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Greetings, I am trying to find a produt that provides similar results as Stone Cougar. I got totally fantastic responses when wearing this product. I can not be more pleased, it delivers. Any suggestions will be appreciated. Misty :kyrii_faerie_action: By the way Stone Cougar does leave you sweating.

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Have you tried the new cougar version? I haven't tried it yet so I can't say if they are the same or not but some of the ladies have tried both and compared them in the phero review section I believe :kyrii_faerie_action:


You could also try the new Actors Magic once that's released, It's supposed to have that sparkly flair to it :aola:

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Stone Cougar IS the new version!


Misty, why not just buy more of that? We currently have it in stock.


Why do you want something "similar" - is there something you'd like to be different about it?

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