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Son, Be a Dentist

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I have to go to the dentist. Again. (Wash. Repeat.) He tends to be in a hurry and not convinced that drilling hurts people. Having a lot of redhead genes means that for me, yeah it DOES hurt.

What pheros can I smack him with to make him be more gentle? Is this a case for EST or Tranquility or what?

I find dental visits quite a puzzling social situation. I'm supposed to lay there quietly and allow someone to hurt me, but if I bring a baseball bat to the appointment /I/ am creating a hostile enviroment. *eyeroll*

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This part doesn't help-but I wanted to finish the "little shop of horrors lyrics""

--you have a talent for causing pain

Hey! Son! Be a dentist..!


My real opionion is this-ask for exactly what you need. Numbing shots, Laughing gas, follow up pain killers, ect. A dentist is a doctor and can help you. If they refuse to, i'd look for another..


Or in other words I agree with Mara. If this joker doesn't give ya just what you need-there's plenty out there who will!

Edited by cheeseburger79
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Normally I'd agree with Cheezy & try to get him to improve by asking for local anaesthetic, but I have a feeling that approach would be a waste of time with this guy. I'm going to have to go for PM's suggestion; GET A NEW DENTIST!


He doesn't sound like he understands the concept of empathy & and if he's always in a hurry he wont like your suggestion of a local anaesthetic. It adds 10mins to your treatment time, more if you want cream before the injection/s...

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I'm so sorry you have to endure this, and the time for it to end is NOW !! With the cost of medical/dental care (even if you have insurance) there is not excuse for your practitioner giving you anything less than everything you need for a comfortable treatment. Grrrrr, this makes me so mad!! Your kind of experience is the reason Mr. Goddess neglected his teeth for so long, and we now have huge expenses for his teeth. Thank goodness we have a wonderful dentist!!


Good luck, I'm sure you can find someone who will treat you right!! (sounds like relationship advice, and, in a way, it is!!)

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I just went thru getting a butt load of teeth removed and everytime I raised my hand he gave me more local like in one spot 4x

And you don't want a dentist that is gonna rush,what if he screws up just cause he is in such a hurry It took me a really

long time to find a good dentist .I agree with the ladies on this one.You should look into a laser dentestry in your area serious girl.

Hey guess what When I was born I had red hair then it turned blonde.

Remember never let any man even in a white coat hurt ya.Sending you prayers your way

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Yes, I love this song. :wub:

I had another dentist. He retired. Thing with this guy is that at least he does do good work. I haven't had to go back to fix anything he's worked on, *knock on wood*. I simply have soft teeth and have always needed fillings. Hell, my baby teeth had fillings. I am somewhat immune to the shots by now so I need a LOT and they take a long time to work which cuts into his schedule and makes him twitchy. "Legally I can not give you any more shots". Lovely words.

I have tried to shop around for another dentist from friends recommendations. They were not any better and if I keep shopping around this guy is going to find out and I'm afraid that if I make him angry it is all going to get worse. This is not a good area for dentists. And I need fillings. :/


I really miss my other dentist. *sigh*

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Isa I empathise w/ your sitch. I, too live in a horrible area for medical coverage. Case in point my toddler had 102 degree fever. I take him to our local emergency room. The doctor briefly looks in his mouth, tells me he has an infected gum. Prescribes antibiotics. I take him for follow up to my award winning pediatrician( which I have to drive a whole town over to get to). She shows me his bright red throat, asks if they at least cultured before the 'script. Of course they didn't. I literally saw a doctor in this healtchcare network bemoaning the emergency room doctor. My point is sometimes you just have to drive to get decent care. I am very vocal w/ my kids' doctors( I don't care if they get mad). You shouldn't have to be worried about making this guy angry, or him 'finding you out'. You should open dialogue w/ him. Just remember to use your 'I' statments lady. I would schedule a time just to talk, when you don't need work done. Maybe ask him if you could get the last appointment of the day, if time seems to be pressing for him.-Be Blessed,Beccah-

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