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For weightloss??

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Just curious if anyone here has found a phero-blend that they have found to have helped them with weight loss, as maybe a suprising added benefit? Particularly wondering if anyone has recieved the added benefit of sticking with their diet by using the focus blends, such as Focus Pocus..or maybe by wearing TAF in Tantric Butterfly?


Also to expand this out a bit, has anyone found that theyve lost weight naturally from the added self-confidence that wearing something so yummy and beautiful can bring. Then beyond the scent itself, the pheromones that are known to actually increase confidence, feelings of attractiveness, the "hits" that feed back into that wicked sexy goddess feeling loop...I was just wondering if there are any stories out there. I could stand to lose 30lbs, I can easily see pheromones helping indirectly and even directly with weight loss. Its hard for me to sit down and eat junk food when Im feeling so sexy and powerful, it just seems that given some time, it is inevitable that I'll start "looking" the part I "feel" more and more.


Im excited to be here in pheromone discovery and more specifically HERE. This is a great community reflective of an over the top great LPMP company..the quality of product, the customer service, the exchange of ideas and interaction between consumer and company, it "feels" more like friends and family here than anything. Its awes me and makes me feel good to be a part of it. I was not a perfume wearer before finding LPMP..just couldnt seem to find a perfume that I felt was "me". NOW I have the opposite problem of finding too many lol...but thats not really a problem is it.


Depending on responses on the weightloss question, Im wondering if a weight loss pheromone blend would be something considered for development?


Hugs and love,




*written while wearing Tantric Butterfly

Edited by mystree
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Mystree, this is a great idea.


I know we wouldn't be allowed to sell a pheromone product specifically for weight loss - at least we couldn't market it that way, because it would cross the FDA line from "perfume" to "drug", but we can still ask Dr Stone if he can come up with anything like this, and then just be very careful in how we describe it's intent. I will ask Dr Stone when I speak with him next. :Hug_emoticon:


We did make a fragrance for this purpose tho. Come look here: Anti-Piggy


It's listed as sold out, but it's extremely easy for us to make. You can request it as a custom.

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Just curious if anyone here has found a phero-blend that they have found to have helped them with weight loss, as maybe a suprising added benefit? Particularly wondering if anyone has recieved the added benefit of sticking with their diet by using the focus blends, such as Focus Pocus..or maybe by wearing TAF in Tantric Butterfly?


As far as I know there's no phero that specifically makes you loose weight or significantly suppress your appetite...BUT having said that, I think a lot of us have noticed positive effects from phero use such as finding sticking to diets easier, feeling better about ourselves and experiencing a boosting of motivation and confidence when using phero's...

I don't know if this is the actual phero's or if it's a placebo effect, but I don't think that matters. The net effect is a positive one!


TAF can certainly help you focus and increase you motivation, as does Focus Potion.

To me TAF also boosts my energy a bit so if it's the same for you then that coudl also help you with getting more exercise.


Alpha-nol's like Woozy Floozy, Elevation Potion and my all time favourite Open Windows give you a great mood boost which in it self also makes you more likely to feel motivated to stick to any diet you may be on. Open Windows in particular is awesome for boosting mood and confidence, it just makes me feel so good about myself.


If you're a stress eater you might find that phero's like Tranquility could help you. If you eat when stressed or anxious reducing stress and feeling more relaxed might well help you in preventing you from eating too much

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It's listed as sold out, but it's extremely easy for us to make. You can request it as a custom.


*wags finger*

Now you didn't tell us that, missy! *adds yet another thing to the list*

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*wags finger*

Now you didn't tell us that, missy! *adds yet another thing to the list*


Hey, I'm sure I've mentioned that on the boards before! It's a very easy to whip up little blend, but it's not so overwhelmingly popular that I felt I needed to keep it brewed and ready at all times.


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  • 6 months later...

In a few other threads it has been discussed that alpha-nols seem to have an appetite suppressing effect for some of us. I am also noticing though that since wearing LPMP products (I am a BIG foody ho) it has DRASTICALLY reduced my cravings for dessert type sweet things. I had worried a little that smelling buttercream and sugar and such all day would make me eat tons of the real thing. But the opposite has happened. I am thinking it might be because I am sensorily so satisfied by the sweetness and creaminess of the smells, that it kills my need to EAT those kinds of things. I'm talking a pretty extreme "death of sweet tooth" effect. I have literally had desserts put in my face and my visceral reaction is blech, no thanks. This is a crazy and unprecedented thing for me. :666: Of course this does no good for people who don't like foody scents. But I wanted to share my experience.

Edited by tyvey
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  • 4 weeks later...
Not a phero, but I just read that the aroma of patchouli curbs an excessive appetite. Don't know if that's true but it's worth a shot.



Oooh! Thanks, Darbla! I'm not a patch fan, but I'm cutting back to 500 calories tomorrow, so I'll need all the help I can get!

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Oooh! Thanks, Darbla! I'm not a patch fan, but I'm cutting back to 500 calories tomorrow, so I'll need all the help I can get!


500 calories for the whole day? I don't think that's good.. I think I read that women are supposed to get either 1000 or 1200 calories a day, minimum, to keep the body from freaking out and thinking it's starving. I mean, I'm no doctor-- does anyone know for sure?

Anyway, be careful! <3

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500 calories for the whole day? I don't think that's good.. I think I read that women are supposed to get either 1000 or 1200 calories a day, minimum, to keep the body from freaking out and thinking it's starving. I mean, I'm no doctor-- does anyone know for sure?

Anyway, be careful! <3


A female should be consuming approimately 2000 kcal/day. Most reputable diets (eg Weight watchers etc) that approach weightloss in a sensible & safe way usually aim for 1lb weighloss/week. They do this by providing diet plans that give you around 1500 kcal/day so you each week consume 3500 kcal less than you need. The rationale for this is that to loose 1kg (~2lb) of pure body weight (ie fat tissue, not just water loss) your body has to either burn off (by increasing aerobic exercise) 7000 kcal or consume 7000 kcal less, as that is what 1kg is in terms of energy/kcal's. So if you decrease your calorie intake by 3500 kcal/week (ie 500/day) you'll loose about 1lb/week, more if you also spend more calories through exercise.


A diet that provides you with less than 1500 kcal/day is considered "intense" or extreme, and they are only safe in the short term. The also tend to work less well as the body adjusts the metabolism to starvation mode and lowers the metabolism to conserve energy. It's one of those evolutionary defense mechanisms that got us through times when food was scarse. So, when you then start eating normally, that normal calorie intake is too much for the low metabolism to burn off...and you get re-bound weightgain. That's why you so often see people that yo-yo diet...they diet with extreme, "quick fix" type diets instead of going slow & steady. And the bodys response to extreme diet is quick; the metabolic rate decreases already after 2-3 days of superlow calorie intake.


A diet that gives you only 500 kcal/day would be extremely dangerous. Your basal metabolic rate or resting metabolic rate is the minimum amount of energy your body needs to function ok. For an average size woman this equates to approximately 1200 kcal/day. That figure comes from calculating the amount of energy your body needs to just to stay alive, ie for cells to live & multiply & for your organs to function...with you just sitting still, doing absolutely nothing other than breathe you need to consume more than 500 kcal/day. Your organs need a minimum of 53kcal/hour just to stay alive, that's how much energy your body burns just to sustain life; to generate the body heat you need, the energy the muscles of the heart needs to contract to pump blood through your body etc. If you multiply 53 kcal by 24 hours you get the minimum you should give your body for it to function like it should.


If you consume less than the minimum that your body needs to keep organs going, the body will first try and prioritize which systems/areas of the body that most desperately need the few calories that it's given. The result is that any non-vital body functions will malfunction... your periods will stop, bowel motility will decrease (muscular contractions to move food along in your bowels "peristalsis" requires a lot of energy) so you'll be constipated, blood flow gets re-routed to ensure the vital organs get the perfusion they need so you'll end up feeling cold, production of new cells, including those of the immunesystem starts to fail so you are more prone to infection...


After this, if your body still isn't getting enough energy it will start breaking down your own tissues to use as energy, usually fat first, then muscle. The problem is that your brain contains mainly of fatty tissue, and this also gets used as energy. This is why malnourished people get "slow" mentally, their mental function gets sluggish at first, then proper confusion & cognitive dysfunction follows because the body is breaking down it's own tissues. The result for the brain is personality change with erratic behaviour, psychiatric effects like agitation, aggression, memory deficits & OCD like compulsive behaviours...It's no surprise that starving people will kill for a piece of bread, or why starvation is still used as a torture tool in some areas of the world.


Your body will also break down muscle tissue to use as energy, and even though this first happen in the large muscles (eg legs & arms) it also progresses to other more vital muscles. The initial effects are muscle weakness and feeling too tired to move alot. The later ones are worse...the body can also use the muscles of your heart & diaphragm (needed for you to breathe). Most anorexics actually don't starve to death, they tend to die from fatal arrhythmias because their heart muscle can't work properly anymore so the heart fails to contract & pump blood the way it should.


Anyways... enough of the science lesson :wub:

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:yeahthat: What Rosebud said. As an RN,(retired though I may be) and someone who lost 170 pounds, I totally agree.



170 pounds?? :surprised: Wow, that's quite the achievement! Very impressive :UkkiBannana:

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170 pounds?? :surprised: Wow, that's quite the achievement! Very impressive :)


Yes, I didn't do it in the best way possible but it took almost 2 years to lose it. I did high protein low carbs but I went from a size 28 to a 2 or 4. I'm knocking on wood as I say I've kept it off 5 years now.


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