credit and for which landmark, Ooops Coupon, etc.)


We get 400 emails per day, and have too many people to memorize what their real names, screen names, and email names are...usually being completely different, and many times coming from different email addresses than the one that is registered with us. It gets really confusing and totally slows down EVERYONE'S orders when we have to investigate and look up whom we are talking to. Many times, letters are not even signed. PLEASE have mercy on us!


Thank you for your kind attention to this public service announcement.




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I feel quite sure that you have figured out who I am by now.....BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAA



OK, that's my comic relief for the day......it's corporate tax deadline day......have to amuse myself however I can......

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Mara, :c38-0022:


I think u were referring to me that time...LOL. I apologize for forgetting constantly to have both my forum name and my real name too...I never knew exactly how many emails you chicas get a day....wow! more than 400...


Luckily I am the only one with all those numbers (I think)...but next time I will be nicer and remember to put both names...sorry for the inconvenience to the both of you (M&D)


I also have two email address so I was most surprised to get an email from the both of you on my other account but that was a lovely surprise...and now u have both my email addresses on record...hehe...Maybe u girls are psychic?!

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No, Sweetie - NOT just you.


The day that I wrote that, I had spent 16 solid hours in front of the computer trying to get through the backlog of emails, and ended up having to research who I was talking to at least a dozen times. It was probably 2 hours of my day.


I may know you on the message boards, and I may know you over the email. But sometimes I don't have the info to connect the two, so I need help with that from the sender of the email. Our message board community only covers like 10% of our customer base.


When Danna or I write a post like this one, it's because so many people do it, it needs addressing. It's never just because of one person.



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Dag nabbit! I soooo liked the mystery of a secret identity. I was excited at the prospect of being known as something cool like "Storm," "Wonder Woman," or "She-Ra." Heck, even "Rainbow Bright" would be cool.


Dissapointment lurks at the edges of my consciousness as I realize that, in fact we are not only not getting new cool identities but have to "unveil" ourselves if we have one. :001_302:


heeeheeeheee... I'll just have a secret identity in secret... heeeheeeheee...

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Mara and Danna,

You guys are amazing! To have to put up with all this and all that from us...

At least business is booming...=)

Round of applause for the wonderfully talented ladies...M&D.. :001_302:

If it wasn't for their exceptionally wonderful LP's, and all their hard work and efforts none of us ladies and gentlemen would be smelling so lovely...hehe


Thank you both!


May God always bless you both!

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No, Sweetie - NOT just you.


The day that I wrote that, I had spent 16 solid hours in front of the computer trying to get through the backlog of emails, and ended up having to research who I was talking to at least a dozen times. It was probably 2 hours of my day.


I may know you on the message boards, and I may know you over the email. But sometimes I don't have the info to connect the two, so I need help with that from the sender of the email. Our message board community only covers like 10% of our customer base.


When Danna or I write a post like this one, it's because so many people do it, it needs addressing. It's never just because of one person.




That's got to make you feel like your head is going to explode. Well, now I'm starlitegirl on the forum and with my email and everything I use for LP. No more confusion from this customer. I just have to remember to switch to that email when I send things out. It's preset to my real name. Anyway, I hope my changes helped a little bit.

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  • 1 year later...

Just boosting this one to the top.


PLEASE, when you send me a request for trading with another party, PLEASE include BOTH your forum name and your real name. Thanks!


Also, if you have never traded on our forum before, you must include the following so we have your contact info on file:

Your full real name

Your forum name

Your address

Your phone number


Please try to stick to one email address with us too - that really helps cut down on confusion. If you can use the same email address to order, to sign up for the forums, and to converse with us, I would appreciate it hugely.


Be assured, we never share, sell, give out our customer list EVER. We only swap email addresses between members of our forum who request it.


Thanks everyone!



PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE - when you send us an email, please include your REAL NAME and your FORUM NAME, and any other pertinent info, such as ORDER NUMBERS, or what kind of credit you are redeeming. (Posting credit and for which landmark, Ooops Coupon, etc.)


We get 400 emails per day, and have too many people to memorize what their real names, screen names, and email names are...usually being completely different, and many times coming from different email addresses than the one that is registered with us. It gets really confusing and totally slows down EVERYONE'S orders when we have to investigate and look up whom we are talking to. Many times, letters are not even signed. PLEASE have mercy on us!


Thank you for your kind attention to this public service announcement.




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  • 1 year later...

Sorry to say I forgot all about sending my real name >_< so sorry. It's from a gmail account. I think it should show up on the email though but I just sent a few emails. One about changing my email address because I think the one I had on file is the one I had to delete due to hackings...


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