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Jouir De

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EoW is cops in neat form while the other two are scents boosted with cops.


I like having EoW in my arsenal as some of the cops boosted scents do not go with the scent I wish to wear. I'm more of a fruity and floral person so not too many of the OCCOs will go with these scents.



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Thanks. Guess I will try it with a cover to compare.

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this is very true. I try to cover Jouir De because I didn't have any other cops scent (except a sniffie of cops and robbers) and that one is a complete mutha' to try to cover.

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this is very true. I try to cover Jouir De because I didn't have any other cops scent (except a sniffie of cops and robbers) and that one is a complete mutha' to try to cover.

I cannot wait to get my sample of cops and robbers!!! =)

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Wow ok finally gave this a deent test today. The cops wasn't much of a problem - was gone in less than a minute. More the combo of heady orchid and very dirty (even for civet) civet just makes me smell like I haven't taken a shower and am trying to cover it up with a heavy perfume. So yeah my chemistry does not agree with this. But it did make a normally uncooperative guy do things my way, so bonus!

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HAHAHA! Lala - I think that many have tried it just because they needed to know for themselves after reading through...so you're in good company :lol:

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  • 3 weeks later...

question: does ghosting occur when too much in the way of coplins are used or is that only for pheros?

or would it inspire a more intense biological response because of the extreme intensity of overkill?


I believe that ghosting can occur if you OD on cops, at least when you're in social situations. If it's just you and your lover home alone it might not happen, but I know that Dolly is far more knowledgeable on mass amounts of cops than I am :lol:

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Ok folks: first I want to say that before adding my review here, I took a turn down memory lane and read all of the posts that everyone added since Jouir De's inception. Because I really love OCCO SLF, I thought this just had to be right up my alley so, as I had just received my swap from MissHazel last night, first thing I did was shake the bottle and put a little spiral on my wrists. Then I decided to see what everyone has thought through the years. I laughed and laughed at the analogies everyone came up with about the scent... and then I became afraid, very very afraid. So here are my newbie thoughts after trying it on last night and the lingering scents from this morning:


In the bottle, it reminded me a lot of SLF. Resin and a bit smokey, nothing really more than my first impressions of SLF, I like it. While wet on my wrists, I smelled a brief whiff of feet. No sweaty balls, no "that thing we never do", just feet... but then it passed and I thought, "Oh good, don't have to worry about the posts of fear and harsh scrubbing". After about ten minutes, I started to pick up a floral background note but with a very heavy handed musk. The impression someone gave about a church nursery and poopy diapers... uh oh... I can see it but its faint. About 45 minutes later, I'm still reading posts and I'm beginning to think that I must be very fortunate in my life that sweaty balls have never smelled faintly like a toddler's butt to me because I can still smell that in the background but it's starting to morph into something a bit sweeter, more floral. I decide to go in my SO's office and casually give him a hug from behind while sitting in his chair... wrists as close to his nose as I can get away with without looking like I am attempting to harm him. We talk and he doesn't seem to notice toddler butt. That's a good start but still, after reading all of your posts, I'm beginning to wonder if I need to accept that there will remain an underlying note of feces around me. I want to be naughty, I do. But I'm unsure if this is the right path.


I applied around 8:00/8:30 and something strange and miraculous happened at 10:00pm... the stink was completely gone!!! Completely. What I was left with was this enticing and sensual resiny floral. It was intoxicating and I fell asleep with my wrist stuck to my nose. I also threw my arm over SO with my wrist in his face and didn't get it thrown off, in fact he scooted even closer which was kind of rare for him. Now, it's morning and I haven't gotten in the shower yet. My wrists still smell of amber, maybe a bit of honey faintly, but the floral note from last night isn't there. It's a lovely scent still just morphed a bit more.


So, I am totally going to call MissHazel correct on this one. I really need to give this two hours to settle on me. Once it did though, I really loved the transformation. The heavy musks in the beginning turned very soft with time and melded into a scent that was both perfume like and yet very organic with my chemistry. I will be trying this out on my guy when we have a "date night" of sorts. We were both tired and I wasn't looking to entice him so I'll have to write on that subject later but in terms of what I think of Jouir De? I like it, I'm keeping it, I'm going very lightly and will not douse right before I leave the house. I will not compare it to SLF from this point on though... ever.

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Nice review!


:lol: Maybe some of my disconnect with previous reviews is that I am not familiar with the delightful aroma of "toddle butt" LOL THAT is NOT a complaint by any means :D I have not changed a diaper since my baby sitting days and I'm sure I'm completely fine with the erasure of those scent memories.


I have noticed with a small handful of LPs that when I get through the 1st hour or so, all the rest is SO worth waiting for :)


Look forward to your next review with SO :Emoticons0424:

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Yay! While I certainly wish Jouir De had morphed like that for me, I think the larger issue for me was not the cops (which I do fine with though this one DID have the longest dry-down ever) but how long and loud the fleshy orchid and the dark honey hung around.)


I am glad it found it's way to a home where it decided it could and would behave. Like a problem foster child, that sucker has now been bounced to at least three homes (maybe more?) along the way. Mazel tov on your new wonderful addition and making it do sexy, smexy things for you!

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Nice review!


:lol: Maybe some of my disconnect with previous reviews is that I am not familiar with the delightful aroma of "toddle butt" LOL THAT is NOT a complaint by any means :D I have not changed a diaper since my baby sitting days and I'm sure I'm completely fine with the erasure of those scent memories.


I have noticed with a small handful of LPs that when I get through the 1st hour or so, all the rest is SO worth waiting for :)


Look forward to your next review with SO :Emoticons0424:


I agree! My days of toddler butt have been long over (she's 16 now) and yet, a few whiffs and the memories came flooding back. And for a perfume, I have to say that was alarming!! LOL But that was also probably why I couldn't believe it when I went to bed and it had just completely changed. It turned into exactly the kind of sexy scent I would want. But holy cow, I have to admit... it was close. :fright04238:


Yay! While I certainly wish Jouir De had morphed like that for me, I think the larger issue for me was not the cops (which I do fine with though this one DID have the longest dry-down ever) but how long and loud the fleshy orchid and the dark honey hung around.)


I am glad it found it's way to a home where it decided it could and would behave. Like a problem foster child, that sucker has now been bounced to at least three homes (maybe more?) along the way. Mazel tov on your new wonderful addition and making it do sexy, smexy things for you!


When I have a good two hours to let it work itself out (and the SO and I have some "adult" time alone), I'll let you know how it works on him. But the fact that he seemed to want to get closer even on a night when we were both pooped out (ha!), I'm thinking there might be some magic in this here bottle. Thanks for the fair warning you gave me on giving it time. I've been able to pretty much give everything ten minutes (or less) and the lovely scents emerge. Cops don't appear to bother me hardly at all. This one, oh my, it was getting a little worse as time went on but the final product was worth the wait. I will just have to save it for special occasions when I will be alone for a couple of hours. Just me and my dirty,sexy self!! LOL

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I always used to apply it on thr back of my left wrist and drive with the window down. Not sure if it helped speed up dry time but maybe you'll be able to mess around with dry times via blow-drying or something :)

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  • 2 months later...

Wow!!! I know this is an ancient thread, but I just HAD to read about the notorious Jouir De! OMG! I LMAO so hard that after a while I had to use my asthma inhaler because I couldn't breathe!!! If out of nothing else but pure (somewhat morbid) curiosity, I would LOVE to try this scent. I so regret having missed the opportunity. I actually do well with Civet although I know for many people it all just turns to feces. So far, I have been one of the lucky ones. Out of commercial fragrances, my signature scent is the original Guerlaine Shalimar and that has Civet in it. Also, by Guerlaine, the infamous Jicky, which caused a scandal when it was first released even prior to Shalimar. People back then said it smelled like ofal <sp> in a barn. Obviously animalic and very dirty because of the Civet. I was curious about Jicky so managed to find and buy a sample vial online. I tried it on cautiously expecting horrible things. But lo and behold, it was rather soft and pretty and my skin just drank it all up! What a let down. I am certain that the original contained genuine Civet and that is VERY tough stuff as some of you know and takes an expert perfumer's skilled hand and a wearer with very unique skin chemistry to make it morph into something beautiful. I can totally do Civet well, so if any of you have any Jouir De left ( hah! right!) I would be more than happy to buy it from you. Hey, I might end up smelling as if I rolled around in a nasty barn yard too, but it's the curiosity thing with me always. I really am like a cat I guess and look where that gets them sometimes! LOL!!!

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I'm with you DD. I've worn it to bed a few times (after full, and I mean FULL dry down) and it just smells so divine. Rose, you might try the trade threads because I think I saw someone list a trial vial of Jouir De on there... I'll go see if I can find who it was.


ETA: It's Cheezy!!! She has two listed on there (samples), go check it out and get those puppies so you can see what you thing. :D

Edited by StoremyWhether
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I'm going to miss this one when I finish the bottle. It's one of my first LPs ever & first LP loves :love: I will always remember it with fondness, adoration...and chuckles...because of all the mixed reviews I've read here :D

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I already dibbed the last two samples from cheezy after selling my bottle (which I don't mind) because I feel like I get stronger results from Jouir De than I do from other copped scents.

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The other very important thing to remember is that the Jouir de of today is a different Jouir de from the one people first wore when it was freshly-brewed. All of you who are having a pleasant experience are benefiting from the time it has had to age, which has been just about four years now.

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Thank you for the heads up on this Storemy! Looks like they were meant to belong to Miss Hazel though. That's ok, there are plenty of scents at LP to lust after. Miss Hazel if you ever do decide to get rid of one vial I'd be happy to buy one. I definitely believe you on the aging too Luna. Oils are notorious for getting better as they age. Kinda like LP ladies and the gentlemen too! :)

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Rose.. Do an ISO JOUIR DE on the trade thread. Just start it as a new topic. Thats the best way to get your request out there. :)

As for Jouir De.. I have two trial vials and this is straight up SEX SMACK. There is a slight pretty'ish dry down on top of the the just had sex, gonna have more snatchy smell. Like a horney, lightly honey diped, powdered muff.

I feel like this scent reflects a lifestyle of some Boardwalk Empire of the past.. seriously if I were an actor in that series I'd totally stock up on this.. live the character a bit so to speak.

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I already dibbed the last two samples from cheezy after selling my bottle (which I don't mind) because I feel like I get stronger results from Jouir De than I do from other copped scents.


Whoops, sorry MissHazel, didn't see that. My bad.



Thank you for the heads up on this Storemy! Looks like they were meant to belong to Miss Hazel though. That's ok, there are plenty of scents at LP to lust after. Miss Hazel if you ever do decide to get rid of one vial I'd be happy to buy one. I definitely believe you on the aging too Luna. Oils are notorious for getting better as they age. Kinda like LP ladies and the gentlemen too! :)


Rose, if you want to try it, I'd be happy to send you a sample of it. I have a vial I can fill up for you. Let me know if you want to request an email swap. From the sound of it, I think you will like it like I do. :D



The other very important thing to remember is that the Jouir de of today is a different Jouir de from the one people first wore when it was freshly-brewed. All of you who are having a pleasant experience are benefiting from the time it has had to age, which has been just about four years now.


Holy smoke! I can't even imagine how this was brand new and yet... it gives me some bit of hope. I'm still holding out on Everything Nice and that one day, we shall live in peace together.

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I was about to say if your ISO doesn't turn up something I'd be happy to just claim one Jouir De for myself or send you one if I got two my way.


just holler on my trade page if I don't check back here.

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Whoops, sorry MissHazel, didn't see that. My bad.




Rose, if you want to try it, I'd be happy to send you a sample of it. I have a vial I can fill up for you. Let me know if you want to request an email swap. From the sound of it, I think you will like it like I do. :D




Holy smoke! I can't even imagine how this was brand new and yet... it gives me some bit of hope. I'm still holding out on Everything Nice and that one day, we shall live in peace together.

Aww Storemy that's so sweet of you. I would *love* to try it, how do we work this out? and BTW, <<HUGS>> :)

I was about to say if your ISO doesn't turn up something I'd be happy to just claim one Jouir De for myself or send you one if I got two my way.


just holler on my trade page if I don't check back here.

MissHazel, you're too sweet also. Wow, I am learning that one's LP sisters are the best. You all rock! I guess to avoid confusion and complicating things and Storemy replied first, I will very gratefull take her up on her offer. But really, both of you, thank you, thank you, thank you! :kisses:

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:thank-you: Hi Storemy and Miss Hazel! I just wanted to let you know that I emailed the very busy and innundated Mara ( poor woman must be frazzled beyond belief) to provide you with my email/contact info. I assured her that there was no pressure and to do this at her convenience. Once that is done, we can all sort out what to do next. I think we have the beginning of a plan!

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  • 8 months later...

StacyK was sweet enough to send me a freebie sample of this, because I never got to try it, and I've always been curious about the stink some people talked about.


I'm not sure if I'm more disappointed that it *doesn't* stink on me, (I was so looking forward to a horrific stench, for some reason), or that it actually smells amazing on me! :lol: I put it on & prepared for the worst, but it's absolutely gorgeous!


I can't even remember what's in it now, (orchid, I think?), but it smells a little along the lines of Eye of the Moggie crossed with Sugared Honeycomb or something. It smells richly of smutty, bad-girl honey, but under that there's something like an amber holding the honey down. Is there even an amber in this? Whatever - I freaking love it! Okay. It's decided: I'm more disappointed that I missed out on a FB of this one!


Stacy, thanks for making it possible for me to FINALLY test this one out! XOX :D

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I put it on & prepared for the worst, but it's absolutely gorgeous!


I can't even remember what's in it now, (orchid, I think?), but it smells a little along the lines of Eye of the Moggie crossed with Sugared Honeycomb or something. It smells richly of smutty, bad-girl honey, but under that there's something like an amber holding the honey down. Is there even an amber in this? Whatever - I freaking love it!


So did I after reading all the hub-bub! Are you ready for this? Here are the notes: (Um - prepare to drool)



What about this doesn't sound fantastic?


I got this in the Sept sale in 2012 thinking it read gorgeous....then, in kindness, was "warned" by several LPers about how awful it would be...then I read all the reviews before it arrived and thought "uh-oh" :wacko:


Then it came.


And I was even MORE afraid!


NOT because of the stench but because I liked it. Not only that, but my persnickety husband liked it ON me. I was terrified! What the what?!?!?! It's all glorious chewy, dripping honeyed amber on a bed of orchid and musk with the sweetest, slightest hint of vanilla adding a creaminess to it.


So OBVIOUSLY I assumed there must be something wrong with our sniffers! :D


That was before I understood about LPs and how chemistry plays a large part on how a scent is on each individual. Now I wear it fearlessly and with pride ^_^


I cannot tell you how happy it makes me to know there are others who feel the same :heart:


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Of course, then I was concerned that it only smelled good to hubby and I and was haunted by thoughts of, "What if it smells like "funk" to others?! And I'm just living in the delusion?!!!" :D


That's AWESOME that the 2 of you love it as well - add you to the few and the proud :Emoticons0424:

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Like I said upthread - it's not only chemistry; Jouir de has had several years to age, so the musk is much more toned down. A great deal of the reviews which were originally written or the impressions which people formed were in the first year of brewing. I think many people who originally believed it smelled bad would have different opinions now.

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Just took a peek back - so this lovely is 5 years old?! So I shouldn't use this terribly sparingly as I'm not sure how long it is good for. LP life expectancy? 5, 6, 7 years? longer? I would DIE if it spoiled before using every delicious last drop! :o

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I can not believe that this thread was renewed just now. Late last night to cheer me up, I took out my tiny, precious vial that Storemy so kindly sent me (many thanks sweet lady). It breaks my heart to use it because I have so little of it. But with Nina passing, I felt like doing something extra special for myself, so I took it out and applied a dab to each wrist, and a dab between my breasts. It went on very much like Phero Girl with the cops thing and the bite of Cover. It did not take long for it to reveal its heart layer by layer, until the lovely musky garden within it was wafting up from my skin. I went to bed with a heavy heart, but one that was sweetened by this divine potion. It worked its magic on my spirits. I went nowhere. I saw no one but my partner. I planned no seductions, grand or otherwise. I simply wanted to be enveloped in its beauty and feel pampered, my heart distracted just a bit and Jouir De did that for me, surrounding me with its exotic, opulent, cat like beauty. Just what I needed. A little indulgence for the spirit, and I check in now and see this? Wow...very cool. My heart does ache over this one being gone though.

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  • 9 months later...

Yeah, it was one of the versions, at least, I suppose the most infamous of them. Anything with the combination of honey, amber and musk is going to smell like sex, that's why I came up with the term "smells like fucking" (SLF) which is used to describe a fragrance utilizing those notes.

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