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Pheromones & Alcohol

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Here's a li'll science lesson for you :OU1D43~112:


Alcohol’s direct action on the brain is as a depressant. It generally decreases the activity of the nervous system. After one or two drinks a person tends to talk more & become more active because alcohol can cause disinhibition, i.e. inhibits cells & circuits in the brain which themselves are normally inhibitory.


Nerve cells communicate with one another via electrical & chemical signals. In essence signals coming from outside the body like light, sound, smells, tastes, & pressure are converted (transduced) into chemical & electrical signals which pass from one part of the body to another & from one part of the brain to another.

Electrical signals generated in one neuron causes of the release of chemicals called neurotransmitters (NTs) from that neuron. These NTs in turn are then available to act at other neurons in close proximity to the first to either excite or inhibit that neuron’s activity.


There is many different NTs in the brain. Four of the most important NTs with respect to alcohol are glutamate, gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA), dopamine (DA), & serotonin.


Glutamate is the major excitatory NT in the brain. Alcohol acts to inhibit a subset of glutamate receptors, thus diminishing the excitatory actions of glutamate. This causes muscular relaxation, discoordination, slurred speech, staggering, memory disruption, & blackouts

GABA is the major inhibitory NT in the brain. Alcohol acts primarily at the GABA-a receptor to facilitate its action, thus in essence creating enhanced inhibition. This causes feelings of calm, anxiety-reduction & sleep. Changes in the number of both glutamate & GABA receptors as well as the ability of these receptors to bind their NTs appear to be involved in the development of tolerance to & dependence on alcohol.


The third important NT in alcohol action, Dopamine, is involved in reward processes & thus seems to be responsible for the rewarding aspects of alcohol consumption.

Alcohol increases the amount of DA in the brain & this leads to excitement & stimulation.


Genetics determines which neurotransmitter system is most strongly affected by alcohol in which individual. Individuals who become sleepy soon after drinking probably have their GABA system more strongly affected by alcohol. And individuals who become lively & excited after drink probably have their dopamine system most strongly affected.


And phero's?

Androstenol (5α-androst-16-en-3α-ol) is a volatile steroid compound belonging to the group of 16-androstenes. Androstenol is structurally similar to endogenous A-ring reduced neurosteroids that act as positive modulators of GABAA receptors. A structural similarity also exists between androstenol & progesterone, allopregnanolone & allotetrahy-drodeoxycorticosterone. So basically, these have the same effect on GABA-A receptors that alcohol does so you'll feel drunker if you use phero's when drinking, but your blood alcohol level wont be higher.

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So I understand why I had my blackout episode now. I have been sticking to beer, & a much lesser extent wine. Which is ironic, because when using 'mones. Guys are lining up to buy me drinks! Seriously, I don't know how many unrequested shots I've turned down. I really appreciate your contribution to this thread , Rosebud. I really wanted this thread here for new 'mone users to read before they go out. The pheromones LP carries are very concentrated & effective. Hopefully, people read it first, so no one gets hurt. Not from the pheromones, but the combination of them w/ alcohol.-Be blessed,Beccah-

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  • 1 year later...

Has anyone seen any other pheros besides a-nol, affect their response to alcohol (tolerance or otherwise)? Poor halo's hangover made me wonder if anyone has seen eg, B-nol or EST effects get amplified by alcohol in themselves - or others for that matter. I could swear the EST in CB amplifies alcohol effects - or the other way around, ie, the disinhibiting effect of alcohol makes self and others more reactive...

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@Tyvey I think anything that directly interacts with your neurotransmitters, well in the way pheromones do at least, should not be combined with excessive amounts of inhibition lowering chemicals. Also, if nothing else, drinking may cause the dreaded neurotransmitter burn-out to occur more rapidly. Which in effect may hasten a tolerance to one's favorite blend. I haven't experienced this personally, so this is purely conjecture on my part. I have experienced the major decrease in tolerance, with Heart & Soul having the most pronounced inhibition lowering results.

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