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I forgot what the heck I was searching for when I found this:



It's not a pheromone, and not a perfume. WHY?????


I watched Rock of Love the other night, I was really upset. This *could be worse*


The tag line is smell me and .........Yesh.




Merged Topics to prevent dup threads*

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  • 4 months later...

LOL! I've been hearing a lot about this lately. You know women are not going to buy it. It's a shock campaign, I think.


You know there's a whole market for stuff like this? Beer brewed with vaginal yeast, yogurt with vaginal bacteria in it. The only people who are really interested in it are those that are laughing, and the sad, lonely men who buy used underwear on eBay.

Edited by salomewilde
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Some of the guys in the pheromonal community have tried this... to see if it is comprable to copulins. It's had pretty mixed reviews as far as I have seen. I think most phero users who use copulin-based stuff are sticking with products like Essence of Woman and so forth.


I mean its obviously marketed at the masturbatory side of things - and the male market - as a woman given the choice of a product called Essence of Woman and something with this name I'd definitely go for the EoW.



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As long as this thread has gone there already, I came across this Norman Maiiler (RIP) interview from last year where he's talking about body odors and kinkiness.


He starts talking about internet dating and needing to smell potential mates, then says that when deoderant first came out it smelled worse than natural smells. Then he says,


"Look back to the court of Louis XIV. They bathed every three or four weeks, so you got the raunchiest crotch odors mixed with some very special perfumes. And of course, they were screwing in every bush, not to mention every bedroom in Versailles. I'm just saying, the kinkiness now, whatever it is — being hung upside down while getting a b******? The point is, it's all in search of a lost smell."


Is that what these perfumes are trying to recapture? I think I'll pass...

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And Napoleon wrote to Josephine, - "Don't bathe, I'm coming home".


Yeah, but split the difference.

I think it's impossible to choose a mate discounting the factor of smell.

It may be an unconscious or subconscious factor, but whether one realizes it or not, it is a HUGE factor in choosing a mate. Don'tchathink?

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Scent is so important in a mate. I've dated some very wonderful men, but they had this geranium undertone to their smell, and I just couldn't do it. The real challenge is finding a mate who has feet stink that smells good. :)


Oh, and I once dated a guy who made old cigarette smoke smell divine. We aren't talking cloves or anything, he smoked Basics, or whatever was cheapest. I've never met another man with that particular alchemy. His shirts smelled so good.

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It's funny, I'll be in line @ the store, or in the mall and someone will walk by and it's painfully obvious that soap is not in their repertoire.

An artist I used to work for once had a contest with her male band members about (not) bathing.


She went two weeks while on tour wearing the same leather pants, all day, every day-she said that she finally broke down and showered because the stink in the bus was so bad. The driver was quoted as saying it wasn't a sexy smell-just nasty. She had to toss the $2,000 leather pants.


A little bit of sweat is great-having a collection of it on your clothes is not.


Our friend came to the studio to smell the new scents-she smelled phero girl and said "ACK PUSSY!" LOL

I'm just not a dirty underwear kind of gal- I would have been unhappy in the Old West.


I think that Pheros are fun, and science and Magick together are awesome-perhaps the same!


But something geared for wanking? Not so much.

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I think we are just beginning to relearn or in some cases really learn about how we choose mates. Smell is one important factor - there is a lot of research on that - basic research with humans but in-depth stuff with animals (ie female rats rely on the sense of smell heavily to pick mates as they can literally smell diseases like cancer). You can find a lot of this reasearch posted over at the pheromonetalk forum. I find this aspect of it very interesting. Hence my interest here also.


But there was also a recent article in the online news that talked about how people kissed and how that related to dating. And they discussed not only is it in the mechanics of the kiss but also in the taste and smell of the person that close up. And I mean beyond the taste/smell of what they had for dinner. From the time we were dating I could and can still tell when my wife is about to hit that time of the month from just a kiss as even her kisses taste different - not bad but different - given the hormonal change I assume.


I know this is not exactly on subject but hopefully it is not too far off.

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Now, to take the subject even further from the original post.... When I was a practicing therapist (prior to becoming a teacher), I used to be able to tell when my bipolar and unipolar patients were "approaching" a manic/depressed period simply by their smell. It wasn't a matter of body "odor" per se; it was as if the "texture" of their scent altered. It just

"tasted" different when I breathed in their scent. And, I have always been able to tell when my children were getting ill even before they were aware of it. Again, not a matter of "odor" but of "texture" of the scent.


And, to refocus the topic back to scourger post and et al (I found your statement of geranium undertone interesting, Scourger), for me, the "smell" of my beloved is exceptionally important, even more so than appearance. On-line dating (and, I say this even though I met my husband through an online Jewish dating list... my first husband is deceased and I just very recently remarried on July 1st) was difficult for me because of that fact. I could "meet" someone online and form a desire to meet them in person only to have any possiblity of romantic involvement squashed by their scent (we could, of course, still be good friends after that point). From the first moment, however, my husband simply smelled like desire/committment/forever... I remember being a bit taken aback by how powerful the emotional response was from that first smell... all the more so because (and, Lover, if you ever by chance read this, I know it isn't any surprise, but I do hope it doesn't hurt to read the words) he was so opposite of my physical "type"... and, since our first meeting was at synagogue, and I was seated next to him during services, smelling him all the while, and services last almost three hours, I was in quite a state at the end of services :) (Now, as an aside, if you are wondering why the first date was at synagogue... I wanted the rabbi and my close friends from the community to "screen" him for me. Based on our phone and email conversations, we had discovered such a depth of common values and beliefs that I was significantly interested in seeing whether there was a potential for a relationship. He knew he was being put forward before a committee and that the synagogue members are "my family", especially since I teach on the weekend at the synagogue's religious school and he was significantly interested to agree to the screening!)


And, finally, to bring the topic back to the original post, women in various cultures and across the centuries have used their own personal "scent" as a note to dab here and there as inticement/advertisement. One does have to wonder, however, about the type of woman one would need to be to "sell" one's scent in that way, don't you think?

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It just "tasted" different when I breathed in their scent.


That's wild, Chaionlife! Very interesting. I know that on different hormonal cycles women smell different, so why not people with chemical imbalances? I believe it.


Oh, yeah. Personal smell is so important. But you have to draw the line between clean sweat (something that's supposed to be the most attractive smell in the world) and plain old funk.


I still remember the smell of horny teenage boy hair. Wearing my boyfriends' sweatshirts, laundered yet still fragrant, and feeling surges of seratonin in my blood whenever I stuck my nose inside. Instant high. Now that smell is off putting to me. I can smell it a mile away on campus. How gross would it be if a cologne that smelled like that became popular with guys?


The guy I've been with for 3 years now- and this is weird- has no smell. The funniest part is he can't smell me, either!!! Does this mean are body chemistries are compatitble or something else?

My interest in perfume is relatively recent because I never wanted to mask my personal scent.


I can't wait for the men's version of Vulva-- "Balls" -- to come out. :)

Edited by salomewilde
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You can read a lot of published research in this area (attraction by scent, etc.) in the "Abstracts" portion of www.pheromonetlak.com. Just beware not to stray into other areas unless you have steeled yourself for it first -lol.


Like I mentioned - I find the entire area of research and all these stories very interesting.


Chaionlife - I had an elderly neighbor with a chronic liver condition and you could definitely smell it when it was acting up.


I think so much of what we consider "modern" concepts of choosing a mate is based on romance and compatibility in areas important to us. And that is important. But I think we also use other very important filters - some of which are based on smell and are very instinctive - that often fall below our notice unless or untill we become very self-aware.


I read some research - very small sample - about females smelling Tee-Shirts that various guys had slept in. I can't remember all the details exactly but it was amazing what they could "determine" from the smell. And it seemed that the Tee shirts whose smeels they thought were "attractive" - in reality somewhat similar to Dad - the owners had a set of disease antibodies that would complement - not duplicate - their own. In other words, if they had children, the children would theoretically be protected against other diseases besides those which the mother's genes would have protected against.

Edited by quietguy
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And it seemed that the Tee shirts whose smeels they thought were "attractive" - in reality somewhat similar to Dad - the owners had a set of disease antibodies that would complement - not duplicate - their own. In other words, if they had children, the children would theoretically be protected against other diseases besides those which the mother's genes would have protected against.


Now I've heard the exact opposite. Since it would be poor genetics for a girl to mate with her own dad, her father's smell (and guys that smell like her father) is supposed to be revolting. This is also supposed to be the explanation for girls and dads becoming distant starting when girls are sexually mature.

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I am trying to find the article so I don't put out any bad info. If I do I will post it here. I am getting old and my memory is failing me ...

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Well, I have been with quite a few different types of men, an I can say that a man's natural scent is important to me. I have been with those that could PROBABLY get by with taking a shower once every 2-3 days, and still smell fine, and those whose smell really turned me off within a few hours of bathing.


My current fiancee can go outside and do yard work all day, come inside, and I am just all over him. He never smells "funky". Always just a sweet skin scent. Mmmmmmmmm. He can spend one night at my house, and after he leaves, I can smell his scent all over my pillows and sheets.


And, OMG, after he is on the beach drinking up the sun all day? :blink: He doesn't use scented suntan oils......just unscented. We went to the beach last summer, and when we came inside in the evening, his smell made me want to just eat him alive!

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Well, I have been with quite a few different types of men, an I can say that a man's natural scent is important to me. I have been with those that could PROBABLY get by with taking a shower once every 2-3 days, and still smell fine, and those whose smell really turned me off within a few hours of bathing.


My current fiancee can go outside and do yard work all day, come inside, and I am just all over him. He never smells "funky". Always just a sweet skin scent. Mmmmmmmmm. He can spend one night at my house, and after he leaves, I can smell his scent all over my pillows and sheets.


And, OMG, after he is on the beach drinking up the sun all day? :blink: He doesn't use scented suntan oils......just unscented. We went to the beach last summer, and when we came inside in the evening, his smell made me want to just eat him alive!

That's how I am when my DH comes in from yardwork-holey moley.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Quietguy- I found the study you may have been talking about, it's referenced in the new book Scent of Desire (by Rachel Herz.) It was Claus Wedekind's study:


Body odor is the phenotype marker for our genetic immunity makeup (MHC.) Girls who aren't on the pill are able to sniff out their most genetically suitable mate (the one with the MHC most different from them, to avoid inbreeding,) but girls on pills which hormonally mimic the state of pregnancy are more attracted to the the smell of the men with the most similar MHC. Scientists theorize that this is because in the state of pregnancy (natural or hormonally mimicked,) family offers more protection. This theory is supported by a natural phenomenon seen in female mice, who will abort their litter in the presence of a strange male (because the litter would be threatened by him, and to make her immediately able to mate with the newcomer.) (p.129)


Interesting, huh?

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  • 1 year later...




...checks pockets...yep, that's all I got.


OMG the mental image:


Smell like a real man's naughty bits!

The model would have to be the guy from Full Monty, obviously.

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Lol, did you all look at the video and gallery, porno pics :rolleyes: jk. We may need a warning for this thread.


I know when I first looked at the site my child was near me nad i had to close it quickly, lol.


Its interesting that they market it to men, to get them excited... :)

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We may need a warning for this thread.


I edited my OP. bolding the "might not be SFW" part so as to preclude the issue, hopefully.

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Well in reading this thread in it's entirety. People you can smell illness upon other people. Cancer has a very definitive smell. I wish I could check the site out. As I am working...I have been blocked. Foiled again! It's very funny. I remember reading in this book. Something about being more sexy. The author recomended thinking sexy thoughts & dabbing some of your er freshly brewed homemade EOW on your wrists. Gross, yet in learning about copulins. I fully understand the reasoning. Still not going to be dabbing that on!

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Now I've heard the exact opposite. Since it would be poor genetics for a girl to mate with her own dad, her father's smell (and guys that smell like her father) is supposed to be revolting. This is also supposed to be the explanation for girls and dads becoming distant starting when girls are sexually mature.


Hmm, that's interesting. When I was younger I adored my dad, called him superman and even told my pre-school teacher I was going to marry him when I grew up.

But now...I'm 29 but this started in early high school, maybe late middle school...my dad and I cannot stand each other and fight constantly. It's very heartbreaking, for him as well, I'm sure, but we simply cannot seem to go back to the old ways. I wonder how much this whole "science of smell" has to do with it...or maybe we're both just giant buttheads!

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Hmm, that's interesting. When I was younger I adored my dad, called him superman and even told my pre-school teacher I was going to marry him when I grew up.

But now...I'm 29 but this started in early high school, maybe late middle school...my dad and I cannot stand each other and fight constantly. It's very heartbreaking, for him as well, I'm sure, but we simply cannot seem to go back to the old ways. I wonder how much this whole "science of smell" has to do with it...or maybe we're both just giant buttheads!



Yeah, I hate my dad too. Lol.

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Despise my daddy most of the time. Still revert back to the kid who wants to love him and have his approval but generally dislike him very muich cuz I see who he really is and the stupid mistakes he makes. As well the horrible choices that have brought much demise to my family, especially are monetary well being.

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And Napoleon wrote to Josephine, - "Don't bathe, I'm coming home".


This quote has been miscontrued to lead people to believe Napoleon didn't want Josephine to bathe because he thought her unwashed body was sexy.


What Napoleon really may have meant was, "I'm coming home. Don't do anything, just wait for me."

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I can't wait for the men's version of Vulva-- "Balls" -- to come out.




Isnt there a movie about this? Scent of a Woman? (insert groan here)


Did anyone read the FAQ section.


Do not injest do not insert in orrifices. wth? :unsure: :lol:


Do not get into your eyes, if you do flush with tons of water and then go see your doctor. LOL. (there's a payback joke in there somewhere) Move over Pu$$y Power, Imma hit you with some Toxic Vulva? What man would buy that? Im thinking one that I wouldnt be attracted to. :rolleyes:

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