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What's a good phero just for me?

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Fiancé is in New York. And he won't shut up about it. Wants to move there. Ugh. I like to visit there but it's waaaaayyyyy to nuts of a place to live for me. He knows this. I don't know, again, what to think. I'm hoping he's just dazzled cause he's on vacation with his (jerk) brother, and when he gets home he'll come back down to earth.


anyway, what's a good phero I can wear just for me? To make me happy through the day?

I have- Phero Girl

-Phero amped LP LE



-nakai nectar

-drop your guard

-cuddle bunny

-forever after


Whatcha think, panel? Thanks, Lori.

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It's too bad you don't have anything with a-nol, that would cheer you up. Cops or BI might give you a boost, but you'll be horny (don't know if you want that). Dominance might make you somewhat more secure.


My suggestion is just to wear whatever fragrance is your favorite, that makes you happy. Scent is incredibly powerful on its' own psychological merits, and I think people tend to forget that sometimes.

Edited by luna65
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Fiancé is in New York. And he won't shut up about it. Wants to move there. Ugh. I like to visit there but it's waaaaayyyyy to nuts of a place to live for me. He knows this. I don't know, again, what to think. I'm hoping he's just dazzled cause he's on vacation with his (jerk) brother, and when he gets home he'll come back down to earth.


anyway, what's a good phero I can wear just for me? To make me happy through the day?

I have- Phero Girl

-Phero amped LP LE



-nakai nectar

-drop your guard

-cuddle bunny

-forever after


Whatcha think, panel? Thanks, Lori.


Aw, sorry you're stressed... for me? I'd hit up one of my comfort scents...(I go to Bravado for days like this)...but I'm thinking one of the ones like Happy Water would be good too...from your selection, I'd go w/Wildflower I think. Hugs to ya, and do something nice for you today!

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Hmm..If you want me to be REALLY honest here, how about you hold off on buying anything for now, Cheeseburger?


This is the point where Katz and Luna laser me with their eyes all the way from the States.. ^_~


Patience people. It WILL be well worth the wait. That I can promise you.


Happy Ostara to all, and may it bring renewal, regrowth and rebirth for everyone.




Ail )O(

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Haha! I have to, Ail! No choice, Mara is holding some stuff for me, I told her I couldn't get them till mid April.

Night of the Fae then girls. That one makes me very happy. I'll post my reveiw for it soon too. I wrote it down already.

Thanks gals..just curious though, how do you know I'm a shopaholic?? Ooooeeoooo......

Much love, Lori


Edit to say::: here's the part where I admit to goondom again. Ail!! You were talkin bout your up and coming treatsies! Nice! Yeah I wasn't talkin bout shopping today, just pickin something I had already. Of course now ya got my wheels spinnin..

Edited by cheeseburger79
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Hmm..If you want me to be REALLY honest here, how about you hold off on buying anything for now, Cheeseburger?


This is the point where Katz and Luna laser me with their eyes all the way from the States.. ^_~




Ail )O(


Lol, whatever for Ail? Like Luna, I really wanted to suggest to Cheez that she seek out whatever LP she currently has is her "comfort" scent...I agree that even an UN-pheroed scent can bring immense peace of mind. For me it's Bravado..others love Taxed, or..you know, whatever...for the time being...till your Amazing Blend comes out (sets laser eyes over to Scotland at this point) :angry:

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Ok, I vote for Sorceress. Recently, someone special was in a situation that REALLY intimidated me and made me insecure. I put on Sorceress and within about thirty minutes I was calm and in control. Not ballsy feeling or anything, just confident. Hugs, :GUINEA~17: baby girl, I know how you feel!!

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