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DPG versus CPS/D5


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I am not familiar with the differences between these two carriers, other than what is written on them in the store.


CPS is supposed to make the pheros last longer on the skin, offers a barrier between the skin and pheros and also allows a silkier application, if I got this right.

But it requires shaking to blend well with the rest of the mix.


I was wondering if by any chance DPG, which does not promote a longer lasting effect for pheros, offers a slightly faster/better diffusion, by any chance.


I got the Woozy Floozy in CPS and was surprised not to be too affected by it, when I usually am very easily affected by a-nol in a blend. Like LAM. So I was just wondering... ;)

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Thanks Luna- silly me, I read this thread before...


So DPG = slower/longer diffusion, heats up with body, great for warmer climate

D5= more diffusion, burns out faster, great for skin that *eats* perfume



Pretty much correct....CPS will still not diffuse as quickly as alcohol, however. The pheros in DPG is akin to having one of the LP's "boosted" with a phero....

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