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Sugared Pomegranates


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"Ah, poor Persephone. Tricked into spending half the year in the underworld by her husband Hades, who fed her six deliciously sweet pomegranate arils. During those 6 months, her mother Demeter cries and allows the crops to die and the world to become a mirror of her grief and desperation. Persephone returns on the Spring Equinox and Demeter again tends the Earth."


The oil has a lovely red cast to it, which is a nice touch even if it was a natural side effect.


The scent is really fun, for all its underworld associations :blink:


Tart, sugary and effervescent; dripping juice and sugar crystals. I'd like this scent to be a bubble gum flavor, actually. Tastiness.

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  • 1 year later...





Sugared Poms - in bottle like a light sweet wine, on it is a sweet juicy pomegrante, very fragrant and not overpowering fruity smell, smells like heavy cotton candy, good scent for the sugar fans and the fruit fans

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  • 4 weeks later...

A lightly sweet fruit (pomegranate) that wasn't overpowering in any way. On me, after dry down, it faded quickly, perhaps because it was lighter and my skin ate it, which was a true disappointment because I really liked the aroma.


If you like lighter fruit scents and your skin doesn't eat them up, then this is definitely one to try!

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This one is sheer fruity goodness. I love the color and the sweetness. You're right SB, this would make a great lotion.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Welcome ...glo_worm...


You're right this scent it glorious! I love it. You're going to find a lot of fantastic scents here at the Love Potion Perfumerie.

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I'm gonna have to revisit this one because all I remember is syrup in the vial. Don't think I even tried it on! Better give it a go!


Oh yes do try it again. It is simply lovely. It is totally one of those scents that fit into our mutual faves, as scent twins.


Let me know what you think! :wub:

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  • 8 months later...

A woman actually grabbed my arm and rubbed her wrist against mine to "Grab some of that great smell!" that ended with "I got some! I got some!" tee-hee-hee-hee :banana010:


I have gotten nothing but endless compliments with this scent !!!


Hmmm.... I guess it also is an added bonus that I had it boosted with Cougar but quite honestly --- even without the Cougar this would turn heads !!!!!


Fantastic !!!

Edited by livinginparadise
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A woman actually grabbed my arm and rubbed her wrist against mine to "Grab some of that great smell!" that ended with "I got some! I got some!" tee-hee-hee-hee :banana010:

Oh dear. I hope that wasn't a "total stranger stopping you in the street" situation... Hahahah!


I would have loved to try this... but I guess I can always content myself with the goodies I just got in the mail today :2179: I've been huffing so much that my nose is burning :Hug_emoticon:

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