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I need a little help in choosing a man's pheromone. My libido's been asleep for, well, too long. I need something to get me back into it. I'm interested in knowing how Sorcerer or any other of the pheromones have affected you guys. I'd like to know about the scent, but I'm more interested in what the 'mones did to you. If you could indulge me, I'd be grateful.

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A post wherein I expound on the differences between Sorcerer and SUPER for Men.


I'll talk a little bit about Woodland Man (which contains Turn Up The Heat)...it's funny, I always test male pheros on myself and TUTH didn't have an effect on me, which I considered to be wholly bizarre. However, using it with my partner (I was wearing Sexology, he was wearing Woodland Man) led to an incredibly intense experience and the conclusion I came to was that TUTH works on me as amplifier of arousal rather than the agent of it. Other female users have said it's incredibly arousing when swiped under the nose. But Wanted Man (which is in Sorcerer) is quite effective because I enjoy the aura it creates for my partner. Teddy Man, which also contains a male pheromone blend, is great as well, although not necessarily sexual (just depends on your frame of mind, I think).

Edited by luna65
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I agree with Luna....Woodland Man amplifies for me, but to get me cranking, Sorcerer does the trick.....you may also do well to pick up some of the Unscented Super Sexy 4 men.....it is almost sold out and when its gone, there will be no more.....its a little bit of a different vibe....hard for me to describe the difference, but still VERY NICE.....

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I realize I posted this in the wrong section. I should have posted in the general pheromones questions section. I wonder if it can be moved there.

Forgive the Absolute Beginner.....



Tha was fast!

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