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Hey everyone! I'm brand new to all of this but I think it's going to be too much fun. I like the that we have a little edge up on men without them really knowing it. Very naughty :party:


I just purchased my first order (which after reading all the forum posts I think my second will be going in very soon!) I purchased sugared honeycomb, LP Black and EOW...all sounded like they were absolutely amazing!


Considering I have never ever tried anything like this before I do have a few questions, I am a firefighter/ paramedic and I was wondering if this is safe for me to wear? I read that the cops stay a lot longer than one usually thinks...so for instance if I wear it out with one of my sweethearts (hey girls just want to have fun) will there be enough residual cops to cause a problem at work? Not going to lie it would not be nice to get drooled on but probably not in that situation. Too dangerous even for me!


Also do men find you more attractive when you are wearing these? I understand that it promotes sexual urges and all but say you are with a group of women will it make the man "horny" per se for any of the women or is geared specifically towards the woman (or male for that matter) wearing the perfume/cops?


Any answers would be greatly appreciated. I'd like to be informed as much as possible so I know I'm not flirting with fire.


:) Love & Light,


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Hi and welcome!!


Isn't this place lovely? I made two orders in one week, last week when I discovered this place :) I thought I might help you with your questions:


Considering I have never ever tried anything like this before I do have a few questions, I am a firefighter/ paramedic and I was wondering if this is safe for me to wear? I read that the cops stay a lot longer than one usually thinks...so for instance if I wear it out with one of my sweethearts (hey girls just want to have fun) will there be enough residual cops to cause a problem at work? Not going to lie it would not be nice to get drooled on but probably not in that situation. Too dangerous even for me!


Of course it depends on how much you wear with your sweethearts, but I've noticed that cops applied on skin can be scrubbed off quite easily. I do not use cops in huge amounts, but I never had problems. Don't apply the copulin roducts to your hair, they're a lot harder to remove from that. Next to that, it's not that men can't help theirselves acting on cops (of course sometimes that's too bad but not at work huh? :party:) so don't be afraid they'll jump you in the workplace.


Also do men find you more attractive when you are wearing these? I understand that it promotes sexual urges and all but say you are with a group of women will it make the man "horny" per se for any of the women or is geared specifically towards the woman (or male for that matter) wearing the perfume/cops?


Well, I've noticed that men are surprisingly accurate in finding out where the sexy scent is coming from! I haven't really noticed the "horny" factor (yet? mwuhahaha) but this guy I know for a very long time now kept following me around at close range.


Hope that helps, there are a lot of experts here, they can tell you a lot more!

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:666: Be careful around your firefighter buddies. It is not fair to mess w/ them! Not to be vulgar, but in my experiance. They are a pretty horny bunch( in general). That said you will have a blast w/ your goodies @ the bar Trinity.
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:666: Be careful around your firefighter buddies. It is not fair to mess w/ them! Not to be vulgar, but in my experiance. They are a pretty horny bunch( in general). That said you will have a blast w/ your goodies @ the bar Trinity.



that they are!!! I'm a bartender too! I feel more tips coming my way (I totally did not mean that in a vulgar sense haha)

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Hey Liz! Love your avatar!, I believe a few of your former posts were very beneficial to me by the way. Thank you!


it was the DUCT TAPE huh ??? I knew it !!!! (j/k, hee ! glad my posts were of help and Thank you for the avi compliment)

Brave woman ! EoW for your first try, but I suppose being a firefighter would be indicative of your bravery, Kudos to you, Damnittrinity !!

Hope to see you on the boards and read some "juicy" feedback 03.gif !!

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Welcome to all our new members!! Enjoy your new addiction!

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Welcome to our fun, funny and fabulous forum!

Dolly up there is the one to grill about your phero questions..not to put ya on the spot my friend(email still comin).

We have sooo much fun here! And were a VERY open minded bunch!

(I finally just picked a "sweetheart" after months of debate myself).

I always say this to new members-the owners and operaters of Love Potion ie; Mara, Danna, and the new guys, Le Wizard and the Naughty Jester, are super warm and caring and always receptive to any questions you might have about they're amazing products. They rule, and I love em!

Once again WELCOME and enjoy our little home away from home!! I look forward to gettin to know ya sweetheart!

Have a great night!

Smooches, Lori


PS-GREAT Avatar!

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Hi Trin! Welcome to the forum love!!! Great first order you made by the way!!!


sugared honeycomb is my most fav't!!! I love that stuff, have a bottle of it myself :) hehehe with your eow oil you're going to make the boys cry my dear :)

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Just recieved my potions in the AM!!! Decided to start with EOW (very minimal) and sugared honeycomb....I've been getting winked at, talked to, hit on way more than usual! Ill let you know more to come! I love this!


Whoa that's so cool!! :Hug_emoticon:

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Yes I think my selections were quite daring for a first time but DAMN DO THESE WORK LIKE A CHARM!


That's fantastic!! Aren't pheros great?! I love it! Keep havin' fun! :001_302:

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Oh you won't need luck! Those are all fabulous!!! Wear your Blatant Invitation under Original Love Potion--I have the pre mixed phero amped version, and oh dear. If there's one mix that turns my man into an ANIMAL that's the one!

Phero girl rocks too. I lovvve the smell of it myself! Just remember to shake the crap out of that bottle because all the pollen and stuff sits in the bottom or gets stuck in the opening.

But verrrrry good choices you've made!! Yay!

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Welcome, Damnittrinity!! What until you start moving things around at your place to make room for all your LPs. Most of us have three racks full, at least!! ^_^ Since you appear to be an EoW lover, the OCCOs are a must. Hee hee!

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