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How does OCCO pink smell with weapon X?



I liked it. the OCCO pink sort of cut down on the masculine smell of the weapon X which, I only am trying to see if I get any reactions to the B-nol. To my knowledge, it's the only pre-mixed scent with the most B-nol. (without looking though I seem to remember Happy Endings had some in it to though I don't know if it's the dominant ingredient)

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I've used cops for a calming effect with some success.


I find them calming, too, and they make me feel sexy in a Cleopatra lounging on her barge way - maybe the word is langorous?

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I've used Cougar Potion (I mean the scented one) AND SF. Heh. And Cougar Potion and Flying Potion


P.S. Sparkle Fuchsia and Compromising Positions :lol:



Tried CP and FP together, blech on me. Flying Potion really begins to smell like cough syrup on me after awhile.

I am so trying Sparkle Fuchia and CP tho!


I am really liking the OCCO pink. So far it's my fave of the OCCO's. It smells similar to Sparkle Fuschia. I keep coming back to the OCCO pink....

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I ordered OCCO Pink to layer with Sparkle Fuschia and LP Pink as well. And OCCO Red to layer with LP Red and a few of my more resinous scents. I want to try OCCO Black as well but I didn't want to order the entire sampler so I'll have to hope someone has a sample for sale at some point.

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I ordered OCCO pink! I love Sparkle Fucshia so I hope it's similar for me also. i am also interested in mixing it with weapon X. Sounds interesting!



I think you'll love OCCO pink. I sure do. There's something in Sparkle Fuschia that sort of cuts its sweetness so it's not syrupy. Wonder if it's the pumpkin scent. So far it's my FAVE scent.


OCCO pink is a close seconds. I think the EOW adds a more animal smell to the pink, but it does dry down. I happen to like the cops smell. call me weird.....Let us know what you think.

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I love the OCCO Pink - sooooo yummy and Girly.


I have to say - unlike the Black (which I like but others seem to find too much) the White (a great cop undertone to others) and the Gold which sadly males him sneeze like an SOB, and the Purple - which please believe makes me smell like toilet deoderant - the Green and the Pink - on dry down - smell just like regular perfume.



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I love the OCCO Pink - sooooo yummy and Girly.


I have to say - unlike the Black (which I like but others seem to find too much) the White (a great cop undertone to others) and the Gold which sadly males him sneeze like an SOB, and the Purple - which please believe makes me smell like toilet deoderant - the Green and the Pink - on dry down - smell just like regular perfume.





I get soooooo many compliments when I wear Black.....also when I wear Black and White layered! Black just seems to mesh so very well with my skin chemistry.....

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Put the Green for the drive up yesterday and hanging out last night - perfect match beta only spritzed on half hour before I got here.


Every stop I made - wearing the Green? DIHLs. Doors opened. One man actually waited at the Starbucks after his order was ready - (noticed him loitering in the sale coffee cups after he hit the cloud) just so he could run and open the door for me when my order was up!!! LOL! Stopped at grocery store to get some staples - same types of reactions.


Was sitting at his kitchen table working on something when he got in - he gave me a kiss but I was pretty focused on the task at hand. He sat next to me a minute bemused, went away...and then my attention was ummmmm-called away.... Determinedly....




Two thumbs up - not running out of this one!

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thickly spicy and heady and creamy. phenomenal.


I knew I should have loved it based on what everyone here said about it, but the first time I tried it, it did not smell good on me at all, and smelled 'thin' and faded quickly, and did NOT feel like LP Red at all. I had got it in swap and now can't help suspecting something sketchy happened to it somewhere in its lifespan. Will need bottle straight from LPMP immediately or sooner.

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Totally agree with you, Tyvey! In fact, I love to use it on its own.


I revisited OCCO Gold a few weeks back. Just that without any cover. It didn't turn out to be "sex in a bottle" like most honey/honeycomb scent. It turned powdery after an hour of so. I'm glad that I removed it from my trade list a while back.

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I liked it. the OCCO pink sort of cut down on the masculine smell of the weapon X which, I only am trying to see if I get any reactions to the B-nol. To my knowledge, it's the only pre-mixed scent with the most B-nol. (without looking though I seem to remember Happy Endings had some in it to though I don't know if it's the dominant ingredient)


I tested Weapon X on it's own vs. paired with OCCO pink. I like it with OCCO pink a lot! I'm gonna wear this combination tomorrow!

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I like OCCO gold. As long as I layer it with OCCO white. That's what I'm wearing today. Smells warm and yummy!


I'll have try this combo.

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Yes, I thin OCCO gold smells a tad bit better on me than Phero Girl which seems to be a similar blend. The honey scents can turn sour on me so the white OCCO (which can be a tad too sweet) balances it out quite nicely!


Try it!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Yes, I thin OCCO gold smells a tad bit better on me than Phero Girl which seems to be a similar blend. The honey scents can turn sour on me so the white OCCO (which can be a tad too sweet) balances it out quite nicely!


Try it!


I usually use OCCO White under Sugared Honeycomb as SH turns into baby powder after a hour or so. I've got to be careful with combining the two OCCOs as the last time I did that, I had boy half my age following me all over the place (and my kids were with me!).

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  • 4 weeks later...

Received a bottle of OCCO green today :) The floral aspect of the scent reminds me of Betrothal!!


Wet on my skin= Cops + floral... very strange... It smelt funny and i think the really powerful smell is the cops :10_small16:


Dry: light powdery version of Betrothal! I'm really enjoying it! It's not loud and it's close to your skin. Powdery floral :) Beautiful!!!! :):):)

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Funny OCCO green never gave off a COPS smell on my skin, just green. I liked at first but then the green faded to nothing. Was bummed because though I don't care for green scents, I liked this one. It's subtle and fresh smelling. Glad it works for you bumbob

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Funny OCCO green never gave off a COPS smell on my skin, just green. I liked at first but then the green faded to nothing. Was bummed because though I don't care for green scents, I liked this one. It's subtle and fresh smelling. Glad it works for you bumbob


The scent disappeared 2 hours later :10_small16: It happens to me with girly twirly too... I really like how the floral scent softens in OCCO green... Like lovely soft flower petals :)

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ON me it was like grass. A nice, green, lush fresh grass. I liked it a lot. So the OCCO green faded on you too?


Yeh the scent faded within 2 hours!! I was a bit sad... But hey I had a great time with the perfume :001_302: It's worth that 2 hours :abfx: Occo green is similar to Betrothal (floral) with a touch of grass :(

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  • 3 months later...

I think Occo Red might be my favourite of all pheromones with a scent to it. The odour is delicious: on my skin I smell a lot of cinnamon and vanilla. It is a rich, deep and warm scent ideal for autumn and winter. As for the phero effects, now I am home in Europe, this is an ideal lab as unlike in Canada where men are afraid of eye contact, here it is all about eye contact. On Saturday I was walking around London and I was getting a lot of attention from nearly every eligible single male.

I have put some red on my skin but also on my scarf as it was a windy day so I assume I was dispersing pheros around me.


An added bonus was yesterday I went to join the gym and wore the same scarf to the sports hall, I could still smell the occo red on it. I asked to join for two weeks but was told by the young man at the desk that no such program was available. However he proceeded to be extremely friendly, giving me one week paid pass and 3 other passes for free! Which is unheard of at this particular gym. It must have been the pheros for I was looking quite scruffy in an old sports jacket and no make up yet he was looking at me like a Goddess!

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Ziggy, I understand! I am excited to try more of the OCCO collection now, possibly purple as I do love the scent of violet. I am not familiar with Blue either!

The other very coppy pheros I am in :LuvU396: with are the samples I got of Pherogirl and Closer. I thought Closer might be skanky from the reviews, but it smells positively deliciously fruity vanilla on me and Pherogirl was described by one of my friends as very primitive smelling but good primitive, honey dirty musky cavegirl with an animal skin on sexy. I will have to review those later..

I should also add that Occo Red turns my tame Canadian teddy bear into a horny little devil :banana124:. I saw him this weekend and admittedly we had not seen each for quite a while as both of us have been travelling for work but his displays of sexual affection were more intense than they have ever been before. I wore Occo Red the whole weekend as well as some Closer and the whole weekend teddy bear turned randy beast, kept on trying to tango with me (and succeeded also several times I might add) to the point that it was actually hilarious and verging on manic. At one point I was trying not to burn the dinner and the house down in the process as he kept on trying to mount me as I was tending to items on the stove.


I am addicted already and know what my next order is!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I just got a full bottle of OCCO WHITE. I just love it. I bought it mainly to tame down the resiny scents that have too much musk for me. But it's great on it's own. On me the vanilla gives way to just a sweet smell after a couple of hours. And I like ANYTHING with cops in it. The White is a good cover for them though.... I can still smell them, but in this they smell sweet, not on the stank side.

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  • 3 weeks later...

My favourite OCCOs are white and black, though both scents are quite different. OCCO white is like full-bodied, creamy vanilla, very long-lasting on my skin, covers the cops perfectly. OCCO black is also long lasting and and an excellent cover for the cops, I like the resinous, incense scent. White and black layered together are really yummy :3d-prom-queen:

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OCCO White has become my favourite among the OCCO range. It has taken over OCCO Red a while back. I didn't like OCCO Pink previously and traded it away. Now, I look forward to my OCCO Pink.

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I'm not to Loco for Occo white. It fades so fast and get a very faint trace of something vanilla. I'll try layering it with a darker scent to see how that works.


It DOES fade fast on me too, but works great for layering.

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I just got a full bottle of OCCO WHITE. I just love it. I bought it mainly to tame down the resiny scents that have too much musk for me. But it's great on it's own. On me the vanilla gives way to just a sweet smell after a couple of hours. And I like ANYTHING with cops in it. The White is a good cover for them though.... I can still smell them, but in this they smell sweet, not on the stank side.

Just got OCCO White. Can't believe i have never smelled this before. Yummy, nommy vanilla with a boatload of cops. I can tell already that this is going to be my perfect layering piece. It's very simple but a nice complex vanilla blend. LOVE

I LUUURVE OCCO White, too. Don't remember whether I ever reviewed it here, and am too damned lazy to backtrack off this page. B) It works for me just like it works for you Ladies. YUMMY! Now I need to get me some more, soon.


While I'm at it, I'll say--again?--that I also LURRRRVE OCCO Green. Fresh, nommy, sweet green stuff with cops. It reminds me of Lucky In Love #7. Again, YUMMY!



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  • 1 month later...

ok, I am just giving OCCO Red a shot. wow. this is a sweet cinnamon goodness. i cant even smell the cops in it!!! I asked Darling to smell my boobs(where i applied) and this is the first scent that he said he liked without hesitation! that is a big thing. lets see if the cops get him after dinner. bow chica bow wow

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Bought a bottle of each except the Blue Shield when I started with LP. I didn't like pink scents then so I traded my Pink Shield away almost immediately. I received my Pink Shield recently and I'm loving it. It took more than 20 mins to dry down but it smells awesome. In fact, I used it on its own today.

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Got my order of OCCO Red today. In the bottle it is very similar to LP red but without the underlying creamy vanillay note. On my skin I get cinamon as the dominant note. I also get a deep insensy note that I really love. For some reason this scent fades a little fast for me, but I love cops, so I don't mind reapplying often. I bought this one in a oil, and I really perfer perfumes in oil. I cannot smell the cops at all though the scent all day. So I can defintely say that OCCO Red is a keeper and will become part of my must have purse packs.

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Hmmm, interesting. OCCO red didn't smell at ALL like LP red on me. Which was a bummer b/c I love LP red.


The lack of the spicy scent in OCCO Red? I find OCCO Red slightly similar to LP Red except it is very much sweeter.

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