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conception & pheromones

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One of my friends is trying to get pregnant. I've been curious if pheromones can help her with this. While I have heard that exposure to male pheromones can aid in regulating a woman's cycle I had not heard specifically about this aspect so I've been doing a little google digging.

Short version: Yes. Regular exposure to male pheromones can make the woman's body more receptive.

Slightly longer version: Speculation that couples who are only in close contact during the 'window of opportunity' may be missing this aspect and have more difficulty.


Problem: They do not mention which of the many male pheromones they are talking about so I don't know whether to suggest my friend try Teddy Man or say... Miss Right Now. Hrumph.

I suppose keeping one of her hubby's dirty t-shirts around might work, but I don't want to speculate on whether that will make her think of cuddling or of him not picking up his laundry. :)


Quote of specific section of the article:

"Recent work on human pheromones has turned up some interesting effects they may have on pregnancy. It is not unusual in our busy society, for a couple who desire a baby to keep track of where the woman is in her cycle, and plan to have intercourse “at the right time,” yet, despite no physical problems, many of these couples still fail to conceive. Recent work on human pheromones suggests that this is not enough. Apparently the woman’s body may need continued exposure to the man’s pheromones, such as would be acheived by the close contact during coitus, several times a week during the last two weeks of her cycle to make implantation more likely. Again, evolutionarily, this would make sense in terms of signaling the presence of a pair-bonded male who could provide her and her developing child with enough food to survive the pregnancy. It would, then, make sense that lack of continued pheromonal stimulation (as in when the couple go back to their busy schedule until next month at the appointed time or in a “one night stand”) would signal the absence of a male that could mean increased hardship and lower chances of survival if pregnancy were to result. However, in the interest of passing on one’s genes, evolutionarily, the possibility of pregnancy is not totally ruled out, just diminished."

- J.Stein Carter


Link: http://biology.clc.uc.edu/courses/bio105/sexual.htm


Disclaimer: I do not find this article to be presented in an entirely scientific-minded manner. Makes it easier to read, but does color the findings so please keep this in mind.


Ta da!

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Fascinating. Yes, I've read for many years that women who live with men generally have a longer reproductive lifespan in general, too.


Scourger dug up some research recently which said something like the presence of competition, (an OTHER male person's pheromones), might make a male's sperm more viable.


Now there's a dangerous playpen to muck around in.

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Fascinating. Yes, I've read for many years that women who live with men generally have a longer reproductive lifespan in general, too.


Scourger dug up some research recently which said something like the presence of competition, (an OTHER male person's pheromones), might make a male's sperm more viable.


Now there's a dangerous playpen to muck around in.



Oh no! I take that to mean if I have an inappropriate male friend. My husbands more likely to put a bun in my oven,lol. I wonder how any of this would relate to the phenom. of superfetation. You know getting pregnant while you're already pregnant, i.e. 'double pregnant', i.e. my nightmare! Ha!

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do research on androsteNOL.


google it, you will find articles on reproductive fitness and this pheromone.

unfortunately my database on this is lost to me, but Im pretty sure it was as simple as androstenol.


in this case, her wearing any of the LAMs or BAMs may be okay,too.


I will almost bet my LIFE its NOT A1 or 'none.

I would REMEMBER those,lol, because I dislike them both :(


here is some legend that you may find science to back up:

your chemistry while in LOVE

NOT lust

enhances fertility.

(sometimes being w/someone that makes us feel good about ourselves,not necessarily in love with THEM, is enough)


mind/body chemistry stuff.


the sex is less "sex" and more "making love".




I think this is where they get "love multiplies and never divides" .

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Also, the mindset of: I love you enough to want to have a child with you assists in that endeavor, I imagine, as far as hormonal response.

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Also, the mindset of: I love you enough to want to have a child with you assists in that endeavor, I imagine, as far as hormonal response.



it really does sound like alot of hooey until one realizes that the words

"i love you enough to want to have a child with you"

is a stress-less statement;


"im willing to get pregnant"

is more of a resistant "this is a sacrifice" statement.


so hormones are responding to a stress-level or lack there-of everytime sex enters the picture because its associated with producing a child.


nifty being human.

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I wanted to add in here: I've noticed that right at the start of my cycle I am extra sensitive to my LPs. Can only wear the mildest scents. I wonder if there is a correlation to any of the scents I reach for when I am in the part of my cycle where I'm 'fertile'? Would probably work about as well as the 'rythmn method' (aka never trust it) but it would be interesting to see. I do recall that there is some research that points to women enjoying the stank of a man while they are fertile even if all other days they want to duct tape him and toss him into the car wash...

Am I repeating myself? Sorry.

*sigh* perfume is sooooo complicated!


Edit: I'm going to have to shoot this cycle/scent theory down right here. I've had a very stressful couple weeks and did not notice any change in my perfume choices. Go figure!

Edited by Isa
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