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DYG Let The Games Begin!

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I've been using DYG alot especially for the self effects.6 sprays total. 1 in my hair 1 in my cleavage and 2 each wrist and 2 on the backs of my hands. Although I'm in a profession where I have to be outspoken (CPA for an IT corp) many times when I'm just in my office working I can become a hermit crab. Mums the word. Well after spritzing myself with DYG I become the whitty social butterfly that was always lurking just beyond the surface. It has also made those around me more sociable. Sometimes in an office environment people can become so involved in their work that they can become down right rude. Not when me and my DYG are around. I've even started spraying my office door and it's getting results too. People are stopping by my office and chatting up a storm. It's almost like they're made of metal and my door is the magnet. Pretty cool. I am already half way through my bottle. You can believe I'll be buying more soon.

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I will have to hunt around and see if I have some DYG...not sure, but I'm sure I need some!! I sometimes get shy and withdrawn (out of laziness, I'm not really shy) and this would be great when I want to turn myself "on" in a social sense!!


I hope some of the other ladies will weigh in on this one as well. Which sexy 'mones would go well with DYG?

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I've never used it in combination with any other pheromones, but I really like this mix. As I reported in my journal I find it's a great relationship enhancer. And it does seem to make people more sociable, myself included.

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KrazyKat yes you should try it I just know you'll like it. One difference between DYG and OW for me are the self effects. I never felt the urge to converse with OW but boy do I with DYG. Also for me OW didnt get me the attention I'm getting with DYG. I'm like Goddesslynne sometimes I get lazy or am just too tired to join into conversations. When I'm wearing DYG it seems like I always have something to say. Also it's not as in your face as True Confession. I think you can wear DYG without risking revealing too much of yourself. It seems like it's an all around good mix.

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KrazyKat yes you should try it I just know you'll like it. One difference between DYG and OW for me are the self effects. I never felt the urge to converse with OW but boy do I with DYG. Also for me OW didnt get me the attention I'm getting with DYG. I'm like Goddesslynne sometimes I get lazy or am just too tired to join into conversations. When I'm wearing DYG it seems like I always have something to say. Also it's not as in your face as True Confession. I think you can wear DYG without risking revealing too much of yourself. It seems like it's an all around good mix.


Thanks Countesszero, Im pretty introverted so Im lookin forward to trying this one!

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I think you can wear DYG without risking revealing too much of yourself.


Glad to hear that! I wasn't interested in trying this mix before, because I do tend to give people TMI as it is. If it's more of a social, rather than bare your soul phero. I think I would love to try it :)

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I've been using DYG alot especially for the self effects.6 sprays total. 1 in my hair 1 in my cleavage and 2 each wrist and 2 on the backs of my hands. Although I'm in a profession where I have to be outspoken (CPA for an IT corp) many times when I'm just in my office working I can become a hermit crab. Mums the word. Well after spritzing myself with DYG I become the whitty social butterfly that was always lurking just beyond the surface. It has also made those around me more sociable. Sometimes in an office environment people can become so involved in their work that they can become down right rude. Not when me and my DYG are around. I've even started spraying my office door and it's getting results too. People are stopping by my office and chatting up a storm. It's almost like they're made of metal and my door is the magnet. Pretty cool. I am already half way through my bottle. You can believe I'll be buying more soon.



Hey Countess - does this affect your hot CFO differently as well? Since we know he's attracted to you wondered if the switch in phero signature did anything for him?

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DYG is also having a great effect on my HOT CFO. He couldnt take his eyes off of me at our staff meeting. I think he had a DIHL response because of all the pheromones I was wearing. It was very obvious that he was smitten with me. He also has started lingering in the hall by my door and talking louder in order to get my attention. I'm attributing his responses to the DYG spray though because it's the only new addition to my daily wear. I'm ordering more on Monday. I do not want to run out.

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DYG is also having a great effect on my HOT CFO. He couldnt take his eyes off of me at our staff meeting. I think he had a DIHL response because of all the pheromones I was wearing. It was very obvious that he was smitten with me. He also has started lingering in the hall by my door and talking louder in order to get my attention. I'm attributing his responses to the DYG spray though because it's the only new addition to my daily wear. I'm ordering more on Monday. I do not want to run out.


Yee Haw Countess! You go!


Edited to ask - 1X or 2X strength?

Edited by Shelly B
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You're welcome, Countess. I caught your request and changed the title right away for you.


I'm glad this thread is going, as for some reason it appears that people think the amazing blend that is UNscented DYG is sold out, when it's not.


Night all..Life is a wee bit tough right now at this end, as some of you already know, so this is a very fleeting hello to you all.


Blessings and Hugs


Ail )O(

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