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What phero to use to create "fall in love" feeling

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Hi everybody,


I'm new to pheromone, and I have been reading some of the posts in here. I'm in a relationship with a guy that I really love, I was wondering what pheromone I should use to help enhance the fall in love feeling for a long term relationship (not just giving out sexual vibe).


I have been reading about Soul Mate, would that be a good choice?

or should I use Love Potion instead (but there are many varieties of LP, I don't know know which one I should buy)?


Any advice would be great appreciated! thank you!


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Soul Mate is lovely for bonding, you can get it UN scented or in a scented mix; Tamashi no tomo (?sp).


Another great one is the new UNscented Heart & Soul, you can bvy it as it is or ask for it to be added to any LP scent :)


The Love Potions aren't phero's, they are scents (except for the limited edition of LP Original with BI) but you can add a phero to them if you want.

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Heart and Soul is really great, so is Treasured Hearts.....I haven't personally tried Soul Mate, but have heard that it is really good....


I would take one of the loving pheros, and pair it with one of the Love Potion varieties....there are different ones, depending on what your scent preferences are.....

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Hi Megan.

Yes, I would grab a bottle of soul mate---OR---Heart and Soul! Read the description for that one. And the reviews.

Love Potion's chemist, Ail, spent a long time making it and it sounds like exactly what you need. It's also unscented so another beautiful thing is that you can wear it under any scent you please and reap the benefits.

I've tried Soulmate in Forever After, but I'm hearing better things about Heart and Soul, which I just got yesterday and haven't had a chance to use yet. Maybe tonight. :blue_dancing_banana:

I'd personally go for the heart and soul though. She don't mess around, that Ail. I trust her completely.

Best of luck! And Welcome to our forum!! We have alot of fun around here, hope you enjoy yourself!

Xoxo, Lori

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