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Cops in LAM, OCCO & B's BM

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How much cops do the different copulin mixes contain?


I love my LAM, and I reckon the amount I normally slather is pretty much the right amount of cops for me, but I don't know how B's Blushing Milkmaid and OCCO compares to LAM.


Which of the 3 has the most cops? I'm guessing that B's Blushing Milkmaid is lower as it's a boosted fragrance?

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How much cops do the different copulin mixes contain?


I love my LAM, and I reckon the amount I normally slather is pretty much the right amount of cops for me, but I don't know how B's Blushing Milkmaid and OCCO compares to LAM.


Which of the 3 has the most cops? I'm guessing that B's Blushing Milkmaid is lower as it's a boosted fragrance?



WEEEEELLLLL, I'd love the answer to this question too.....don't know about the blushing Milkmaid, but I would assume that OCCO is probably going to be the highest of the three because Mara stated that they are pure scented cops. When Mara was developing LAM, I suggested that she use about the same amount of cops that are in PheroGirl.....don't know if she did, but I get similar reactions from the two. She did say that BAM contained more than LAM.....

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WEEEEELLLLL, I'd love the answer to this question too.....don't know about the blushing Milkmaid, but I would assume that OCCO is probably going to be the highest of the three because Mara stated that they are pure scented cops. When Mara was developing LAM, I suggested that she use about the same amount of cops that are in PheroGirl.....don't know if she did, but I get similar reactions from the two. She did say that BAM contained more than LAM.....


I thought OCCO was fairly close to straight EOW. EOW would be stronger naturally because OCCOs have scents added, but it seems like it would be higher than LAM and BAM but not as high as straight EOW.

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I thought OCCO was fairly close to straight EOW. EOW would be stronger naturally because OCCOs have scents added, but it seems like it would be higher than LAM and BAM but not as high as straight EOW.



I think the OCCO is almost straight EoW.....Mara said they are basically cops with some scent cover. I must add that I simply CAN'T WAIT to try the OCCO....I ordered the purple and the black.....

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I think it goes LAM, Blushing Milkmaid, OCCO. Mara said that Blushing Milkmaid was as chock full of cops as they could while maintaining the lighter scent--it was designed as a cops cover. OCCO is as high as you can go without being pure. I've got blue and purple coming but black is holding some fascination for me.


If anyone can correct me on this, please do!

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I've got blue and purple coming but black is holding some fascination for me.


Aaaaah, you have GOT to tell me all about the blue when you get it. Spare no detail. I have to wait a while till I can get more pheros but I keep thinking about Blue Shield and whimpering with scent lust.

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Aaaaah, you have GOT to tell me all about the blue when you get it. Spare no detail. I have to wait a while till I can get more pheros but I keep thinking about Blue Shield and whimpering with scent lust.


I think we're scent twins. I'll definitely let you know about the Blue-ish goodness when it gets here. I'm thinking it'll be kind of like Cuddlebunny but with a twist--not as cuddly.

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I think the OCCO is almost straight EoW.....Mara said they are basically cops with some scent cover. I must add that I simply CAN'T WAIT to try the OCCO....I ordered the purple and the black.....



funny, those are the two i wanted myself.


i unfortunately have to wait until next month, due to too many birthdays in the family clustered around the same time.


and then next month(end of sept) there are only 3 birthdays to worry about !!!

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I think the OCCO is almost straight EoW.....Mara said they are basically cops with some scent cover. I must add that I simply CAN'T WAIT to try the OCCO....I ordered the purple and the black.....



Almost straight EOW with lovely scents... Mara has worked a miracle for us cops lovers. :J001: :J001: :J001:




And yes, that is a shitload of cops. Indeed. My straight EOW might just sit around getting dusty now that we've got some pretty scented ones.

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No, the technical term is "Shitloads"


So it goes LOTA, shitloads, and butt-tons??

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The Magnets and BAMS are strong phero-wise, but in a very light scent carrier, designed to allow bleed through of the Cops/phero smells, and light enough to still layer your regular perfumes with them.


Blushing Milkmaid is a "full strength" perfume, but the nature of the ingredients is very sheer, so you also get a pretty serious amount of bleed through of the Cops, even though there is less in there than in the Magnets & BAMS. (On my skin, the Milkmaid scent really amped the cops.)


The OCCOs have the most Cops - not quite as much as a bottle of straight EoW (but, shall we say, close to 4x the strength that Dr Stone advises per bottle - in the range that he laughingly calls "disgusting" :) ) - but the cover scents are really concentrated. REALLY. (Not as strong as Remind Me Again, but close.) I weighted them this way because I figured the strength of the perfume would give you an indicator of how much to use. How much perfume = how much cops, y'know?, according to your preference.


But, I got a little nervous about how concentrated I made these, so I added DPG dilutant to the shopping cart this week, guys, in case you feel these blends are too strong. You could dilute them by 50% and still feel like you had a full strength product. I've tried them all this week, and just a few little dabs is all you need.


I LOVE every one of the varieties - they all came out beautiful. I think I am one of those that gets 'self-effects' from the Cops - each of them makes me feel nose-to-the-wrist-devouringly-ravenous. :019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co It's like the Cops have been perfectly balanced with the perfumes into "subconscious" reaction territory. They are really hard to detect, but the effect is THERE.


I look forward to hearing what you all think of them!



Note to Luna: You are SPOT ON about the Blue Shield. You never cease to amaze me. ^_^

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The Magnets and BAMS are strong phero-wise, but in a very light scent carrier, designed to allow bleed through of the Cops/phero smells, and light enough to still layer your regular perfumes with them.


Blushing Milkmaid is a "full strength" perfume, but the nature of the ingredients is very sheer, so you also get a pretty serious amount of bleed through of the Cops, even though there is less in there than in the Magnets & BAMS. (On my skin, the Milkmaid scent really amped the cops.)


The OCCOs have the most Cops - not quite as much as a bottle of straight EoW (but, shall we say, close to 4x the strength that Dr Stone advises per bottle - in the range that he laughingly calls "disgusting" :lol: ) - but the cover scents are really concentrated. REALLY. (Not as strong as Remind Me Again, but close.) I weighted them this way because I figured the strength of the perfume would give you an indicator of how much to use. How much perfume = how much cops, y'know?, according to your preference.


But, I got a little nervous about how concentrated I made these, so I added DPG dilutant to the shopping cart this week, guys, in case you feel these blends are too strong. You could dilute them by 50% and still feel like you had a full strength product. I've tried them all this week, and just a few little dabs is all you need.


I LOVE every one of the varieties - they all came out beautiful. I think I am one of those that gets 'self-effects' from the Cops - each of them makes me feel nose-to-the-wrist-devouringly-ravenous. :019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co It's like the Cops have been perfectly balanced with the perfumes into "subconscious" reaction territory. They are really hard to detect, but the effect is THERE.


I look forward to hearing what you all think of them!



Note to Luna: You are SPOT ON about the Blue Shield. You never cease to amaze me. :Hug_emoticon:


WOW! You all never cease to amaze me!! I'm pretty sure I get self-effects from cops too. I can't wait to try my Blue and Purple Shields. And it's good that a little dab'll do you (or is it that a little dab will get you done???) But having the option to dilute is great, so you can enjoy the scent in more than dabs.....


It's interesting but my skin eventually sucks up BBM but I never get a cops smell. I LURVE my BBM!!

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Note to Luna: You are SPOT ON about the Blue Shield. You never cease to amaze me. :Hug_emoticon:


Heh, I had a moment of extreme egotism to imagine you were thinking, "Oh Julie will be upset if there's no Boy smell!" :019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co

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The Magnets and BAMS are strong phero-wise, but in a very light scent carrier, designed to allow bleed through of the Cops/phero smells, and light enough to still layer your regular perfumes with them.


Blushing Milkmaid is a "full strength" perfume, but the nature of the ingredients is very sheer, so you also get a pretty serious amount of bleed through of the Cops, even though there is less in there than in the Magnets & BAMS. (On my skin, the Milkmaid scent really amped the cops.)


The OCCOs have the most Cops - not quite as much as a bottle of straight EoW (but, shall we say, close to 4x the strength that Dr Stone advises per bottle - in the range that he laughingly calls "disgusting" :lol: ) - but the cover scents are really concentrated. REALLY. (Not as strong as Remind Me Again, but close.) I weighted them this way because I figured the strength of the perfume would give you an indicator of how much to use. How much perfume = how much cops, y'know?, according to your preference.


But, I got a little nervous about how concentrated I made these, so I added DPG dilutant to the shopping cart this week, guys, in case you feel these blends are too strong. You could dilute them by 50% and still feel like you had a full strength product. I've tried them all this week, and just a few little dabs is all you need.


I LOVE every one of the varieties - they all came out beautiful. I think I am one of those that gets 'self-effects' from the Cops - each of them makes me feel nose-to-the-wrist-devouringly-ravenous. :019-[Drooling]-[EmoticonKing.co It's like the Cops have been perfectly balanced with the perfumes into "subconscious" reaction territory. They are really hard to detect, but the effect is THERE.


I look forward to hearing what you all think of them!



Note to Luna: You are SPOT ON about the Blue Shield. You never cease to amaze me. :Hug_emoticon:






I also want to know what JoAnna wants to know.....are they gonna stick around? HMMMMMM?

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Only if you like them!


I very deliberately kept the perfume recipes uncomplicated and only used ingredients from my most reliable, consistent suppliers, so I could continue to make them exactly the same, repeatedly, for years. That is, if they are well received and people continue to want them.

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Only if you like them!


I very deliberately kept the perfume recipes uncomplicated and only used ingredients from my most reliable, consistent suppliers, so I could continue to make them exactly the same, repeatedly, for years. That is, if they are well received and people continue to want them.



YAY! Just like the LAM/BAM versions, we can keep on getting them!! Happy Dance!! :o

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Sigh you people who live in US are soooo lucky!!! Can't wait to read your reviews!!!


I'm dying to try some of them coming to me :D hehehehe

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3 bottles of OCCO on order, White, Purple and Red.


Hold up now, you mean the QUEEN of the Honey Hos is not getting Gold Shield?

*faints from shock* :D

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Hold up now, you mean the QUEEN of the Honey Hos is not getting Gold Shield?

*faints from shock* :lol:



Hah! Wanted Gold Shield but thought the Sugared Honeycomb loaded with EOW I already had ruled it out.


Imagine my dismay when I used the last drop of EOW/Sugared Honeycomb this weekend and NO gold shield on the way.


TRUE. Seriously? TRUE.


I'd order gold shield- but crap - I want my other orders more. So - add gold shield to the DA order. And I will TRY to contain - until then. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale.


Need Yoga pants. A weight loss of 15 lbs. And a really interesting Sunday night - like I'm not going to get.


Men suck.

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