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Like A Magnet--WOW

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Our man magnet combo of Alpha-Androstenol and a whopping dose of EoW Copulins! Mood elevating, popularity enhancing, sexually attracting!



Ok, ladies, I got my package today, so I am slathered in several scents. This one is going to be great for those intimate moments when you want an "almost there" sweet sexy scent that will kill them with the pheros...the scent is mild and light and feminine....but it covers the pheros PERFECTLY. Will be ordering this one by the gallon, I think.....


Will review the phero effects after I test drive it with my sweetie this weekend.....this is gonna be FUN.....

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I can see layering this and wearing it with SO many things (including nothing but a great big smile)!!

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Ok, ladies, I got my package today, so I am slathered in several scents. This one is going to be great for those intimate moments when you want an "almost there" sweet sexy scent that will kill them with the pheros...the scent is mild and light and feminine....but it covers the pheros PERFECTLY. Will be ordering this one by the gallon, I think.....


Will review the phero effects after I test drive it with my sweetie this weekend.....this is gonna be FUN.....

No come get me note in mail box yet dadgummit. Grrrrrr

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No come get me note in mail box yet dadgummit. Grrrrrr


Keeping my fingers crossed that you get it soon Shelly....you're gonna like this one!

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OK, my sweetie has just informed me that he is intending to come spend the night this evening....so, after my afternoon workout, I will be washed and scrubbed, and will promptly apply a GENEROUS dose of the LAM....we shall see what the phero effects are.....will have a full report tomorrow.....

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OK, my sweetie has just informed me that he is intending to come spend the night this evening....so, after my afternoon workout, I will be washed and scrubbed, and will promptly apply a GENEROUS dose of the LAM....we shall see what the phero effects are.....will have a full report tomorrow.....


Awesome! Can't wait... and that referrs to both Dolly's report and getting my own LAM :Hug_emoticon:

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OK, my sweetie has just informed me that he is intending to come spend the night this evening....so, after my afternoon workout, I will be washed and scrubbed, and will promptly apply a GENEROUS dose of the LAM....we shall see what the phero effects are.....will have a full report tomorrow.....


That is if you can still walk after your LAM evening. I can't wait to receive mine either.

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That is if you can still walk after your LAM evening. I can't wait to receive mine either.



Oh Countess, you are gonna love it.....Mara said it is like 16 times the strength of the competitor.....and the smell is divine.... I need a vat of it to swim in.....

Edited by Dolly
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Is the 16 times for both - the cops AND the alpha-androstenol? Because that's like happy heaven for everyone!



Here is what she said regarding the potency......


our Magnet blend is 15.625 times stronger than it's nearest competitor.

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I've never even tried the other one. I feel all tingly about trying this one. :toast:


Those ladies who have used the "nearest competitor" will have to give a comparison (even though I'm sure there won't be any :) ).

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16 times...I may have to purchase another bottle even before my order arrives.


Okay Countess, yeah you will order another....That is exactly what i did before my bottle arrived (today by the way), so I already have another on order...but I am seriously contemplating another, cause this is gonna fly off the shelf.


So...here's what I think about LAM


WOW...this is the shiznit fo shizzle...


Now mind you, y'all know how I feel about the smell of EOW/cops...so I was scared, yes scared. and when I opened and sniffed I could definitely smell cops but I put some on anyway...let me tell you, dry down time is less than 6-8 minutes flat and after wards wow...smells sweet and beautiful and will work well with layering other scents cause its so light that it is actually cute....I am serious, I keep smelling but cannot detect a trace of cops at all and I smell a hint of vanilla. it is so delicate


will be uh testing out the intent part tonight...hehehe


but yeah, great stuff...ladies, get at least one bottle before it is gone cause you will cry if you don't...just saying y'all



Edited by djacquelynstew
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I LOVE This!!! I was worried about the phero bleedthrough. Wet I could smell the cops a bit, but Djac is dead on when she says that dry it is beautiful! It is so light and sweet with honey and a smidge of vanilla. I hope to test the phero effects soon!

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Okay so I had to try this with Sexology (scented) and I have just this to say


I smell freakin sexxxay...like I know I am getting me some attention, some affection and some damn hot sex.....


really, somebody try this combo, tell me ain't it gorgeous



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Soooo, can anyone comment on the phero effects? :lol: (YA, ya...I know, it has only been a day..BUT I am ANXIOUS!) hehehe, I ordered me 2 bottles of this goody and I cant WAIT to test spin them!

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Okay Countess, yeah you will order another....That is exactly what i did before my bottle arrived (today by the way), so I already have another on order...but I am seriously contemplating another, cause this is gonna fly off the shelf.


So...here's what I think about LAM


WOW...this is the shiznit fo shizzle...


Now mind you, y'all know how I feel about the smell of EOW/cops...so I was scared, yes scared. and when I opened and sniffed I could definitely smell cops but I put some on anyway...let me tell you, dry down time is less than 6-8 minutes flat and after wards wow...smells sweet and beautiful and will work well with layering other scents cause its so light that it is actually cute....I am serious, I keep smelling but cannot detect a trace of cops at all and I smell a hint of vanilla. it is so delicate


will be uh testing out the intent part tonight...hehehe


but yeah, great stuff...ladies, get at least one bottle before it is gone cause you will cry if you don't...just saying y'all




Agree with everything you said!! When my better-than-christmas package arrived today, I was not in a position to try LAM, as much as I wanted to (though a smidge of Open Windows was a nice boost.)


SO on the drive home, I scrounged for the LAM bottle to get that sh*t on me! Errrr, I mean to see how it smelled, and all. When I saw it in it's own little plastic wrap, I thought... :) ummm... it reminded me of my very first LP package, featuring a bottle of EoW (flashback here>>) and that EoW SMELL, even in it's not-yet-uncapped, never-been-rolled, virginal (as it were) state, through the plastic bag AND wrap. Strong. Stanky. Cheesy. A glory I could never have imagined, pungency wise. And the opened Essence, herself.. well, let's just say I'm quite sure my bottle will last me a lifetime... stated with love and RESPECT :lol: for her copulous powers.


Flash forward to grabbing at my LAM and I catch a little whiff of cops, with the cap still on... Or maybe just pre-roll...?(Perhaps now would be the time to mention I also got Woozy AND the A-nol spray... :msn_red_fox_smilies-09: I could be a tad hazy;-) Regardless, I'm wary once again.


Anyway, the important part: when I lightly dab a drop of LAM to sniff, it's just-- delicate sweetness. No cover-needy-cheese/coveriffic vanilla/overbearing honey. Just, soft, yummy, *lightly* honeyed *hint* of vanilla sweet skin smell. So's I swipe that bad boy (girl) ALL OVER my arm, and still... all I can think is, well, that's so...pretty. Powdery even, for lack of a better term, NOT in a bad way (I don't like powdery) just, soft.


At this point, cause I know what's in this little bombshell, I'm questioning my olfactory prowess... Still can't wait to see what happens on clean skin, with a clean nose, out and about-- soon as I can take her for a spin :)

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So- toying with an idea.

Are any of you interested in this available in different scents?


Like a candy floss cops?


Floral LAM?


Please to chime in.




Do you mean having a variety of LAM versions to choose from? Because that sounds like a cool idea. We're going to need a scent for it with the cops. Sure, we could go uncovered with it like EOW, but scents sound good too. From my own perspective, scents sound good, particularly anything that could be layered because that opens a whole flood gate of options, but even regular scents like the phero amped ones would be fun though I'm especially fond of layers. I'm not a floral gal, but other options would be fun for me. I'm sure the floral gals would love a Floral LAM.


Are you thinking of having some different options to choose from or more along the lines of LAM being the phero added into different scents?


Oh, I'd love to see Mara's Rocket Fuel scent for a LAM option. That would be fantastic because I LOVE that scent.


So count me in for options especially anything that could work for layering, but the layering is my personal favorite, especially sugared type scents for layering would be really fun.

Edited by starlitegirl
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"Oh, I'd love to see Mara's Rocket Fuel scent for a LAM option. That would be fantastic because I LOVE that scent."


yes! Mara's Rocket fuel would make a great LAM scent...I am also thinking Lavender maybe and maybe something amber



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I think that it would be great to have several scent options, as long as the scents are kept light enough to be a layering option. You know, not quite as strong as one of the regular LP oils.....but strong enough to add just a hint of scent and cover the cops smell on drydown....there are times when a truly light scent is appropriate.....



OK, my full LAM report.....OH MY GOODNESS....


My sweetie arrived, and I was still sweaty from my workout, so I told him I was gonna go take a shower. Afterwards, I applied some LAM. Application points were all of the usual suspects (neck, wrists, cleavage), and a little roll on the belly and the inner thighs (for later). I really didn't apply that much, because I wanted a good comparison.....I used about the amount that I would use for a normal LP oil application.


He was standing outside drinking a beer, and when I walked out and stood beside him making small talk, he looks over and says....."You're wearing something, but I don't recognize it." I told him that it was "Like A Magnet", and let him sniff my neck. He smelled the cops (but I didn't tell him it was pheros), as it was still wet....he said...."It has some of that "ass musk" in it...but I think I like it." I told him to just let it dry down and smell it when it dried. When it dried down, he was all over my neck, sniffing almost like a little puppy.....sniff sniff sniff....."Hmmmm....I LIKE THAT ONE." He said that he likes the light scent.....he describes it as "almost not there".


Phero effects....well, I counted at least three separate times when there were DIHL responses from him during the night.....we were sitting and watching tv, and I would turn to look at him, and he would be sitting there, just STARING at me. He couldn't wait until my son went to sleep.....thankfully my boy is a heavy sleeper.....it was a chase me into the bedroom and throw me down evening....LITERALLY. He had fun finding ALL of my application spots.....and I ended the evening being fully satisfied....both with my man and the LAM.


My overall opinion.....this is a WINNER ladies.....when you are going to have that special evening with your sweetie and you want to LIGHT HIM UP, this will do the job. TRUST ME. Also, those of you who are with men who are "scent-sensitive", try this product....it is light and unobtrusive.....smells almost like a good soap or scented lotion....not like you are wearing a heavy perfume.....if you want to go with a heavier scent, I think you could layer this with just about any LP or commercial perfume of your choice.....



Now, if you want a comparison to the "other" LAM, there truly is none. Think of night and day. First, the competitor's product smells BAD. I bought some of the ylang ylang once and it made me have sneezing fits, so I returned it. I tried some of a friend's chocolatini version, and no matter how hard I tried, I could not get rid of the stench. And, the chocolatini clashed with EVERYTHING I tried to cover it with. Plus, you would have to use about half of a bottle of theirs to get the same effect. Plus, theirs is like double the price.....hmmmm......



Edited by Dolly
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Well Hot Dam. I'm going to order another bottle right now. Dolly your report was priceless. "ass musk" I'm chuckling as I'm writing this. I wonder if this LAM is something like PCC at LS. I know that PCC had cops in it with a faint melon scent. It wasnt strong enough for me. I bet Like a Magnet is PCC times 1000.


Djac, your report really makes me want to buy more of this jewel. Sounds like I could wear this scent with little to no cover. I can't wait to receive mine. Should be any day now.


For now I'm going shopping.

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So- toying with an idea.

Are any of you interested in this available in different scents?


Like a candy floss cops?


Floral LAM?


Please to chime in.




Yes, yes, and yes! Something Cuddle Bunny-ish or To Soothe a Broken Heart-like would be wonderfully lovely. I know that To Soothe is not good for hiding cops but my guy doesn't particularly care for honey scents so having some alternatives would be WONDERFUL!

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Well Hot Dam. I'm going to order another bottle right now. Dolly your report was priceless. "ass musk" I'm chuckling as I'm writing this. I wonder if this LAM is something like PCC at LS. I know that PCC had cops in it with a faint melon scent. It wasnt strong enough for me. I bet Like a Magnet is PCC times 1000.


Djac, your report really makes me want to buy more of this jewel. Sounds like I could wear this scent with little to no cover. I can't wait to receive mine. Should be any day now.


For now I'm going shopping.



PCC never did anything for me. I could have used tap water and got the same effect. It didn't have enough cops in it for me. I think PCC was just cops plus fragrance.....this has the Anol boost too......it is FAB!

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Guest Lor

LAM as a drop down add in would be great.

id like to add LAM to all my sweet faves, like honeycomb ...

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LAM as a drop down add in would be great.

id like to add LAM to all my sweet faves, like honeycomb ...


LOR! You just hit 200 posts! You get to start getting the $5 coupons now.....$5 for every hundered posts!

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OHHH how I would love this in different scents as well! Although I am not sure how you will top this!! But y'all never cease to amaze me with your creativity and giftedness, so have at it! Bring on some more scents! But I really want to stress that it is not because I don't like this one because I DO, it is GORGEOUS!!!

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Posting again to add that I just slathered this over my Cuddle Bunny Body Creme... That's what I'm talking bout ladies! I am surrounded in a beautiful, fluffly, phero cloud. AHHHHHH, pheros, cops, and beautiful scents. Life is good.....

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Posting again to add that I just slathered this over my Cuddle Bunny Body Creme... That's what I'm talking bout ladies! I am surrounded in a beautiful, fluffly, phero cloud. AHHHHHH, pheros, cops, and beautiful scents. Life is good.....



The scent in this is lovely, and I will add that even though it is light, it has staying power.....I can still smell it on myself this morning....

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PCC never did anything for me. I could have used tap water and got the same effect. It didn't have enough cops in it for me. I think PCC was just cops plus fragrance.....this has the Anol boost too......it is FAB!


I agree about PCC. It probably was just tap water with with a little fragrance. Anol boost. I completely overlooked that priceless ingredient. This is going to be a must have item I just know it.

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I agree about PCC. It probably was just tap water with with a little fragrance. Anol boost. I completely overlooked that priceless ingredient. This is going to be a must have item I just know it.


Oh, I will NEVER be without a bottle in my arsenal....of that I am sure....

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Guest Lor

first off, thank you Dolly for bringing my posts to my attention!

I didnt know that after so many posts there were incentives,YAY!!!!


finally a kravitz....


also, ordering LAM as we speak.

dammit, i just got my newest order an HOUR ago and im already placing another....

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Yeah Danna, that's a great idea! Like Dolly says, lighter versions which can be layered or just for when you don't want the big presence of an LP but you want to cover the pheros just enough.

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Are any of you interested in this available in different scents?


Like a candy floss cops?

Floral LAM?




I'm thinking that for me personally candy floss would be too sugary...


And like Starlight I'm not big on the pure florals, however... I do love the scents that combine softer florals with vanilla-ish scents...If going down the floral route I'd love to see LAM in something like Lunantishee, LP Original or Love at first bite :)


I also absolutely adore Mara's Rocket Fuel! Basically anything creamy caramel, brown sugar, honey or vanilla I go nutz for! Love MRF and my new found love Treacle Trollop!


To sum it all up...If I could choose 2 alternative scents for LAM then I'd choose Treacle Trollop and LP Original

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So- toying with an idea.

Are any of you interested in this available in different scents?


Like a candy floss cops?


Floral LAM?


Please to chime in.




I think various options with LAM would be awesome. I like the candy floss idea. A brown sugar/honey scent would be fantastic as well.


I have an idea. So we don't confuse the comparisons between the LAM from they that shall not be named and our own fantastic LP ladies, I say we call the other one LAMe (or lame). :)

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