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Friendliness phero

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She's back! Haha, I've been test driving my first LP purchase for a couple weeks now. I'm pretty pleased with what I got - LAM in Vanilla and a sample size of Pherogirl. In fact, I plan on buying more soon. I'm officially hooked!


Reviews of both PG and LAM:Vanilla will be forthcoming soon. Quick comment about PG - I'm wearing it right now. It's my favorite out of the two that I bought. Ironically, I only got a sample of it :/ But I wear it quite often. I thought I would like LAM more but I'm surprised by just the awesome honeyness of PG. It's delicious with my body chemistry - pure honey with a hint of incense from the resins. I personally don't feel like it's an excessively sexy, DO ME NOW scent lol. But perhaps that's cause I'm but a mere newb. That and I haven't seen anyone act differently around me lately.


I just (literally, less than an hour ago) ran into an ex that I'm not totally over yet :[ So when he leaned in for the hug, I sure was glad I was wearing PG, even though I didn't notice any appreciable difference in his behavior. C'est la vie..


Well I'm looking to make my second LP purchase. I'd like to pick something that inspires friendliness in others, a real people magnet combo. I'm already a friendly person normally, but I figured a phero scent would just enhance that :lol: What I really wanted to do was hold out for one of the new alcohol-based pheros but I don't know when those will debut. [Lord knows I'm probably going to make a third purchase anyway..oy]


- I was thinking about getting Une boosted with either Treasured Hearts, Heart and Soul, or Drop Your Guard, or Open Windows. I love the PG scent but I would like a phero blend that isn't just sexual and targeted at men, but is something for building friendships with men and women. What do you all think about those blends?


- Also, is it more effective/potent to buy the unscented phero and cover it or is a boosted perfume just as potent? And do either of you cover pheros with something that isn't from the LP store (like a regular commerical perfume?) Is it as effective?


<3 Nola

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Ail's Open Windows would be your best bet for the pheromone. I'll let others speak to your other questions, as I only use the pheromone-enhanced perfumes (or those with add-ins) and I don't use commercial scents at all anymore.

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Hi Nola!


I'll put in a vote for Treasured Hearts too.

It was designed to make men feel all "nesty" with you, but since I already have a nesty snuggly boy, for me the strength of this blend has been in dealing with other females - especially bristly females. It seems to smooth all the aggravation edges off of women, seems to encourage more comraderie, touching, hugging, empathy. I have this added to my "staple" perfume LP RED, so I wear it often. Works great with squabbly family members too. Everyone seems to be friendlier when I wear this. It's not a popularity magnet kind of thing tho, not "sparkly"; it's more calm and endearing - draws people towards you for that warmth and love feeling, rather than a 'wooohooo fun girl' kinda vibe.


Oh, and BTW, OCCO Gold and Sugared Honeycomb are pretty much identical. And you know already, that UNE and Phero Girl are identical, except for the cops.


I prefer to wear mine blended, rather than layered, because the perfume gives me a good indicator of how much pheros I am applying. (ie., If it smells too strong, I'm wearing too much.)

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I love both Treasured Hearts and Ail's Open Windows! And, I boost almost all of my scents....it is the most economical, and the easiest way to apply on the fly!

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She's back! Haha, I've been test driving my first LP purchase for a couple weeks now. I'm pretty pleased with what I got - LAM in Vanilla and a sample size of Pherogirl. In fact, I plan on buying more soon. I'm officially hooked!


Reviews of both PG and LAM:Vanilla will be forthcoming soon. Quick comment about PG - I'm wearing it right now. It's my favorite out of the two that I bought. Ironically, I only got a sample of it :/ But I wear it quite often. I thought I would like LAM more but I'm surprised by just the awesome honeyness of PG. It's delicious with my body chemistry - pure honey with a hint of incense from the resins. I personally don't feel like it's an excessively sexy, DO ME NOW scent lol. But perhaps that's cause I'm but a mere newb. That and I haven't seen anyone act differently around me lately.


I just (literally, less than an hour ago) ran into an ex that I'm not totally over yet :[ So when he leaned in for the hug, I sure was glad I was wearing PG, even though I didn't notice any appreciable difference in his behavior. C'est la vie..


Well I'm looking to make my second LP purchase. I'd like to pick something that inspires friendliness in others, a real people magnet combo. I'm already a friendly person normally, but I figured a phero scent would just enhance that :D What I really wanted to do was hold out for one of the new alcohol-based pheros but I don't know when those will debut. [Lord knows I'm probably going to make a third purchase anyway..oy]


- I was thinking about getting Une boosted with either Treasured Hearts, Heart and Soul, or Drop Your Guard, or Open Windows. I love the PG scent but I would like a phero blend that isn't just sexual and targeted at men, but is something for building friendships with men and women. What do you all think about those blends?


- Also, is it more effective/potent to buy the unscented phero and cover it or is a boosted perfume just as potent? And do either of you cover pheros with something that isn't from the LP store (like a regular commerical perfume?) Is it as effective?


<3 Nola


I need to get treasured hearts,but I wasn't

sure, so thanks now I think after reading your story,Me and th hubby

arn't getting along to well lately 4-5 hours drinking a week.


Doly what do you have it boosted with BI need ta knowwhenever you get a chanc.

thxs hugs to the both of you

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  • 1 month later...

I've had my best experiences with Treasured Hearts, but I haven't worn Open Windows other than with my closest friend and that's most always a perfect get together. Treasured Hearts for me was really great for a soothing, calming effect on everyone, especially for a family gathering on Thanksgiving that generally gets rather tense. I wore TH and it was surreal. Not a bit of tension. Very relaxed and comforting.


I guess it depends on how you want the friendliness to be. To me, TH has a warm, cozy, welcoming, connection vibe to it. OW has a more energetic, conversational and outgoing feel to me.

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Oh boy, perhaps I need both. Treasured Hearts sounds like what I need to be wearing at home, Open Windows is more what I am looking for to kind of restart my social life.


totally O/T, but awww, cute avatar! ;-)

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Oh boy, perhaps I need both. Treasured Hearts sounds like what I need to be wearing at home, Open Windows is more what I am looking for to kind of restart my social life.


TH is definitely awesome on the home front if it tends to be how shall we say.... difficult at times? Yeah, that's a nice way to put it.

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We, most of us, seem to be a bit nervous about the idea of using pheromones around children. In passing, yeah that's fine, but specifically in order to effect behavioral changes in small kids - that's a little scary for us. In general, I'd prefer exposure limited to youngsters of 16 years old+. For younger kids, I think you will find that aromas alone, without pheros, will provide you with a wide range of options that will indeed effect mood changes that you desire in a very benign fashion.


We've made several scents over the years especially for dealing with kids...Pied Piper Potion, Mothership, and many of our other sweet scents such as Mummy Chunks and Rocket Chick, and even Love Potion Original Blend, all of these seem to have a cozy-ing, calming effect on kids and seem to inspire a bit of affection for the wearer too.


For the surly dad, I'm throwing in a vote for Tranquility Potion if you wish to calm him, and/or Dominance Potion if you wish to put him in his place and get him acting like a good obedient lad.


Treasured Hearts (in my experience) makes guys feel protective and nesty, but it works amazingly well, even better, on bristly woman. It totally tones down competitive edges, bickering, etc. It turns family tension into a relaxed love-fest. I've had FABULOUS results with that one.


Good Luck, Halo!



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We, most of us, seem to be a bit nervous about the idea of using pheromones around children. In passing, yeah that's fine, but specifically in order to effect behavioral changes in small kids - that's a little scary for us. In general, I'd prefer exposure limited to youngsters of 16 years old+. For younger kids, I think you will find that aromas alone, without pheros, will provide you with a wide range of options that will indeed effect mood changes that you desire in a very benign fashion.


I wouldn't be afraid to use tranquility around the little ones. My two yr. old does really well w/ Mayday. That is about 1/3rd the strength of a boosted perfume, though. I usually use Mayday around naptime. I really like Heart & Soul, for a friendship blend. Welcome to the forum!!!!-Be blessed,Beccah-

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Treasured Hearts (in my experience) makes guys feel protective and nesty, but it works amazingly well, even better, on bristly woman. It totally tones down competitive edges, bickering, etc. It turns family tension into a relaxed love-fest. I've had FABULOUS results with that one.


Good Luck, Halo!





That is just what I need for work......to tame the gossip spreading, back stabbing, just looking for things to B**TCH about, bunch I work with....I think 2x spray.....

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